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Everything posted by Bagadzilla

  1. i recall my offer too long to answer
  2. If you think the price is to low you cannot cancel. Nevertheless, you set the lower bound.
  3. greetings team: I want to ev train full for : magby (252spatk and 252speed) and also one larvesta (252def and the rest half hp and half spattk)
  4. I cancel my offer since it is a day that the shop did not reply (if this post is active please send me a pm)
  5. greetings beautiful team: I want to ev train full for : magby (252spatk and 252speed) and also one larvesta (252def and the rest half hp and half spattk)
  6. If bold +21 ivs all if timid +20 ivs all and spd,spatck +26. Offer around 1m, no need for hp ground.
  7. No hard feelings and take good care of it Agresivity :) <3
  8. since auction is cancelled I offer 600k if applicable
  9. i think I am on time since I am inside the hour according to the rules
  10. is the post still active?
  11. i want to buy that weezing
  12. I am intrested for ev-service (full ) for a calm and an impish eevee to be trained for umbreon. alias: Bagadzilla
  13. How much per cc? 340k?
  14. Hello att 252 spd 252 rest hp ty a lot ! and thank you for the torchic!
  15. Hello, I want 252spd, 252 spatt 6 spdef for 50k as you told me for my treecko. THANK YOU!
  16. its over dude
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