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1. Requirements 1.1. Minimum OS: Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion) RAM memory: 1 Gb GPU memory: 128 Mb 1.2. Recommended OS: Mac OS X 10.11 (El Capitan) RAM memory: 4 Gb + GPU memory: 1 Gb + 2. Allowing unknown sources Click on the Apple menu > System Preferences > Security & Privacy > General tab. Under Allow applications downloaded from select Anywhere. 3. Download latest version Click on the Finder icon for Mac download here: There is no mistery in this tutorial but with recent versions it's needed to make step 2. Hope it helps! :Shy: PD: It seems that right now, official link is dead, feel free to ask for mirrors!
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Unless you get insanely lucky and come across something extremely rare in the market, there is no quick fix to earning money. It is important to remember that in any MMO—generally the best things come with time and hard work. This guide focuses on the long-term and combining various strategies, although there are some tips that are quick for small-scale gain. If you are looking for an instant fix, this guide is not for you. _____________________________________________________ Frisk. Frisk is an ability that displays the held item of your opponent when the Pokemon with the ability enters the battle. This is one of the first things you can obtain in the game that will help you immensely throughout the game although this is more of a long-term option. Frisk is the H.A (Hidden Ability) of Sentret and Furret which can be found on Route 1 during Morning/Day. In conjunction with either Covet or Thief this can be incredibly handy for farming held items. Covet and Thief. Covet and Thief are moves that steal the opponent's held item. As mentioned above, these are to be used in conjunction with Frisk for maximum output-minimal effort. However, until reaching Celadon to do the Thief Quest, Frisk is virtually useless since you cannot Trade to ask someone to put Covet or Thief on your Pokemon and the combo is otherwise unavailable to you at this point. As an alternative, in addition to capturing a Frisk Sentret (or Furret), I would suggest catching a Mankey; these can be found on Route 22 - just west of Viridian City since Mankey at this early stage of the game will already know Covet. Synchronize. Another ability based money-maker, Synchronize (commonly called sync) gives a 50% chance that the caught Pokemon will be the same nature as the Pokemon with the Synchronize ability - be aware this only works if the Sync Pokemon is in the first slot of your party, it also WILL NOT work if the Sync Pokemon has fainted. Early on in particular, I suggest taking the opportunity to learn Headbutt in Viridian Maze so that when you arrive at Pewter City, you can headbutt the trees there with a chance of finding Natu, you will notice Natu/Xatu are very commonly used Syncs because of their ease to get ahold of. Syncs generally sell for around 10k per, this is quite cheap but when 75k for a bike seems daunting, this could be a great thing to stock up on ready for when you complete the Fourth Gym. I personally recommend finding (or buying, if you feel like it) your own collection, and keeping one of each Sync (minus any neutral natures such as Hardy, Serious, Bashful and Quirky - trash these, they will do you no good) and using your personal collection to either farm more syncs or to farm rare Pokemon - depending on the Pokemon caught this could make thousands to millions in single sales. ________________ Held Items. So, here is where I explain why Covet and Thief are super useful early in the game - and it might not be what you expect. Paras is incredibly common in Mt Moon and holds the Tiny Mushroom item. This can be sold to the Item Maniac for $1500 - you would need to find 50 to outright pay off the bike. It may be a slow process, but not half as slow as farming Pokemon battles - this is definitely a "every little helps" suggestion. As I mentioned at the beginning of this post, with some effort, luck and strategy, you could make a huge amount off Held Items - especially when Trading becomes available to you after the Fourth Gym. Items such as the Protector (held by Rhyhorn), Magmizer (held by Magmar) and the Electrizer (held by Elekid and Electabuzz) can make you some impressive money in single sales. Hidden Items. Hidden items are found throughout the game and can vary from "You found Nothing... That's right. You found Nothing" to Rare Candies, Evolution Items and other useful items. You can use a Hidden Item Location Guide or simply try to find these yourself. Items such as Rare Candies will easily make you upwards of 15k per. _____________________________________________________________ Farming. Early in the game this simply isn't an option if time and speed are something you are concerned about. This is only useful if you have an appropriate Sync for a Rare Pokemon in an area (Spawn Guide & Rarity Guide) and understand the mechanics of IVs/Nature/Ability (IV/EV/Team Building Guide) - the latter being particularly important as this allows you to understand what is worth selling and what isn't - and roughly how much you can sell it for. Another form of farming also isn't particularly beneficial until later in the game, but is worth mentioning, is locations such as Victory Road (Prior to Kanto E4), Dragons Den and Cerulean Cave - these contain high level Pokemon who give a pretty decent amount of money per battle, this is definitely one to keep in mind for later on and are good locations to also level Pokemon to 100. Dig spots. Dig spots reset every 3 days, Trainers every 7 and Bosses every 11-15 days. All of these are very effective methods of making some extra money on the side - however are also a later feature in the game. Dig sites can contain Pokemon, useful items and in some cases Fossils or items that are sellable to the Item Maniac (Dig Spot Guide - this guide is currently outdated but a very good place to start, I will update this link when it is either updated and/or I find a full up-to-date Guide). Trainers. I have noticed that if I leave all my Trainers to do in one day, I can make on average 100k per region - this also includes trainer battles inside gyms (does NOT include Gym Leader, these cannot be battled again once beaten). This can be time consuming but it is also very satisfying not bumping into any trainers for a week when done this way. Bosses. Boss battles themselves can give anywhere from 4k to over 90k, depending on the boss. It is also the boss rewards that we are interested in here, for example Erika has a chance of Larvesta - which is a very popular Pokemon that can fetch a good price, or save you both time and money if you intend to use it for PvP. There are also "Pokedex Pokemon", such as Audino from Shary&Shaui. You can profit from obtaining one multiple times by using it for Pokedex service. Excavation Sites. Excavation Sites are another great source of income, for players who are more advanced in the storyline. This Guide to Excavation Sites is incredibly useful if you are unsure of how these work, or what you can expect from Excavation. Daily Quests. Celadon and Solaceon dailies may not seem much at first, but the rewards quickly add up over time. >Celadon daily quest < will give you a small money reward every time, in addition to a plethora of items, with a guaranteed shiny Pokemon after you have completed it 50 times. Keep in mind that it is worth doing even if you do not have time to catch a Pokemon with amazing IVs every time; you will still get the money reward and some items. > Solaceon daily quest < may not directly give money, but you get useful items such as Revival Herbs, Ultra Balls and possibly even a Reroll Ticket, which is always in high demand and is worth a decent amount. ________________________ Daycare and PokeDex Services. Some players will lend their Pokemon to fill out someone's Pokedex, this is primarily used for those interested in obtaining legendaries such as Mew and Celebi - which require a full regional dex relating to the one they are a part of. As mentioned before, rarer Pokemon such as Elekid/Porygon2 will sell considerably higher and open the door to cash in on a single Pokemon multiple times. I do advise caution when running a Pokedex service, please ALWAYS screenshot your Trades - this is something you should do regardless of running a service or not, but the rarer the Pokemon, the higher the chance of a scam - when running a dex service also screenshot your chat log showing the agreement that the Pokemon is to be returned after the Trade. If this ever happens to you, please report in the Report Center subforum. In regards to Daycare, some players will level your Pokemon for you for a fee - this is something that could be done yourself if this is something you're interested in donating your time to. Again, ensure that screenshots of all Trades and agreements are made as a form of insurance if things are to go awry. Opening Your Shop. Forums are your friend. They remain a good way to sell Pokemon, since unlike Trade channel, your post is fixed. This allows for a lot more control over your sale, and gives buyers time to think carefully about their purchase and results in a fair price that reflects the Pokemon more accurately. Pokemon used in Ranked PvP or Collector Pokemon (e.g. Event/Shiny Pokemon) generally receive good prices. The best way to make money from your finds are to EV Train and level the Pokemon to 100, this also adds value to Pokemon that are not so good - but are suitable for story. Some Non-Rare Pokemon that will generate a relatively quick sale, for beginners. ________________________________________ We've covered making money, now here's a few tips on how to keep ahold of it. Pokeballs. There is a Team Rocket NPC in Celadon and Goldenrod Marts, selling 50 Pokeballs for $9,000. This is a $1,000 saving per 50 Pokeballs, which adds up over time. Escape Ropes. Ned outside Mt Moon that sells five Escape Ropes for $2,000. This is a $750 saving per 5 Ropes. Berries. Shelbie in the Route 104 House sells five Berries daily for $100. The type of berry rotates weekly. Supplements. Energy Guru in Slateport City sells 10 of a chosen Supplement (such as HP Up, Calcium, Iron etc) for $40,000 once every two weeks. This is half price when compared to 10 bought normally. NPC Quests. Speak to NPCs everywhere you go, they will give you quests that may result in a few extra useful items: NPC Pokemon. NPCs in various locations will ask you to swap Pokemon with them, some of these can be particularly rare such as Mr. Mime or Goodra. Farming & Selling Your Own Pokemon. This may seem an obvious one, but simply limiting the Pokemon you buy unless they give multiple returns (such as investing in Pokemon to be used for a Pokedex Service) can save you a lot of money, and when specifically farming and selling your own, this is virtually 100% profit.
