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  1. Greetings! I had thought of this suggestion maybe a week ago, but had forgotten to post it, so here it is. I assume introducing something similar to 'Information (or) Status' would be fun. The meaning of this is when others view someone's Trainer card, there should be a player information which we can edit via our a command like '/info 'X'. This might be fun and maybe also useful. For instance, 'Do not PM'; 'From Japan'. 'Buying A Shiny Pokemon' and so forth. Feel free to comment. Thanks! Regards, Warden
  2. in short: Giovanni is too strong for casual players who just wanna play their story their way. you get stuck and frustrated since you cannot "really" level up when stuck at giovanni first time. (without trading pokes) I feel like many people quit because they get stuck at giovanni or even misty (gym8 / gym2), because they cannot find a good spot to level up their pokes. PS since pokes scale way better with levels than evolutions casual gamers will just evolve their starters and getting eventually stuck in story or frustrated in general id like to know the PRO point of view on balancing and "GUIDING" new players. [spoiler=Spoiler]i know some people will say "there is alot of walkthrough guides on forums" but most people infact never use forums so i dont think thats a valid point.
  3. I was thinking about make a PvP zone in each center pokemon in all regions, that can make the trade better to us. Think... If you have 2 pikachus to sell but the buyer are in pewter and you are in cinnabar, is hard walk all the way, but if we have the PvP zone they can just enter and do the trade. Is a good idea, please make it for improve the game.
  4. Since dig spots give a lot of useless items (I.e status medicine, that is useless because of Lum berry being so easy to find) we tend to have a lot (and I mean a lot) of thrash on the bag. It would be helpful to actually being able to sell all that, and a reasonable price; since everything in this game is so damn expensive, this could be a good opportunity to make money.
  5. It's fustrating that there're areas where the gym is 30+ levels over the mons available on the wild, this makes it harder to raise a mon against that gym. Also why E4 gives no exp? Makes no sense whatsoever.
  6. Since we have PvE coins, the PvP reward system get nerfed so much. I think there is no exclusive untradable pvp reward-items I could get from the PvP shop anymore. I worked hard to get Kyogree and Entei mounts and also a Pangoroo set. Now it's much better to keep doing this PvE to get a syncable pokemons chance. The only valuable items I can grind for in PvP system are reroll tickets.. I think there should be some more exclusive rewards in this shop. Maybe other page with syncable pokemons, but more rare than in PvE shop? Like Vulcan island starters. Or extra items like super black medalion with 50% for h.a, or some shiny chance booster for wild pokemons. Do u have some good ideas how to make this part of game more profitable? Maybe just the simplest way that for PvP match we would get a 1 PvP coin + 1 PvE coin? There is so much to do outside the ranked battles, IMO the PvP reward system should be better.
  7. Hello, So the rules said when someone timestall the only way to report him is to record the match. but when u dont have any possibilities to record the match u instant loose the game. there should be any way to record the match like in pokemon showdown or when u check the local time it should be at least reporteble. cause one guy do this all the time I faced 4 times this season and he always wins because of time stall. and I dont think everyone on pro has a camcorder to record the game or just play on the phone.
  8. Hii PRO team. Can you bring features like purchasing pokedollars$ like pokecoins. we can purchase now coins but we can't purchase pokedollars rightnow so in next update please bring a new menu where we can purchase pokedollars.
  9. Hey team, Can some dig spots be added to hoenn and sinnoh they will be helpful.
  10. Pokeradar Who never stayed several days without finding a shiny one in battle and when it finally comes is a Rattata or Zubat?! The idea is a device called pokeradar that increases the chance of the first pokemon of the slot to come shiny for example: If you have Shinx in the first slot of the time and activate pokeradar, his chance will come shiny would be hypothetically 1/750 while other pokemons do not have the chance changed or even no chance while pokeradar is active. How it would work: Having the pokeradar in hand the trainer would have to buy batteries that lasted a certain number of steps as well as the repel but could be activated or deactivated to save battery while not hunting. Where to find batteries: Batteries can be purchased in the mart and can have several options of duration, 200 steps, 500 steps and 1000 steps. How to get the Pokeradar: To get the pokeradar the trainer would have to have seen all the kanto pokemons to the sinnoh region. Why does the first pokemon only increase the chance? Well this would give the trainer the chance to use pokemon with sync in the second slot creating the possibility to hunt shiny with correct nature Why PRO needs a shiny pokemon hunting system? One of the biggest problems of the PRO is what to do after finishing the story, over time as soon as the goals end there is not much to do besides PvP and boss. Benefits of the shiny hunting system: Would greatly increase the number of people streaming PRO while hunting their shinys and give the trainers the opportunity to have their favorite shinys.
  11. I suggest simply adding unova to let the players go on a further trip
  12. Hello my name is CyBeR54, I want to suggest a move which is called "Cosplay". Its similar to Role play but it checks the Hidden Power instead of the ability. Would be nice if its possible to add. I suggest this because its frustrating to see epic mons without the hp i need Greetings
  13. Please can you add a french version of Pokemon Revolution because it's difficult for some french player understand the story and quests. Thanks you.
