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  1. Hello Today i relearned many skills on a few pokes including vulpix. Last skill i wanted to get back was Hex. I clicked relearn, choose Hex, accept, it ate my 2k but didnt open window to choose. Tried it a few times, relogged etc and it ate a hefty amount of my money without option to relearn :( Server:Silver pokeID:32730283 Help
  2. I just found a bug. I was ev training someone's rotom in kanto safari ev wald and saw that ominous wind was working on poliwrath which is a water/fighthing poke. Ghost moves shouldn't affect the fighting types but here it was affecting it.
  3. where we can get volcarona wings and giratina wings?? i am very very want it
  4. I was catching a really rare poke (mudkip) when the server crashes and it dissapeared... What can i do?
  5. relised my zorua by accident acc name Nemanja
  6. This particular old man NPC trainer with a Corsola, in Route 32 (Johto), still notice me, walk up to me, and force me into a battle, even though I battled him already before, more than one week ago. Usually NPC trainers only needs to be battled once, after that they won't notice us anymore.......but this one seems to not have that setting. In the picture you can see the man not standing in front of the cliff, but 1 cell further, a proof that he walks up to me. Normally he stands right in front of the cliff.
  7. I am not able to merge my account .... since I can not provide video I will describe what happens .. when I merge my main account, and I click for merge: my screen darkens and then become normal again without anything happening. after that it is done I can start the merge again without anything happening and the same step this repeats ..
  8. Hello there support! I was playing on red yellow blue version before. I decided to get back on pokemon revolution, but i lost everything. :'( I know i had a mount, i would really like to had it back if its possible pleasee thank you, the trainer Vesca359
  9. hello, I would like you to help me get back my pokemon/mount/hat/gears from my old version (red) is it possible to recover my last data please!
  10. Is there anyway to regress a pokemons level? I level up my larvitar to lvl 99 and i meant to evolve him but i didnt!
  11. cant log in to silver server, is it down or something?
  12. Hi, so I was trying to message someone in game, but I pressed un-friend instead of message and I can't remember their username! I tried my best to remember, but I don't know. I think its Atarque(?) I tried searching but no luck.. I really wished I could remember it. If anyone can help that will be appreciated!
  13. How can i put my pokemon in pc storage?
  14. I haven't played this for about 3 years now and I came back and merged my Red to the Silver server and it will not let me sign in. It will let me sign into Gold just find. If anyone could help that would be great!
  15. Hello guys, I just completed Sinnoh region and was planning on catching a great Gible. Best way to do so is at Moon. For some reason the NPC in Mossdeep Space Center is telling me "This area is off-limits". How comes I can not enter this anymore? Or is it a region that you can only visit once? Thanks in advance!
  16. someone help me i have released my milotic by wrong a godly one can i get it back
  17. Hello, I have 146 kanto pkmn caught 126 evolutions in my dex, but professor oak wont tell me about the know it all man in celadon. I have the seen data for the 3 birds and I also beat mewtwo, mod said I have 150 seen so all im missing is mew. Why is this happening?
  18. hoy comencé a jugar de nuevo luego de 1 año, y recupere la cuenta pero ahora estoy en el servidor plata, pero me encuentro con que en mi equipo hay un magikarp y un horsea bug, pues resulta que estoy en hoen y ellos son de kanto por lo tanto el juego no me deja moverlos a la pc o ni siquiera subir y bajarlos de puesto
  19. I caught a Nidoran and then shortly afterwards, the server crashed and when I was able to get back on again, my Nidoran was missing. Could you please possibly return her to me?
  20. Seems I have to let you know here, otherwise noone opens it. Has been down for an hour soon
  21. Hi, i traded a guy my haunter to evolve it to a gengar. Regretfully, he did not tell me he had not beaten the Kanto elite 4 and my gengar is locked in his computer. His account name is ThalesIn. Is there anything y’all can do or do I have to wait until he beats the elite 4?
  22. his onix outspeeds every pokemon i have, making my fighting and grass types completly useless. And honestly, im not going to grind my pokemon to lv20 from lv5 pokemon for hours just to beat the FIRST gym. Bulbasaur ? killed in 1 rocktomb nidoran ? he uses dig, 1hit
  23. I trade my Johto pokemon for evolving to a Kanto player and it's locked in his PC, Can you help me to return it to my PC ? my id : Binsarhuang Other person : Jayden0104 Thankyou.
  24. cannot access lake valour after canalave city gym and for some reason it let me in sunnyshore city to get the badge and now wont let me return
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