Pro Discord guide The PRO Discord channel is a good tool for all players as well as staff. It allows us to give players information quickly and keep them up to date on disruptions such as maintenance work. There are also a lot of useful tools on the server for players. This guide is to show you how to set up a Discord account, how to join the PRO server and what is available on that server for members. The Discord I have used is the Discord app for windows PC. Downloading Discord and the layout of Discord is different between the PC version and the android version but setting up a Discord account, the pro Discord server and bot commands are the same for both PC and android. To download Discord onto an android device just go into play store, search Discord and download. Index [goto=1]1. Setting up a Discord account[/goto] [goto=2]2. Screen layout[/goto] [goto=3]3. Assigning yourself a server[/goto] [goto=4]4. Discord channel[/goto] [goto=5]5. Events and tournaments[/goto] [goto=6]6. Information[/goto] [goto=7]7. Player zone[/goto] [goto=8]8. Trade[/goto] [goto=9]9. Voice chat[/goto] [goto=10]10. Bot commands[/goto] [anchor=1]1. Setting up a Discord account[/anchor] Go to and the screen will look like the image below. Click on the download for windows button, inside the red circle in the picture above and it’ll give you the option to dowload the Discordsetup.exe file shown in the picture below. You select save file and it’ll begin downloading the setup file for Discord. Run the program and follow the instructions in it to download Discord onto your computer. Once Discord is set up and you run the program it will come up with the page in the picture below. You will need to click on the circled register button to create an account. Once that is done you will need to type in your email address and create a username and password before clicking continue as shown below. You will be logged in once that is done and appear at the page in the picture below, you will also need to go into your email account you used and click on the verification link in the email, this step is important as you will not be able to join a server until it is done. Click on join a server and your screen should look like the picture below. You will need to input a instant invite code for the server you wish to join. The invite code for PRO Discord server is: enter it into the box like below and select join. Once you’ve done that you’ll appear on the PRO Discord page in the server rules section. Please read all the rules carefully as they will be enforced by the staff. You will also see a countdown at the bottom of the page, circled in the picture below, this is the amount of time you need to be a member on the server before you can post anything so use that time to read the rules. On the right is a list of the people currently on the server and on the left is a list of the different channels on the server. [anchor=2]2. Screen layout[/anchor] Mute – The button circled in the picture below will mute the channel you are on. It will stop all unread indicators and notifications unless you are specifically tagged. Pinned messages – The button circled in the picture below will open up the pinned message for that channel. These are messages that have been saved so that members can find them easily at a later date. Pinned message often contain either important or helpful information for members. Each channel has different messages pinned and some have no messages pinned at all. It’s recommended that you go through all the channels and read the pinned messages in each. Members list – The button, circled in the picture below, will show/hide the members list side bar Mentions – The circled button in the picture below will show you all posts that you have been tagged in. Help – The help button, circled in the picture below, will open up the help menu. Mute/deafen – These buttons, circled below, are for voice chats. The mute will make it so that everyone else in the chat cannot hear you while deafen make it so that you cannot hear them. Settings – The setting button, circled below, will open up the settings options for you Discord account. [anchor=3]3. Assigning yourself a server[/anchor] The first thing you want to do is to read the server rules page. The top of the server rules page will look like the picture below. Once you read all the rules you want to follow the directions in the red circle in the picture above and connect yourself to the server/s you play on. Scroll down the left hand side until you get to player zone: bot commands, circled yellow. You will need to type into the chat box “?rank your server” as shown in the red circle in the picture below. As you can see, in the yellow circle below, your name will be white before assigning yourself a server to show that you’re not connected to any server. As you can see in the red circle in the picture below, it will come up with a message to tell you that you’ve joined a server. In the yellow circle you will see that the colour of your name has changed. [anchor=4]4. Discord channels[/anchor] There are five sections in the Discord server for general members: events and tournaments, information, player zone, trade and voice chat. All sections are shown in the red circle in the picture below. Each section can be opened and closed also if you have an unread message on one of the channels it is highlighted white as shown in the picture below in the red circle. [anchor=5]5. Events and tournaments[/anchor] The four channels in the events and tournaments section are: Ladder tournament Player hosted events Guess the pokemon event Pokemon trivia event Ladder tournament – this is where the replays for the pro pvp ladder tournaments are posted. The top pvp players on each server at the end of each season are given the option of entering and you can find a link to the table and see how they battled each other in the replays. Player hosted events – this channel is for advertising player hosted events and giveaways. Only staff and Discord mods can post in this section and any requests to post an event needs to be made to one of them. Most of them will be on a specific server and when it is it will be labelled clearly that it is for that server only. Guess the pokemon – This channel was specifically for a guess the pokemon game held on the 24/12/17. Pokemon trivia event – The channel was specifically for a pokemon trivia contest held on the 25/12/17. [anchor=6]6. Information[/anchor] This is probably the most important area on the Discord server and is an area you should always keep an eye on. In the information section is: Announcements Server rules Pro useful links Guilds Announcements – This is where staff keep you up to date on events that are happening behind the scenes. If the servers crash, it is here that they will let you know when they are back up. Maintenance work will be announced in this section as well as events, recruitment and a whole range of other things. Anything pro or Discord related that the staff feel members need to know will be put here and if it’s important they will tag members as well. Server rules – This is where the server rules are. Please read them all as ignorance of the rules is not a valid defence for breaking them. By being on the server you agree to follow these rules so you do need to know them. This is the channel you appear in when you first join the server so you cannot say you didn’t know they were there. Pro useful links – This is the second most useful channel on the server in my opinion. It has a lot of links to different areas on the forum including a lot of guides. It is an excellent resource for any player and even experienced players use them. Story quest guides; game mechanics like repel trick, dig spots, ev and iv explanation thread; game data guides like tm locations and move tutors; and loads more. Guilds – This channel is a list of guild active in game. It has the name of guilds from all three servers and links to their recruitment pages on the forum. If you have a guild and want you guild listed, you need to create a recruitment page and then follow the instructions at the top of the guild channel. [anchor=7]7. Player zone[/anchor] Player zone is the main chat area of the Discord. It is where most players spend their time on the server. Player zone has 7 channels in it: General Support Bot commands Pvp showdown Art Mapping Video streams General – This is the general chatting area on the Discord. You can talk about anything you want here with the other members as long as you stay within the server rules. Support – This is like help chat in game. If you have a problem or game related query post it here and someone will come along and help you. This channel has the same rule as help chat, keep things help related. Bot commands – this is by far the most useful channel on the server for members in my opinion. This is the area where you will type all the bot commands. Dyno bot, reborn bot and all the others. They can all be found and used in this channel. Please see the end of this guide for an abridged list of the bot commands available in the server. Pvp showdown – this channel is for all pvp talk. Talk about teams, moves or tiers, it all goes here. You can also post replays of your battles for others to watch. It’s not just for showdown, video of pro battles can be placed here as well. Art – as the name suggests this channel is for art or art related topics. Show off you work on this channel and advertise art services such as forum signature shop (leave 24 hours between each advertisement). There are some rules to this channel such as no NSFW art and not uploading other people’s art as your own. If you’re going to upload other peoples art make sure you have their permission and that you credit them for it. Mapping – a place to show off you mapping skills. Create your own maps and put them here for scrutiny. Look at the work of the other members as well. There is a mapping program in the pinned messages for you to use. The mapping team may even give you pointers from time to time if asked nicely. Video streams – This channel is used to post your pro videos as well as to advertise your live streams. [anchor=8]8. Trade[/anchor] Please not that you will not be able to write in the trade channel for a server you have not assigned yourself to. There are three channels in the trade section, one for each of the servers and you should only post in the channel for the server you wish to do the trade on. All three channels are the same; the only difference is the server they are for. In the trade section you can: Make a request to buy Put up pokemon & items to sell, please provide a screenshot of the pokemon when you post Advertise or request EV and levelling service advertise you shop on the forum Please note that pro trade rules apply to this channel. Do not spam requests or advertisements and leave at least 24 hours before reposting a previous trade shout. So if you’re selling a Dragonite and a Gyarados you can post both but you can only post each one once in any 24 hour period. [anchor=9]9. Voice chat[/anchor] There are four voice channels in the voice chats section and a text channel to accompany the voice chats. One of the chats is specifically for staff but members can use the other three. To be able to use voice chats you need to reach level 7 on the mee6 bot on the server. [anchor=10]10. Bot commands[/anchor] The two main areas on the server that you will use bot commands are in voice chat for the music bot and in bot commands for the rest. There are a lot of bot commands and some of them will only be available to moderators. Below I have listed the more common used bot commands for members. Dyno bot commands, all the commands in this section need to be prefaced with ? (example ?wiki): Reborn bot commands, all commands in this section need to be prefaced with ^ (example ^spawn route 1): Fredboat bot: This is the bot that is used to play music in the voice chats. All commands for this bot must be prefaced with ;; (example: ;;stop)
(Of Pokémon) Combat moves Return: Power = ⌊Happiness ÷ 2.5⌋ Frustration: Power = ⌊(255 - Happiness) ÷ 2.5⌋ The moves Return and Frustration are Happiness based - depending on the Happiness of a Pokémon, the power of the move changes. While Return gets stronger the happier your Pokémon is, Frustration gets stronger the unhappier your Pokémon is. Using above formulars concludes: - The max Power for both is 102 - If the result is a integer number (2.9, 1.02) the result is rounded down to an non integer (2, 1) - If the user's Happiness is 128 or more, Return is stronger than Frustration. - If the user's Happiness is 127 or less, Frustration is stronger than Return. Exception: The minimum Base Power is 1 Methods affected by Soothe Bell: ♥ Walking. When you walk your Pokémon at the first spot—and only the first spot of your team order—your Pokémon will gain 1(2) happiness points each 216 steps. (This doesn't apply to land mounts, but does to water mounts). ♥ Winning fights. When you win a fight against a Pokémon, regardless of battle type, all participated Pokémon in your team will gain 1(2) happiness. (Only works for Pokémon still alive at the end of battle). ♥ Level ups. When your Pokémon get´s a level up, no matter how, it will gain 5(10) happiness. Methods not affected bySoothe Bell: ♥ Vitamins. Protein, Iron, Calcium, Zinc, Carbos, and HP ups will boost the happiness by 2 points. PP ups, PP Max and Rare Candy will boost the happiness stat by 0, but you will get the level up happiness boost from using a Rare Candy. ♥ EV Reducing berries. EV Berries will boost your happiness stat by 2 as long as you have 1 or more EVs in the according EV Stat. ♥ Trading. When you trade a Pokémon it´s happiness will be reset to 70, therefore, it is only possible to gain happiness with this method when the traded Pokémon happiness is under 70. Services: Chris in Goldenrod City Underground or in Slateport City open air marked: Friendly Drink (5) 1.500$ Friendly Meal (10) 2.500$ Friendly Combo (20) 5.000$ Colorful Shake (Depends on combination*) 2 times different 15 berries *Depending on the combination, the Colorful Shake can be much more effective but also a bit less effective than the Friendly Combo. Brad in Goldenrod City Underground or in Slateport City open air marked: Brushing (10) (Once a day*) 2.000$ Shampoo (20) (Once a day*) 3.000$ Smile Cut (30) (Once a day*) 4.000$ Beauty Cut (30) (Once a day*) 5.000$ Royal Cut (50) (Once a day*) 6.000$ *the cooldown resets every day at 0:00 GMT+0 ♥ Pokémon gets defeated. You will lose 5 happiness in this case. ♥ Trading. When you trade a Pokémon it´s happiness will be reset to 70, according to that it is only possible to lose happiness when the traded Pokémon happiness stat is above 70.
