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Everything posted by Crucifixuz

  1. sold to him sory cant post ss i was in phone thk all
  2. ok bro i answer
  3. new b.o. by kiles100
  4. rotom good iv bold etc and hp grass maybe good for anyonfor quagsir or gastrodon good iv rotom bold 29 28 27 28 startbid: 600k minraise 100k insta 2m duration 3days from start thk
  5. lol it was already sold and this other dude spams it now for 2,.8m wtf xD
  6. wow best idea
  7. poke massage in veilstone ? xD
  8. yes+1 pvp was more fun when this was banned people should use more cool fun poke innstead of tryhard with this shit
  9. you are the genius
  10. what a bos idea bro
  11. omg yes
  12. bump
  13. bump
  14. yeah bro thjs is what the game needs +1
  15. will i lose this cas h ? :( i have screenshots of my winrates etc
  16. any news about this ? best item
  17. i lost 10 or 11 matches
  18. thx love you babyzorro chopper beelzebro
  19. i was wondering why my cash went down without buying anything and noticed i lost a ton of cash to pvp loses when i paid attention to it. for every lose i lost 50k. and in total it were like 500k can i please get a refund for that and a fix as soon as possible =??
  20. to get the high shiny chance and because it is easier to get then since it is ms only night tier 100 i think these fossils deserve the same respect as others and even more so do not discriminate against it and give them their own deserved fossil plzz
  21. pls
  22. would be so epic bro nice suggestion +1
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