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About Artoriel

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Beast Trainer

Beast Trainer (5/12)



  1. Hello, I have checked your variables in Gold Server and everything seems to be normal. Hannah is located at the second floor of Hoenn Pokemon League building. Are you sure you checked the right spot? Just to make sure, can you give us a screenshot of the location where Hannah is supposed to be? Thank you.
  2. This bug has been fixed now. Can you try again?
  3. Alright, I will close this thread since it has been resolved. If you have any issues, feel free to contact me or any other staff members. Sorry for the inconvenience and hope you have a nice day!
  4. Hello, I have done some changes with Jackson NPC that might be able to fix your problem. Can you try to fight him again now?
  5. Hello there, Sorry for the inconvenience, we are looking into this issue right now. We will update you once the issue has been fixed.
  6. Alright, closing this post.. If you have any more issues, feel free to contact us, we will be glad to help you :)
  7. Hi there, For now, Alolan Pokemon won't add to your Pokedex count. You can watch the Update Log Thread or join our official Discord Server and stay tuned for updates in the #announcement channel so you will know if there are any changes regarding this in the future. Have a nice day!
  8. ^ this You need to go back to Pallet town and talk to Jackson's mother at his house. After that, you can go back to Viridian City School and continue the story. Please reply here if you still can't continue the story after following the instructions.
  9. Hello, Sorry for the inconvenience. That NPC has been fixed now, you will just need to battle her for one last time. If you find any other Battle NPCs that still reset every weeks, feel free to report them. Thank you and have a nice day!
  10. Hi there, I have checked your variables and it showed that you've already beaten Shary and Shaui two times in a row. You should be able to get your additional reward after one more win. There was indeed a visual bug in the boss cooldown checker, but it has been fixed now. Sorry for the inconvinience and hope you have a great day!
  11. Hi there, This bug has been fixed now. Thank you for reporting this and hope you have a great day!
  12. This bug has been fixed now. Thank you for your report and hope you have a great day!
  13. Hi there, Can you tell me more information regarding the bug?
  14. Hi there, I have fixed your variables. Hannah should reappear for you now. Just talk to her again and she will bring you straight to Sinnoh. Good luck and hope you have a great day!
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