Original drawing's author Hi, and welcome! You will find below all evolutions working differently in PRO as opposed to the handheld versions due to code restrictions, and those currently not coded yet, as it can be confusing, mostly for PRO newcomers. -[/hr] ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ For happiness evolutions, you need 255 happiness (max). Use the command /happy 1 to check your lead pokémon's happiness. Find out more about happiness in this guide. For timed evolutions, Day is between 10:00 and 19:59, whereas Night is between 20:00 and 03:59. -[/hr] ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ Eeveeto: Leafeon: Evolves via level up at Petalburg Woods (Hoenn) or Eterna Forest (Sinnoh) (doesn't require a Mossy Rock) Glaceon: Evolves via level up at Shoal Cave Low Tides Rooms (Hoenn) or Route 217 (Sinnoh) (doesn't require an Ice Rock) Sylveon: Evolves via level up at Love Island knowing a Fairy-type move (doesn't require Affection levels) [*] Note: If your Eevee hits max happiness upon levelling up, it will prioritize Espeon / Umbreon evolutions. ‒ × ‒ × ‒ Inkay to Malamar: Evolves at level 30 (doesn't require to turn your game upside down) Good luck on your adventure, trainer!
Mt. Silver Walkthrough Hey! I am writing this guide because I noticed there were not any good Mt. Silver guides so I wanted to make one to help out the community ( ). I hope this guide helps! Requirements: Entrance Exploring the Mountain Karate Master Jackson Red And that is the Mt. Silver Questline! After the quest Mt. Silver is a pretty good place to hunt Pokemon, and Ev train them as well :) :Heart: :Heart: :Heart: Thanks for using my guide! I hope it has helped you! :)
Sevii islands guide For this guide I will first go through the quest to unlock all the islands then I'll go through each island individually to show what you can do on each island. When travelling to the Sevii islands please be aware that when you first get to an island you will not be able to leave the island until you have completed the quest to unlock the next island. You also cannot go to any island right away. At first you can only go to island 1 and once the quest on that island is complete you'll unlock island 2, do the quest on island 2 to unlock island 3 and so forth. There are some high level trainers on the various islands but you should be able to manage them seeing as you will have needed to beat the Kanto E4 to be able to go to the islands. Index Requirements How to get to Sevii islands Island 1 Island 2 Island 3 Island 4 Island 5 Island 6 Island 7 Island 1 extra Island 2 extra Island 3 extra Island 4 extra Island 5 extra Island 6 extra Island 7 extra Requirements To access the Sevii islands you must: Have membership active. Be Kanto champion. A full team of level 70+ pokemon - this is not a requirement but it is recommended. How to get to Sevii islands To access Sevii islands you need to speak to the Sevii Island Transport NPC at Vermilion dock. When you speak to him he will ask you which island you would like to visit. If you select an island you have not unlocked he will tell you that that island is not available yet. Island 1 Island 2 Island 3 Island 4 Island 5 Island 6 Island 7 Island 1 extra Island 2 extra Island 3 extra Island 4 extra Island 5 extras Island 6 extra Island 7 extras That is it for the Sevii island guide. If you know of something that I may have missed then please feel free to reply to the thread and I will edit the guide to include it.
Complete Kanto Walkthrough Hello, I've created this guide to help out the newer players who may be struggling with progressing in the story. In this guide, I will go over how to beat the Kanto region's story; from the intro to the Elite 4. Hopefully, you can find use of it and it helps you Throughout the guide, I will be linking other guides for side quests or other peoples guides on certain story quests. This is because I believe it's important to credit the people who have already put in the effort to make helpful guides. Guides that I don't find a place for or guides that I feel are important to be included will be linked at the bottom of this post. For the users who have been wanting me to create a Johto guide, you can find it in the link provided below. Apologies for not creating it myself, sooner. I got burned out from the game and the guide was left half complete in my documents. Luckily, SugarRed9 has completed her own. It follows the same structure as this guide so everything should be familiar to the new players who are following along. Arielgg has also made the Hoenn and Sinnoh guides, so be sure to give a big thanks to her! Johto Guide Hoenn guide Sinnoh Guide To get the most out of this guide, please use CTRL+F to search for the part that you're looking for. The index A place of reference to help you better find what you're looking for. Introduction Pallet Town Route 1 Viridian City Viridian Forest Pewter City Route 3 Mt. Moon Route 4 Route 25 & 25 Cerulean City Route 5 & 6 SS Anne Vermilion City Diglett's Cave Rock Tunnel Route 8 & 9 Celadon City Lavender Town Route 12, 13, 14 & 15 Fuschia City Journey to Saffron Saffron City Journey to Cinnabar Cinnabar Island Viridian City Gym Victory Road Kanto Elite 4 Finishing Kanto and starting Johto The guide Introduction WELCOME TO PRO! Once you start a new game on any of the two servers, you will be greeted by Professor Oak. From here you can design your character; please note, you cannot change your character's appearance without buying the Magic Mirror from the coin shop. So chose wisely. Once you have chosen your character you will be spawned into the intro world. Follow the dirt path South until you reach Oak; talk to him then continue the path. Eventually, you will reach Mew, it will flee and you can continue the path. Once you reach your mother she will start crying about how much she will miss you, once her dialogue is over you will be teleported to Pallet Town. Pallet Town Once you spawn in Pallet Town you should leave your home and walk to Professor Oak's Lab, which is at the Southeast of your home. Once there you will be given the option to chose your starter Pokémon. You will also be given your Pokédex. When choosing your starter you have 4 options; Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Charmander and Pikachu. By choosing Pikachu you unlock an extra side quest where you are able to obtain Ash's hat. Link to guide. To chose Pikachu you must click "No." on all three starters. After choosing your starter you can exit Oak's Lab and return home. Talk to your mother then go upstairs and pick the two items on the floor. You will receive 5 Pokéballs and 5 Potions. Now, leave your house and walk outside. You will notice an Eevee with an orange name. Talk to it and you will trigger a scene with Jackson, your rival. Talk to Jackson to battle him. If you lose a battle you will drop 5% of your money. Once you finish the fight you should continue North to Route 1. Route 1 Now that you have left Pallet Town you must continue North, to Viridian City. On your way you can talk to the NPC with the brown coat for a free potion. There are also 3 hidden potions behind this tree. Viridian City Once you enter Viridian, the first thing you will see is a Rare Candy. This Rare Candy will respawn once every 7 days. There is also a trainer here who will trade her Oddish for a Pidgey that has 15 IVs or more in Speed and Attack. If you chose Charmander or Pikachu I recommend this trade as it will greatly help with the first gym. Before you continue the story I recommend training your Pokémon to around level 10. Use Route 22 to train your Pokémon. Once you are ready for Jackson, enter the school building and go to the lower floor. Confront Jackson and you will battle him. His Eevee is now level 8. If you lose to Jackson then you will have to talk with the Receptions and then return to Pallet Town and ask his mom to come and move him. His house is the one next to yours. If you beat Jackson then you are free to move on to Viridian Forest. Head North to Route 2 and continue until you reach the stop house. Viridian Forest When you're in Viridian Forest you will find Viridian Maze. The entire maze is pitch black so you will need HM Flash to go through it. Use this guide to help find your way. Link to guide. Outside of the maze is a boy who has lost his Pidgey to a Team Rocket Grunt. Accept his quest and go into the maze. After defeating the Rocket Grunt you can return to the boy and you will receive 15 Pokéballs and an Escape Rope as a reward. Go back into the maze and talk to the girl on a motorbike, she gives you the option to learn headbutt. You should do this as headbutt is quite useful for finding berries and rare Pokémon. Once you've done everything you can in the maze, start to make your way through the forest. Make sure to battle all the trainers as they're a good source of EXP. After you reach the end of the forest you will exit on Route 2. Use the tall grass here to train your Pokémon to level 15 if they aren't already. Pewter City There isn't much to do in Pewter City except for defeating the gym. Once you enter the city you will be greeted by Team Rocket outside of a Pokécenter. Talk to them then continue to the gym. Brock uses Rock Type so water, grass and fighting are your best options. He uses a Geodude and an Onix. I recommend you level your Pokémon to around level 15 for this gym. After beating Brock he will reward you with the Boulder Badge. By receiving the Boulder Badge you can now use Headbutt and Flash outside of battle if your Pokémon has 150 happiness or more. You also can buy TM34 - Bide from the man near the entrance. When you leave the gym you will talk to Red for the first time. Complete his dialogue and continue to Route 3. Route 3 Again, there isn't much to do on Route 3 except for fighting a load of trainers. Once you reach the Pokécenter at the other side you can enter it and purchase a Magikarp. Outside at the entrance to Mt. Moon, there