  14. Lately the economy is so bad, pokemons are worth nothing and CC, MS and stuff like this are just worthless. I have seen CC going for 200k this week, and my complain and suggestion is that the admins do something about it and rase the price to 500k or something like that. Basically what is going to happen is this: 1- If you do not rase the price and it keeps dropping, people that usually buy CC with real money, they do not find any worth into paying 5$ for 250k. 2- If people doesn't buy CC, the game is it going to disappear. No founds for new programmers and new content. 3- Since PRO was started as a project, and people spent time on it, I believe that a little reward for them is appreciated. 4- Many people also wants to rise the prices, and have a better economy. 5- There will be no supply of CC. Thanks.
  15. We Have been experiencing a Major Drop in Value in CC's, MS, BMS, etc In order to help with this drop in Prices, I request/Suggest the following.... ☆Make the new Upcoming Pokemons Catchable by MS ☆Have new Mounts ☆Maybe some Events? that with certain stuffs that forces/requiers players to Use MS/BMS/Coin Shop Coins Atm, just have does 2 Ideas that could be added, and by doing so the Demand if CC and others will rise, and that will also help stop the drops in values and eventually help it grow Im certain there may also be Other ideas that can help raise the demands for this items If any have some, please comment below Thanks for Reading
  16. For a better usage of PVE COINS Hi,before you start ,thanks for reading this is a massive wall of text but is worth read believe me. i edited all of this content to a better view of my idea, if you like please give me a like and comment! Be free to suggest.yes this is a work in progress because i will add a few more ideas later! "Hoping that a staff menber seeing this" Last Edit: Reformed some Text added : Exchange the token idea for pve coins, Exchanged text and title 26/05/2018 What consist? This "Idea" will talk about some things that can be worked inside the game for a better gameplay and end game experience. Is true that, sometimes players that are ingame end experience, with almost every objective done , most of them quit or create a new account, well theres some solutions on this thread about that topic. I will start to talk how this "idea" appeared, about at the beginning of my experience of this game , this game have a lot to offer and have a great potential to have more and more to offer, so i did a call with my friends that played with me pokémon in my childhood and they started to talk the old times, with time i talked about this game , that I'm playing now and with my suprise they started to give me suggestions to increase the experience without even playing (yeah it's true XD). So when i realized i started to write this post. I will talk about: Possible Minigames. Possible Pve coins usages. Possible gains for pro. Ideas From Other players (very interesting, thanks guys.) So, let me introduce some ideas and some helpful things that i think this game needs or help in other ways: Minigames Can be added a island / Map (i will call this Map) . This "Map" can have requirements to enter. Inside of it , you can have a lot of buildings, that buildings will lead to a specific minigame content and one of the building is a exchanger from the minigames points. When win that minigame will receive a currency/item that allows to exchange for anything that is only exclusive on that area, i will call that currency in this post "PVE COINS"-this can be pve coins. Pve coins can be used to exchange for: Exclusive items Exclusive cloths Keys/Item that allows unlocking others Buildings in that "Map". Possibility to exchange Pokemon's that only can be found on the "MAP". Unlock path/other minigames, grass.(Better explanation at PVE coin Exchange/Unlock Others Minigames) Requirements to go to that "map": Hours Sinnoh Champion Requirements to Start a minigame: x$ per try. (Like battle tower system entrance / Coldown also needed). -> guard will not allow to pass if is there a cooldown yet. This up here, already write will make this game more interactive and popular, so i will present only a few of my minigames. Pokémon Battle Ramble Pokémon Surviving Pyramid -A Wild Pokémon by using a trapping move (including binding moves). -Random Trainers that wondering around.(Wild Pokemon cannot be caught that's why i added pokeball in rules.) In the "end" of each Floor there is a npc , that npc will ask with dialog if the player wants to leave or continue. -if player choose continue: [spoiler=Continue Consequence] -A Warning appears before player makes the decision , that warning says:"If you get defeated you will lose the reward from all the floors progress do you wish to continue?" -Will not receive a pve coin!- With a message in chat saying: "you decided to continue and the "Npc" did not give you a reward yet." -Every time you enter in a new upper floor the difficulty will increase with lvl or types changing. -If PLayer Choose Leave: [spoiler=Leave Consequence] -Will receive a pve coin!- With a message in chat saying: "you decided to Leave and the "Npc" gave you "x" pve coin(s)." -Player Leave the Minigame Puzzle and appears at the starting zone. -Exept the Last floor NPC: that will give the max tickets from that minigame and make the player teleport to start, and may give a bonus or not. [bonus that can be added] [Example:Reward System] Like i said before , every Npc will ask player if he wish to continue or not.(Objective align) Example of Rewards: 1st floor - no reward to 1 Pve coin. 2nd floor- no reward to 2 Pve coin. 3rd floor- 1 token to 2 Pve coins. 4st floor- 2 Pve coin 5st floor- 2-3 Pve coins+(%1 bonus reward) 6st floor- 3 Pve coins +(%15 bonus reward) 7st floor- 5 Pve coins +(%18 bonus reward) Important Notes: -This minigame can have a low cooldown to enter again because is the own risk and player also can exit without any reward. Who's Guilty? PVE coin Exchange/Unlock Others Minigames Final Objective-Pokémon Revolution Online gain Ideas From Other players Thanks for reading ! I'm just trying to help the game. Give me a feedback what can be added/increased on this idea. I really think this will help a lot.
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