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Everything posted by Leonidas92

  1. Very nice mate
  2. Hi guys, so I want to sell these 2 shinies and I guess I dont have to remind y'all about the trade rules. Mainly looking for cash but I'm opening to hear some fair offers, I also take cc, rr ticket, ms. Other than that, here is my demand: Shiny sudowoodo: Start bid: 1m Insta: 2m Shiny Crawdaunt: Start bid: 1.5m Insta: 3m Price if you decide to take both of them insta: 4.5m. As soon as someone start the bid, auction will start and last for 48 hours. Good luck and happy bidding guys.
  3. i have a talonflame all 22+ if you are interesting, also some other low lvl if you still open to check them out.
  4. 400k snivy, also interest in insta as well
  5. I'll start 300k on the snivy
  6. 20+ all and that lowest 01 atk for the best foul play.
  7. @klayna2206 what about my offer here, you didn't answer any of these offer, and you just made a new post for you treecko. @Logan Thoughts?
  8. I think I do have shiny scizor for sell
  9. My offer will be 1m cash + these epic event pokes + some epic/godly pvp pokes.
  10. @zitzer can you meet me at lilycove , I dont know how to get to the event map yet. IM still waiting at lilycove
  11. @zitzer pm in game seems laggy , im at lilycove waiting for ya
  12. im in game right now, at Dewford
  13. I believe I won the dratini, the time is up right
  14. I offer 800k + for the insta
  15. good luck on selling Cybaer
  16. Fight, since my fave shiny Pokemon is Lucario
  17. @jernbeck I just wondering if female snorunt modest work for you? I have one with godly ivs
  18. cool , skip
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