is a salesman who will sell you 5 Escape Ropes for $2,000. You save $500 with this deal. Mt. Moon Mt. Moon can be a bit of a maze to newer players. When trying to get to the other side you should avoid the first 2 ladders as they only lead you to dig spots. Instead continue on the first floor until you reach the ladder at the end. There is also a free Moon Stone here which can be useful later on. Continue walking through until you reach Mt. Moon B2F, defeat the Rocket Grunts and talk to the scientist. He will battle you for the fossils that he found. After defeating him you are allowed to chose one to keep. On the left is the Helix fossil which gives you Omanyte and on the right is the Dome fossil which will give you a Kabuto. After you take a fossil you can walk forwards a little and battle Jesse and James. After you defeat them you can continue to the exit. Route 4 There isn't anything to do on Route 4 except for battling a few trainers and headbutting a few trees. Continue walking East until you reach Cerulean City. When you get to Cerulean City heal your Pokémon and walk North to Route 24. Route 24 & 25 Once you defeat them all you can progress to Route 25 where you will meet a team Rocket Grunt. Talk to him and you will receive a free Nugget (And a surprise battle :3) After beating him, start to walk East. Defeat the trainers and arrive at Bill's house. Once inside, talk to Bill and he will ask for your help. He has lost his research book and if you can find it for him he will reward you. You might get tired after looking through all his bookshelves and resort to help chat or this guide. His research book is under his pillow, take it and talk to Bill again to receive your reward; a ticket to the SS Anne. Cerulean City After you return to Cerulean City you should start to train your Pokémon to around level 25. Use the trainers from the nearby routes and the tall grass on Route 24 to help level them. Once you feel like your Pokémon are strong enough you can challenge the gym. Misty uses Water Type Pokémon so grass or electric types will work well against her. She uses a Poliwag, a Horsea and a Starmie. I recommend you level your Pokémon to around level 25 for this gym. After defeating her you will be rewarded with the Cascade Badge which gives you the ability to use HM Cut outside of battle. You can also purchase TM11 - Bubblebeam from the man at the front of the gym. Something to remember in Cerulean City is the bike shop. After you buy the bike ticket from Vermilion you can trade it for a bike here. Route 5 & 6 After defeating the Cerulean gym you should continue south to Route 5. On Route 5 you will find the daycare center however it's good to note that breeding is not in PRO. Instead, the daycare is used to teach your Pokémon egg moves after defeating the Naero boss. This is end game content and won't be covered in this guide, if you want to learn more about bosses then check out this guide: Boss Guide. At the end of Route 5, you will find this underground passage. Use it to travel to Route 6 where you can continue the story. Once you arrive at Route 6 you will be able to battle a few trainers. Make your way to the entrance to Vermilion and talk to Psychic Wade. He will teleport you to an alternate reality where Lance has destroyed Vermilion City. Confront Lance and you will be engaged into a battle with him. He will use his Dragonair which spams Hyper Beam; slowly eliminating each one of your Pokémon. After he beats you, you will be teleported to the Vermilion Pokécenter. Rush back to Wade and talk to him, after you finish talking to him you can progress to Vermilion City and the SS Anne. SS Anne To start the SS Anne quest you will first need to talk to Lt. Surge at the Vermilion Docks.He will return to his gym and you will be able to enter the cruise ship. If you didn't get the SS Anne ticket from Bill then you will have to walk all the way back to Route 25 and complete his quest. When you enter the SS Anne, talk to the usher and he will escort you to your room. Log in to the PC next to your bed and he will move from your doorway. Whenever your Pokémon need healing you should come back to your room and interact with your bed. As you continue you can go into each room of the ship and battle trainers. To maximize your EXP I recommend that you battle all of the trainers on the ship. Make your way to the first floor and enter the kitchen; located on the far left. Make sure you have a Pecha berry to give to the doctor, if you don't have one in your inventory then there will be one in a trash can. Talk to the doctor in the kitchen and offer to help him cure the captain. When you show him the Pecha berry he will tell you to go the second floor and meet Jenson.Go to the second floor and enter the room on the far right. In here you can talk to Jenson who will ask you to find his Blissey in the ballroom as it holds the secret potion. Make your way upstairs again. From there you have the option to beat Jackson again. You might as well as it's some free EXP and he probably deserves it. Continue to the ballroom and head to the upper floor where you will find Jenson's Blissey. Talk to it and it will disappear and leave you with the secret potion.Now you can return to the second floor and find the captain. On the way there you can pick up some leftovers from this trash can, Once you get to the captain's quarters you can give him the potion in return for HM Cut. You can now leave the SS Anne and fight the Vermilion gym.You cannot return to the SS Anne after leaving. Vermilion City Lt. Surge's gym puzzle is probably the most annoying one out of the Kanto gyms. Instead of having something cool like teleporters or... teleporters, he has a bunch of trash cans switches and two of those switches need to be activated in the correct order. When guessing the switches you will mostly see this: However, once you trigger the first switch you will see: You now have to find the second switch in the sequence by going through all the switches again. However, if you click the wrong switch then you'll have to start again, so you better remember where that first switch was. Once you finally find both correct switches you will be able to progress and battle Lt. Surge. Surge specializes in Electric Types so ground type Pokémon will be most effective against him. He uses a Voltorb, Pikachu, Electrode and Raichu. I recommend you level your Pokémon to around level 35 for this gym. Upon beating him you will be rewarded with the Thunder Badge and you'll be able to buy TM24 - Thunderbolt from the man at the entrance. When exploring Vermilion you can go inside this house and receive a free Old Rod. You will need to collect this in order to gain access to the Good Rod and eventually the Super Rod. You can also enter the house next to the Pokécenter and help the boy. Upon paying him $60,000 & giving him an OT Ditto, Samuel will thank you by giving you the bike voucher. You can trade this voucher in at the Cerulean Bike store to receive your bike and gain access to the bike route. Diglett's Cave After you are done in Vermilion, head East to Route 11. Here you can talk to a karate expert outside of Diglett's Cave and he will move out the way.Enter the cave and follow it through to Route 2. Once there you should head South to the stophouse. Talk to Oak's aide and he will check your Pokédex. You need to have caught 10 different species of Pokémon. You can check your caught data by going to your Pokédex and looking at the number next to "Owned." Now that you have HM Flash you can go back to Cerulean City and go East to Route 9. Rock Tunnel After travelling through Route 9 and beating the trainers there, you will have to enter Rock Tunnel. However, similar to Viridian Maze, Rock Tunnel is pitch black so you will have to teach one of your Pokémon HM Flash.To use Flash outside of battle you have to, first, click the Pokémon in your party and then click the move "Flash." Now your vision should be a lot better. Follow the cave through, it's mostly linear but if you are having issues finding the correct ladders then here they are in order. Once you escape Rock Tunnel, head South to Lavender Town. Upon arrival you will hear two guards talking about crime in Celadon City. Since you cannot do anything in Lavender Town yet you must go West to Route 8. Route 7 & 8 There are a lot of trainers on Route 8 which means there is a lot of EXP to be gained. There is also a hidden abandoned Growlithe behind this tree. After beating the trainers on Route 8 go to the underground tunnel and continue East to Route 7. There is nothing interesting on Route 7 so continue to Celadon City. Celadon City When you arrive at Celadon City the first thing you might notice is Sergeant Rick. Team Rocket has set up base in the Gamecorner and Rick needs help infiltrating it. To start the quest you need to offer your help. Enter the Gamecorner and talk to Greg. He will lead you downstairs. Once you are downstairs, talk to Greg again and he will leave. However, clumsily, he will forget his lift key. Pick it up and use the lift at the bottom of the hideout. Use the lift to go to B2F where you will meet Jackson. Fight him and defeat him in a battle. When you beat him he will get really upset and alert Team Rocket of your whereabouts. Walk around and you will be captured by Team Rocket. Whilst in this room you can use the crates to hoist yourself over the wall and attempt an escape. If a Team Rocket member sees you then you will be transported back to where you started. In B2F there is a large maze with some items scattered around it. Go through the maze, following the red arrows and exit the maze with the green arrow. Once you collect all the items go down the second flight of stairs to B3F and fight Greg. After you beat him go through the smaller maze and down the staircase. Once you're in B4F defeat the Supervisor to get the Card Key. Go back upstairs to B2F and through the large maze again. Take the lift to B4F and use the Card Key