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Everything posted by Crucifixuz

  1. bump loved this item pls
  2. hey bros i got my personal streak 88 and it used to be the highest but when i talk to the bot and ask for global record it just says "currently unavailable" :( please make me famous again for my hard 7 hour fight marathon :( :D
  3. hey bros i fought the reworked pewdie and diepy bosses 3 times now and never got more than 30k on hard mode, which is pretty ridiculus when u compare it to shary and shaui who can drop up to 100k and are equal in strength and fight duration. even a single boss drops more than them so it is probably a bug ?
  4. -1 the battle thing rework is alrdy announced so you should just wait for that and story + events are most fun i think there should be even more focux on that. staff worked hard to make the game as awesome as it is and most of them are players like us + this game is a beta and nothing official. this post is just unthankful, why dont you apply as staff and "save" this horrible game then ? if you wanna forfeit a lot in pvp you can still do it in poke showdown
  5. 2d left bid more now
  6. the akatsuki headband item was shown and made months ago why can't it be relased for players :( ?
  7. yeah +1 the poke costumes are one of the best things in the game, wish there were a lot more :(
  8. Username: Crucifixuz Server: silver Season you were Top25/Screenshot of your current rating: april Your voting: yes allow Your reasoning: as others already pointed out correctly, the gems won't change a lot and are in no way overpowered. It would be cool to see some hitmonlees or hawluchas except the same lame teams over and over again but i think there won't be many people using them anyways even if they were to be allowed so just allow it is not a big deal imo Lucky adventure bros
  9. please make it
  10. hidden ability iv good pvp exclusive poke startbid: 1m insta: 2,2m min increase: 100k auction end: 3 days after startbid
  11. that seems kinda suspicious, does hillary have a discord tag ? xD
  12. hi, wtb shiny duskull or dusclops / NOT DUSKNOIR if have plz show and price thk lucky journey
  13. pls
  14. Please my bosses, invent Bulbasaur Charmander Clothes and Squirtle with a shell on the back would be so epic and since all other classic starters have a full set already <3
  15. Hey peoples i want to ask and suggest why there is no cover and plume fossils in the game ? They are gen5 and still the game has those gen6 fossils available already for long time... would be great to have those since they really are a damn pain to farm :)
  16. headband is already in game but why not available to buy anywhere ?? pls
  17. yes we need best item +1 pls
  18. @Artorias can i get a refund for that then ? i was scared to still loose and kept bidding...
  19. if you feel treated unfairly go report and dont insult here
  20. i bid 18m in time in forum and you were the one pming him ingame AFTER the auction was finished for 16,5m which made it end unfairly for 18m now...
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