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Everything posted by Ily2

  1. 1.3
  2. Hi, can I start 400k Mawile? Thanks in advance.
  3. sold pls close
  4. Hi, selling this dedenne 800k. Thanks!
  5. bump
  6. Boomp
  7. 600
  8. bunp
  9. I start 500
  10. If it helps, I bought this 1.5
  11. Still looking - Bump
  12. everyone who linked some.. I'm looking for 20+ rest and 31 spd :v
  13. bump
  14. boomp
  15. I'm on now, my discord is Oyy #1022 and my ign is ily2
  16. Time left?
  17. Bumperoo
  18. 31 spd 20+ rest, timid. Money no problem. Thanks :)
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