on the hidden door. Fight Giovanni and after you defeat him he will run from the building. You can now pick up the Silph Scope from Giovanni's table. You now need to look in each receptor for an Eevee. There are 2 receptors in Giovanni's room, 1 on the other side of B4F and 2 more on B3F. After you find the Eevee you can now leave the Gamecorner and talk to Sergeant Rick. He will reward you for your hard work with the Eevee that you just saved. Now that you've beaten Giovanni you can talk to these Team Rocket members and they will run from the city. You now have access to the Celadon gym. Heal your Pokémon and go challenge it. Erika specializes in Grass Type Pokémon so fire, poison, bug and ice type Pokémon will help you a lot. She uses 3 Pokémon, a Victreebell, an Ivysaur and a Vileplume. I recommend you level your Pokémon to around level 45 for this gym. After you beat her you are given the Rainbow Badge which gives you access to trading with other players. This opens the option to do evolutionary trades which can be useful later on. You can also buy TM21 - Mega Drain from the man at the front of her gym. Exit the gym and you will be put into a battle with Red. Just like Lance's Dragonair he is highly over-levelled compared to you so defeat is almost inevitable. Once the battle is over you can head back to Lavender Town. Lavender Town When you arrive at Lavender Town the first thing you should do is snoop around Mr. Fuji's house. There will be some notes on his desk; interact with them and continue to Lavender Tower. Enter Lavender Tower and work your way to the top floor. You won't need to worry about going back to heal your Pokémon as half way up there is a Nurse Joy. When you get to the 6th floor you will have to use the Silph Scope to reveal the spirit of a Marowak which is blocking your path. You can't catch it so once you KO it move on to the 7th and final floor. There you will have to defeat a few Team Rocket Grunts and save Mr. Fuji. Once you save him he will reward you with the Poké Flute. Leave the tower and return to Mr. Fuji's house and engage in some dialogue with him. When he is finished talking you can go South of Lavender Town to Route 12. Route 12, 13, 14 & 15 Follow Route 12 South until you find the sleeping Snorlax. Use the Poké Flute to wake it up and try you best to capture it. Once you either KO or capture it you can now use the stophouse to the left for a faster way to get to Vermilion City. In the upper floor of the Route 11 stophouse there is another Oak's aide who will give you Dig after you capture 30 different Pokémon. Continue South on Route 12 until you reach a small patch of grass. There is a hidden rare candy here that respawns once every 14 days. Pick it up and continue the wooden path to Route 13. On Route 13 there is a large maze with a lot of trainers in it and at the end of it, Berry Tower.You can battle in Berry Tower and win.. you guessed it, berries. If you don't need berries then continue the path South to Route 14. Once on Route 14 head Southwest to Route 15 then finally follow Route 15 West until you reach Fuschia City. Fuschia City Unlike some other cities, the first thing you should do in Fuschia is defeat the gym. Janine, the leader of the gym has many other lookalikes in her gym and you have to work your way through them and an invisible maze. Follow this route to battle each trainer and get to the gym leader. Janine uses Poison Type Pokémon so ground and psychic type Pokémon will easily take care of her. She uses a Crobat, 2 Weezings, an Ariados and a Venomoth. I recommend you level your Pokémon to around level 55 for this gym. After you beat her you will be rewarded with the Soul Badge. You can also buy TM6 - Toxic from the clerk at the front of her gym. When you leave the gym walk south until you meet Victor on the beach. Battle him and he will tell you where to find HM Surf. You can also teach any Pikachu Surf if and only if you chose Pikachu as your starter. Head to the North side of Fuschia and enter the Safari Building. Here you can pay $5,000 for 20 minutes of safari time. When you are teleported to the Safari Entrance follow these directions to get to Safari Area 3: East to Safari Area 1 -> North-East to Safari Entrance -> West to Safari Area 2 -> South to Safari Area 3 When you get there, enter this house and HM Surf will be waiting for you on the wooden table. From here you can also enter the Safari Exclusive Area if you bought a membership to PRO. More info on Membership only areas can be found here. Now that you have HM Surf you can either use up the rest of your safari time looking for rare Pokémon or you can use an escape rope to be teleported to your last used Pokécenter. Before you leave Fuschia City, make sure to visit the Fishing Guru's house where you can purchase the Good Rod for $15,000. You must have the Old Rod first in order to buy the Good Rod. Journey to Saffron From Fuschia City you can either head West to Route 18 and follow the Bike Route to Celadon City (Require the bike quest to be completed to enter this area) or head East and go back to Lavender Town When trying to enter Saffron you will be told by the stophouse guards that they will only let you pass if you give them some Lemonade. To get the Lemonade you will have to return to Celadon City and go to the Celadon Mart. Go to the top floor of the Mart and purchase one Lemonade from the vending machine. Before you leave the Celadon Mart you can talk to this Thief and complete hist side quest to unlock TM46 -Thief. Here is a link to a guide on the quest. Take the Lemonade to one of the stophouse guards and give it to him. He will tell the other guards to let you in in the future. Saffron City The first thing you should do is visit the Saffron Dojo. In there you can fight some trainers for some easy EXP and once you defeat Koichi you can take either Hitmonlee or Hitmonchan. After you are done here you can progress to Silph Co. When you arrive at Silph Co. your first impression might be that you have to spend 20 minutes spamming warp panels until you get it correct. However, this isn't the case as a matter of fact, you only need to use 2 warp panels to get to Giovanni. But I highly recommend taking your time and battling all the Team Rocket Grunts to gain as much EXP as you can. Once you feel that you are ready then go to the 3rd floor and take the first warp panel. Then take the next panel opposite the bed. Once you use those warp panels you will have to battle Blue to prove that you're ready to fight Giovanni. After beating Blue you can fight Giovanni. Make sure to be over-levelled or bring some potions as he seems to cause some issues for many players. After you beat Giovanni he will flee from the building and you can talk to the Silph Co. Director. As a reward, he will give you a Master Ball some Rare Candies. You're now finished with Silph Co. Make your way to the Pokécenter and heal your Pokémon for the 6th gym. To most the Saffron Gym puzzle can be both confusing and frustrating, it's almost as bad as Vermilion's puzzle. However, similar to the Silph Co. warp pads I've put together an image that shows you the fastest way to Sabrina. Simply follow these directions: Up -> Down -> Down -> Left. Sabrina is the Psychic Type gym leader. Bug, ghost and dark type Pokémon are recommended to ensure a victory. Sabrina uses a Hypno, Mr. Mime, Espeon and an Alakazam. I recommend you level your Pokémon to around level 65 for this gym. After beating it you will be rewarded with the Marsh Badge and you'll be able to purchase TM29 - Psychic from the man at the front of the gym. Journey to Cinnabar There are two ways that you can travel to Cinnabar Island from. You can surf either South from Pallet Town or Southwest from Fuschia. If you surf from Pallet Town then you'll encounter a few trainers and eventually arrive at the North side of Cinnabar. If you surf from Fuschia, however, you will have to go through the Seafoam Islands. You can also surf Southeast from Fuschia to start the free Arcanine mount quest. If you chose the Seafoam Route then you'll eventually surf to these islands. Enter through the cave entrance and walk East in the cave. There is no need to use any ladders unless you're looking to level your Pokémon. Just carry on East until you reach the exit. After you exit the islands, continue to surf West until you reach Cinnabar Island. Cinnabar Island Once you arrive at Cinnabar Island, if you talk to the guard outside the gym he will tell you that you need to bring him a key which is hidden in the Cinnabar Mansion. Enter the Mansion and go to the second floor. From there you should take the staircase at the North side of the second floor. When you reach the 3rd floor you are given the option to enter one of five doors. Each one will lead you to a different location in the mansion; some lead you outside of the mansion. When you find the correct door you should end up in B1F. Head to the west side of the room and interact with the bookshelves. You will pass through the wall and be able to take the Mansion Key. When you retrieve the key from Cinnabar Mansion you can talk to the guard outside of the gym and he will leave, allowing you to pass. Work your way through the gym and it's trainers until you reach the last trainer on the first floor. There will be a small scene between Lt. Surge and Blaine involving Mew. When Mew leaves you can go downstairs and find Blaine. Blaine is the Fire Type gym leader. Water, ground and rock type Pokémon will help you defeat him. He is the first gym leader to use 5 Pokémon. Those being Arcanine, Rapidash, Charizard, Ninetales and Magmar. I recommend you level your Pokémon to around level 75 for this gym. Defeating Blaine will give you the Volcano badge, you can also buy TM35 - Flamethrower from the man at the front of his gym. You also gain access to the fossil recovery room at the Cinnabar Research Lab. Finally, now that you've defeated the 7th gym you are allowed to enter the fossil recovery room at the Cinnabar Research Lab. From here you can revive any fossils that you pick up on your journey. In the lab, you can also talk to Davis and receive a free Porygon after you have 100 caught data on your Pokédex. Viridian City Gym When you're done at Cinnabar Island you can head North to go back to Pallet Town. From there continue to head North to Viridian City.If you were taking your time with the story that Rare Candy might've respawned. Anyways, go to the gym and enter it. Inside you will meet Blue and he'll tell you about how strong Giovanni really is. If you feel like you're prepared then continue. Despite Giovanni having 6 Pokémon with him, he will only use one. His Armoured Mewtwo; a Steel/ Psychic type. Dark, ground, ghost and fire type Pokémon will be extremely useful in this battle. I highly recommend you level your Pokémon to around level 85 before challenging this gym. By beating Giovanni you are rewarded with the Earth Badge and access to the Kanto Elite 4. You can also buy TM26 - Earthquake at the gym. Giovanni will now disband Team Rocket and never be seen again. Victory Road To get to Victory Road you will have to head West of Viridian City, through Route 22. Talk to the guards outside of the reception and they will let you pass. Once you're inside, head North and meet Red. He will battle you and probably completely destroy you again. After the battle is over he will move and you'll be free to go through Victory Road. Go through and beat all the trainers as you really need the EXP for the Elite 4. As you make your way through and come to the exit you will encounter Moltres. (You might not see it due to the mass amounts of players in the area, but it's right in front of the exit.) Interact with it to initiate a battle. Something to note is that you can not catch Moltres. Currently, the only legendary Pokémon that you can catch are Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, one of the Legendary Dogs (Suicune, Raikou, Entei), Heatran, one of the Legendary Lake Trio (Azelf, Uxie, Mespirit), one of the Eons (Latios, Latias), Phione and Genesect. After you KO it you can move through the exit and into the Indigo Plateau. Here you will see two building and Youngster Joey. As you're doing the Kanto Elite 4 you will need to go to the East building. As you walk there you will be congratulated by all the Kanto gym leaders as well as your mother. Now that you've beaten Victory Road it is time for you to train your Pokémon so they are ready for the Elite 4. Use the exit of Victory Road as a hotspot for EXP. Alternatively, you can travel back to Seafoam Islands and use the lower floors to level up your Pokémon. Once your Pokémon each reach around level 90 you will be ready for the Elite 4. Stock up on potions and revives and enter via the door at the back of the center. Kanto Elite 4 Lorelie is the first member of the Kanto Elite 4. She specializes in Ice and Water type Pokémon. Her party consists of a Dewgong, Slowbro, Lapras, Jinx and Cloyster. Electric type Pokémon can wipe this team with ease. After defeating her you will be allowed to progress to the next member of the E4. Continue to the room behind her where you will meet your next challenge. Bruno, the second member of the Elite 4 is a Rock and Fighting type expert. He uses an Onix, Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, Machamp and another Onix. Using Psychic type Pokémon will aid you in this fight, however, Bruno is probably the easiest member of the Elite 4. By beating him you will be allowed to progress to the next member of the Elite 4, Agatha. Agatha is the third member of the Elite 4. She is a Poison and Ghost type trainer. She uses a Gengar, Crobat, Haunter, Arbok and a Mega Gengar. Similar to Bruno, using Psychic type Pokémon will help you greatly in this fight. Sucker Punch is also an easy way to take out her strong ghost Pokémon. After you beat her you can pass to Lance, the final member of the Elite 4. Lance is the final member of the Elite 4 and specializes in Dragon Type Pokémon. He uses his Gyarados, Dragonair, Dragonite, Aerodactyl, Tyranitar and Charizard. Four of which aren't dragon type Pokémon. Water and Electric type Pokémon can wipe this team off the face of the earth. Upon beating him he will allow you to pass to the Kanto Champion, where you will fight to become the champion of the region. Heal your Pokémon with the potions and revives that you bought and progress to the next room. So I've been calling him Blue this entire time. But his name is actually Gary? Anyways.. Gary is the champion of Kanto, he is a bit of a rebel and doesn't use a monotype team. Instead, he uses a Pidgeot, Alakazam, Rhydon, Arcanine, Mega Blastoise and an Exeggutor. You shouldn't have too much trouble beating him.After he is defeated, he will congratulate you on your victory. Walk behind him and talk to Professor Oak who will bring you back to Pallet Town. Finishing Kanto and starting Johto Now that you're the Kanto Champion you can access Johto. Go back to Oak's lab and talk to him, he will tell you of Johto and how to get there. Now go back to the Indigo Plateau Reception where you fought Red. Walk South and talk to the guards in front of the exit. They will allow you to pass. You can now travel through Route 26 to go to Johto. Continue walking South and you will eventually reach Route 27, from there you should walk West until your reach Tohjo Falls.If you surf North a little you will find an abandoned Crobat. Exit Tohjo Falls and carry on walking West. Start surfing and you will finally reach Johto. BEWARE: Once you enter Johto there is no turning back until you beat the 8th gym. All your Kanto Pokémon will be locked in you PC and you won't be able to use them unlit you beat the 8th gym. If you wanted to do anything in Kanto before you go to Johto you should do it now! If you are ready for Johto then click "Yes" and walk forwards. This concludes my Kanto Walkthrough. Thanks for reading
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Hey, I have created this guide to help players that may need help completing the Johto region. I will cover the Johto region from start to finish in this guide! I hope that you find this guide helpful! I also want to give a shout out to JollyolNathan for making this awesome Kanto Walkthrough. If you need help with Kanto you should check out his awesome guide. Also if you are looking for help with Hoenn, check out Arielgg's awesome Complete Hoenn Walkthrough!!! Also check out Arielgg's awesome Sinnoh walkthrough in case you need help with Sinnoh later!!!! To get the most out of this guide, please use CTRL + F or CMD + F to search for the part that you're looking for. And that's it for my guide I hope it helps you! Below the post will be some links to other guides that contain useful information about different quests and stuff in the Johto region! Big shoutout to Olafkun for helping me get the lost screenshots back!!! I appreciate you soooo much Shoutout to Iriztha, MEBzerg and all of TeamMagma's member for being such an awesome bunch
⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ Hey everyone! This guide is to help players unlock the Subway System, as it is PRO's alternative to quick travelling due to the fact that players are not allowed to use Fly outside of battle. The subway system works for Kanto and Johto only; if you wish to unlock fast travelling for Hoenn and Sinnoh, do the Hoenn Teleport Quest. There aren't any requirements to start the quest, however, you'll need to be Kanto Champion in order to use the subway and train. Keep in mind that to fully complete the quest, you'll need $50,000 Pokedollars, a Nocturnal Feather, and a Bicycle to access Route 16. ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ To start the quest, talk to the Subway Manager in Saffron City at the Saffron Railway Station. He'll tell you that the system is not working at the moment because their biggest sponsor, Yorkie, has issues with his farm and needs help on Route 16. Upon learning that Yorkie needs help, head to Route 16 and talk to him. He'll ask you to find his brother to retrieve the parcel. Although Yorkie has no idea where his brother is, he lets you know that he can only be in Kanto. There are five spots that Yorkie's brother can be at, and every player has a chance of Yorkie's brother being in one of these locations, so be sure to check them all! After finding Yorkie's brother, he'll ask you for $50,000 Pokedollars in return for the parcel. After that, head back to Route 16 to talk to Yorkie and give him the parcel back. He'll want to reward you but first, he'll ask you to retrieve a Nocturnal Feather to prove how much you love Pidgeys! To obtain a Nocturnal Feather, you can either buy it from other players in Trade Chat, or you can hunt it yourself by using a Pokemon that knows Covet or Thief and using one of those moves on Pidgeotto in Route 16 during the morning or night. More information about hunting them can be found in the Hunting Nocturnal Feather part of this guide. After retrieving a Nocturnal Feather, talk to Yorkie again and give it to him! As a reward, you'll receive HM Fly, and the subway system will start working again. After talking to the Subway Manager in Saffron Railway Station again, all the guards blocking access to the subway will leave, but keep in mind that you will need to be Kanto Champion in order to use them. Well, that's it! Great job on completing the quest. You can now use the subway system! It'll be $2,500 for traveling within the same region, and $5,000 for traveling between Kanto and Johto. ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ The Nocturnal Feather is only dropped by Pidgeotto that inhabit Route 16. As of June 23rd, 2018, the drop rate for the Nocturnal Feather has been buffed to 25%. The following techniques can be used to facilitate the hunt for it. Contribution Leotosi, the original owner and creator of this thread. Shary and Nebulas, for the Nocturnal Feather image.
Hey, I have created this guide to help players that may need help completing the Sinnoh region! I will cover the Sinnoh Region from start to finish in this guide and also include how to go to Sinnoh! I hope that you find this guide helpful! If you need help with the previous regions, check out these guides: JollyOlNathan's Kanto Guide Sugarred9's Johto Guide ArielGG's Hoenn Guide That being said, let's begin our adventure! That was it! Congrats on becoming the Sinnoh champion and I hope this walkthrough has guided you well through it.
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Hello guys! I've created this guide to help players who have trouble going through the Hoenn Region because it can be a bit tricky! Here, you will be guided from the beginning of Hoenn to the Pokemon League! I hope you can get through the Hoenn Region easily with this guide! Here are the guides from the previous regions! ▶︎ KANTO WALKTHROUGH BY JOLLYOLNATHAN ◀︎ ▶︎ JOHTO WALKTHROUGH BY SUGARRED9 ◀︎ This is all for this guide but it is not all of Hoenn as there are quite a few other quests and some unexplored routes. Here is a guide for all the hidden items in Hoenn and the unexplored & explored routes! HIDDEN ITEMS GUIDE! I hope this guide helped you through Hoenn. See you at Sinnoh!
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⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ Where to get TM 104 - False Swipe ? False Swipe is the best attack for hunting because it inflicts damage, but will leave the target with 1 HP. ◦ Route 48 — $4,000 - [special Offer : 5 for $16,000] ◦ Lilycove Department Store 3F — $4,000 ◦ Rustboro Mart — Free on a trainer Where to get TM 45 - Thunder-Wave ? Thunder-Wave is a support attack that will help you to catch a Pokemon, your target will be paralyzed. ◦ Celadon Mart — $2,000 ◦ Trick House Prize Room — Free Where to get TM 62 - Taunt ? Taunt will avoid bad surprise like Perish Song, Teleport, Roar, Whirlwind, etc... ◦ Celadon Mart — $2,000 ◦ Trick House Prize Room — Free ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ ▶︎ Kaminokage's comment about technical aspects
Pokémon Special Counterparts In Pokémon Revolution Online, some Pokémon from the same species may occur with a different look than you could expect, this Pokémon are meant with having a 'Special Counterpart'. Such Pokémon are, besides their look, not different in any way to their 'normal' looking counterparts. 'Special Counterparts' is a less used term. In players tongue, usually the term 'Form/s' is used, sometiemes with more specifications if needed; 'Want to buy Christmas Form Eevee'. Shiny form Pokémon are also part of the original Pokémon games, spawn very rarely and are noticable by their different colors. Other forms are are mostly Pokémon Revolution Online exclusive Pokémon, created by our artists. They are also rare to find but not as rare as shinies. Usually they can be found randomly like normal Pokémon or can be given by NPC's and some, usually legendaries, are given out by a quest. On the left you see a regular Manaphy. In the middle you see its shiny counterpart and on the right you can see it's PRO exclusive christmas form. Odd's, availability and categories Most forms are only available during special events and/or locations, they are also usually themed to this event's or areas. As this applies to most forms, they can be categorized well and the playerbase does that too. What follows is a small summary of the most basic information. All shown Pokémon sprites are taken from the PRO Wiki page Pokémon Counterparts Shiny Pokémon Shiny Pokemon 'Shinies' The 'usual' shiny Pokémon from the original games Available at any time in the year in the wilderness Their odds to spawn are 1/8192 (0.0122%) Bosses can reward shiny Pokémon, with the option to 'have a higher shiny chance' the chance increases to 1/4096 The karp seller at Route 3 Poké Center has a 1/500 chance to give you a shiny Magikarp Abadoned Pokémon have a 1/500 shiny chance Reviving fossils at labs have a 1/1000 shiny chance They wont be visualized here - they are too many forms as every single Pokémon has a shiny form. If you still want to know how your desired shiny Pokémon looks like, you can for example go to your Poké Dex in-game, search that Pokémon up and then click on the image of the dex data spread sheet. You will not only see the shiny sprite but also all other forms available! In case you don't have the dex entry, you can also search up in the internet as shinies are not PRO exclusive and don't look different than in the original games. Pinkan Pokémon Pinkan Pokémon They are indeed Pink Available at Pinkan Island at any time of the year Their odds to spawn are 1/1500 On Pinkan island only Pinkan and Shiny Pokémon can spawn, no other forms Pinkan island is a special area you first need to have access to: Pinkan island quest Shadow Pokémon Shadow Pokémon They appear dark and gray compared to their normal forms Available at the Forlorn and Ruins of the Vale Nesting Grounds at any time of the year This areas can only be accessed if your guild managed to be in the top 3 of the Dungeon ladder, and then only 1 hour per day untill the ladder is reset Their odds are not revealed Clone Pokémon Clone Pokémon Based on the looks of the clone Pokémon in the first Pokémon movie Only available during the PRO anniversary celebration (Around august/september) at any map where a base form spawns Their odds are not revealed Easter themed Pokémon Easter themed Pokémon Only available during the Easter event at any map where a base form spawns Their odds are not revealed Valentine themed Pokémon Valentine themed Pokémon Only available during the Valentine Day's event at any map where a base form spawns Their odds are not revealed May 4th/Star Wars themed Pokémon May 4th/Star Wars Event Based on the Star Wars day; the forms have something to do with this franchise Available around the Star Wars day (May 4th) at any map where a base form spawns Their odds are not revealed Summer themed Pokémon Summer themed Pokémon Only availabe during the Summer event at any map where a base form spawns Their odds are not revealed Halloween themed Pokémon Halloween themed Pokémon Only available during PRO's Halloween event at any map where a base form spawns Their odds are nor revealed Christmas Themed Pokémon Christmas themed Pokémon Only available during the christmas event at any map where a base form spawns Their odds are not revealed Pikachu World Quest Forms Pikachu World Quest Only available during a Pikachu World Quest at any map where a base form spawns This event happened only once yet and there is no information when it will be repeated Their odds are not revealed April Fool's April Fool's They have no specific theme, but they are made to fool us In the past, all generation 1 Pokémon had their generation 1 sprites for a few days Only available during the April fool (around 1st April) at any mapwhere a base form spawns Their odds are not revealed
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ Find a Mail Box next to each PokeCenter or PokeShop across all region. Interact and select "Send Mail". You must fill out all the fields, otherwise you can't send your mail. Also, be careful and don't mix "Mail Title" and "Recipient Username". If you wish to add an item, drag and drop it from your Bag to "Attach Items". Select the amount you want to send and click on the cross once you're done. Click on "Send". Your mail is sent. By closing the "Amount" chat box this is confirming the current amount. A Mail costs 2,000$. ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ Click on the item, it will appear in your Bag. Feel free to delete the mail afterwards if you wish. Enjoy mailing ! Credits: PreHax
Available ingame commands for PRO players: Green indicates the command line. Blue indicates the argument needed to submit the command. Red indicates an abbreviated way of typing the command. INTERACTION /friend <username> | /fri <username> Usage: Sends a friend request to <username>. Using the command on a friend who is online will remove <username> from your friend's list. /trade<username> Usage: Sends a trade request to <username>. This command can only be used when <username> is on the same map as you. /inspect <username> | /ins <username> Usage: Opens an inspection window of the specified <username>. This command can only be used when <username> is on the same map as you. /battle <username> | /bat <username> Usage: Sends a battle request to <username>. /randombattle <username> Usage: Sends a random battle request to <username>. /ignore <username> | /ign <username> Usage: Ignores all incoming messages from <username>. Using the command on a <username> who you already ignore will unignore them. This command resets every time you log off. /pm <username> Usage: Sends a private message to <username>. Usage: Creates group chat if more usernames are added /pm <username1>,<username2>,<username3> ... /release <party number> | /rele <party number> Usage: Gives you a prompt to release <party number>. You can only use this command in a Pokecenter. /pmoff Usage: Disables all incoming private messages. Relogging or retyping the command will re-enable your messages. /disable | /dis Usage: Disables all incoming battle requests. Relogging or retyping the command will re-enable battle requests. /accept | /acc Usage: Accepts incoming battle requests. /foreveralone Usage: Hides all players around you. Relogging or retyping the command will show players again. DATA /happy <party number> Usage: Displays the happiness value of <party number> in chat. /pokedex | /dex Usage: Displays your caught, seen and evolved data in chat. /online | /on Usage: Displays the current amount of online users on the server that you are logged in to. /who Usage: Displays the current amount of online users on the server that you are logged in to. /save Usage: Saves the data of your Pokemon. Using it has a cooldown. /uptime Usage: Displays how long the server has been up, counting from the last crash/maintenance/restart etc. . BATTLE /pvp Usage: Displays your win/loss/disconnect statistics in chat. /bat <username> | /battle <username> Usage: Sends a battle request to the designated sendee. /randombattle <username> Usage: Sends a random battle request to the designated sendee. /acc Usage: Accepts an oncoming battle request (alternative to the pop-up confirmatory prompt). /dis or /disable Usage: Blocks battle requests. Reuse the same command to re-enable them. /pvp_ready Usage: Allows you to still accept a battle when the team preview does not appear. /surrender Usage: Allows you to surrender a PvP battle. /draw Usage: Allows you to send a draw request to your opponent. If both players agree, nobody gains or loses rating. /accept| /acc <username> Usage: Accepts an oncoming battle request (alternative to the pop-up confirmatory prompt). CHAT /all <message> Usage: Sends <message> to All Chat. /t <message> Usage: Sends <message> to Trade Chat. /b <message> Usage: Sends <message> to Battle Chat. /me <message> Usage: Sends <message> to Local Chat. Adding a space before /me will post the message into the current used channel without the :. For example: /hel <message> Usage: Sends <message> to Help Chat. /guild <message> Usage: Sends <message> to Guild Chat. /oth <message> Usage: Sends <message> to Other Chat. /fr <message> Usage: Sends <message> to French Chat. /br <message> Usage: Sends <message> to Portuguese Chat. /span <message> Usage: Sends <message> to Spanish Chat. GUILDS /gcreate <guild name> Usage: Creates a guild named <guild name>. To use this command, you need at least 100 hours of playtime and $400,000. This command deducts 400,000 Pokedollars from your account. /gdisband Usage: Disbands your guild. (Only available to the guild leader). /gmotd <message> Usage: Changes the guild Message of the Day to <message> /ginvite <username> Usage: Invites <username> to your guild. This command is only available to Guild Leaders and Officers. /gpromote <username> Usage: Promotes <username> from Initiate to Member to Officer depending on <username>'s current rank. This command is only available to Guild Leaders and Officers. /gdemote <username> Usage: Demotes <username> from Officer to Member to Initiate depending on <username>'s current rank. This command is only available to Guild Leaders and Officers. /gkick <username> Usage: Kicks <username> from the guild. This command is only available to Guild Leaders and Officers. /gjoin Usage: Accepts an incoming guild invite. /gleave Usage: Removes you from your current guild. CHANNELS /cgcreate <channel name>, <password> Usage: Creates a new chat channel with an optional password. /cgname <channel name>, <new name> Usage: Renames <channel name> to <new name> This command is only available to the Channel Owner. /cgdisband <channel name> Usage: Deletes <channel name>. Only available to the channel owner. This command is only available to the Channel Owner. /cgpassword <channel name>, <new password>, <new password> Usage: Resets or adds a <new password> to <channel name>. This command is only available to the Channel Owner. /cgmod <channel name>, <username> Usage: Promotes <username> to a <channel name> moderator. This command is only available to the Channel Owner. /cgkick <channel name>, <username> Usage: Kicks <username> from <channel name>. This command is only available to the Channel Owner and Channel Moderators. /cginvite <channel name>, <username> Usage: Invites <username> to <channel name>. This command is only available to the Channel Owner and Channel Moderators. /cgjoin <channel name>, <password> Usage: Joins <channel name>. /cgleave <channel name> Usage: Leaves <channel name>. CONSOLE Lighting < on | off > Usage: Enables/ Disables the client's lighting effects. Setting this command to "off" will disable all lighting effects from the client (Day/Night cycle). This helps those with poor vision or people who want a brighter screen to look at. A client restart is required to activate the effects. Clearmaps Usage: Clears the client's cache. Using this command will clear all map data that's stored in your client. This may be required if there are issues with your map (i.e. objects are invisible, map is outdated, etc). A client restart is required to activate the effects. Clean reg Usage: Resets all of the clients entries in Windows Registry. Using this command will force the client to shut down and all registry changes, that PRO makes, will be reset. This will cause the client to forget all settings you have previously made including saved passwords, options and key binds. perf Usage: Displays FPS and ping information. Disconnect | Logout Usage: Logs the user out of the server. Quit Usage: Closes the client.
Hello everyone, this guide will provide you all the information you will need for the Bug Catching Contest. . . . . . . [anchor=rewards].[/anchor] I hope this guide helped and I wish you good luck in the Contest :Crazy: Kind regards.
‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ▸ Choose your False Swipers ◂ Hunt Guide ▸ Choose the area ◂ How To Access Specific Areas ▸ Choose your method ◂ First method (priority moves) Second method (focus sash) ▸ Example ◂ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ You will want False Swiper pokémons to put the wild pokémon down to 1HP before fainting, so you can send the pokémon you want to level into battle. But you'll also want to not have to wait too many turns until it faints, so you can send the other sooner. High Atk pokémons with low defensive stats will then be preferred! In the example below, we will use: ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ Cerulean Cave > Dragons Shrine > Dragons Den > Mount Silver The main goal being to level faster, you don't want to spend your time wandering to the xp area: Prefer Cerulean Cave over Dragons Shrine due to its better accessibility. If you did not unlock these areas yet, prefer Dragons Den over Mount Silver, as you can take the subway to Blackthorn, but not to Mt.Silver. ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ (priority moves) List of damage-dealing increased priority moves: ⁃ How to proceed ⁃ • Get your False Swiper(s), leading your party • Get the Pokémon you want to level fast • Go to your area of choice • False Swipe the wild Pokémon each turn, until yours faints • Switch in the Pokémon you want to level • Deliver the last blow with your priority move ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ (focus sash) ⁃ How to proceed ⁃ • Get your False Swiper(s), leading your party • Get the Pokémon you want to level fast • Go to your area of choice • False Swipe the wild Pokémon each turn, until yours faints • Switch in the Pokémon you want to level • Survive the potential damaging move thanks to your Focus Sash, and deliver the last blow ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ In one session (3 wild encounters): Hope that helped! Enjoy!
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ Contributions: Xaiyah, Neroli, Fluffles
⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ Hello everyone, I've created this guide to inform users as how to go about obtaining a Shell Bell. You will need to do a mini-quest in Shoal Cave—located in Hoenn—north of Mossdeep City on Route 125. To explain what the item does: a Shell Bell is a type of held item that gradually restores HP. Whenever the Pokémon holding it deals damage with a move, it restores HP equal to 1/8 of the damage dealt. It is made from Shoal Shells and Shoal Salts. In order to start this quest, you need to have either a surf mount or a Pokémon that knows HM Surf. I hope this guide helped in obtaining your new Shell Bell. Kind regards, Astraea.
✖︎ This guide will help you to find a preview of all : ▪︎ Clothes ▪︎ Mounts ▪︎ Cosmetics ▪︎ Wings ▪︎ Hats ▪︎ Exclusive items... ...findable in-game to customize your character. ✖︎ If you look for a specific item, feel free to ask in the in-game Trade channel or by creating a topic in our Trade Zone sub-forum. ✖︎ All the basic Coin Shop clothes and hats are not included in this guide since you can already see the preview in-game. ✖︎ You may find Ctrl+F or Ctrl+F useful, if you're seeking a specific item. ✖︎ Due to the consequent amount of items, the page might take time to load. Contributors : 9oomy, Gouseru, Calahan, Neroli Absol S Absol Aerodactyl S Aerodactyl Arcanine S Arcanine Aurorus S Aurorus Bicycle Bicycle Blue Bicycle Green Bicycle Yellow Charizard S Charizard Dodrio S Dodrio Fearow S Fearow Glaceon S Glaceon Houndoom S Houndoom Luxray S Luxray Manectric S Manectric Ninetales S Ninetales Rapidash S Rapidash Stantler S Stantler Sylveon S Sylveon Talonflame S Talonflame Togekiss S Togekiss Umbreon S Umbreon Latias Latios Xmas Stantler Zombie Charizard H Rapidash Mount Xerneas Mount Yveltal Mount
PRO useful links We've had a useful links channel on the PRO discord for quite a while now and while fixing the links for it I realised that not everyone has access to the discord server and that these links, as the name suggests, are rather useful for players so I here it is, PRO useful links forum edition. This is not a full list of useful links, there are just too many threads for me to go through them all looking for ones that can be helpful to members so if you know of a thread that you think should be on this list then reply to this thread with the link and I will look through it before deciding whether to add it or not, please do not add links for guides that are similar to ones that we already have posted unless they are more in depth and contain content that the ones we already have linked do not have on them. Index Rules Important links General game guides Kanto guides Johto guides Hoenn guides Sinnoh guides Catching and training pokemon Legendaries Non content guides Social media Rules Game rules Forum rules Ingame chat rules Trade rules PvP rules Important links Client download Installing pro on android Installing pro on linux Installing pro on mac Server status Read before making a support post Hit by a rollback How to make a report Appeal center Restore pokemon megathread Evolution request megathread List of available ingame commands List of evolutions coded differently in pro List of broken/not coded moves and abilities List of pokemon banned in PvP PvP viability ranking General game guides Complete PRO pokedex PRO wiki How to access specific areas Slot machine gambling guide Headbutt spawn list Dig spots Fossils Repel trick List of TMs and move tutors All you need to know about berries Pokestop locations Creating and managing a guild Benefits of membership Clothing and mount showcase Happiness guide How to unlock egg moves Complete pokemon egg move list EV, IV, nature and basic stats Gen 7 mechanics guide Item maniac Clothing and Mounts Showcase Location of Hidden Items (Vulcan Island included) Kanto guides Complete Kanto walkthrough How to beat E4 Kanto SS Anne (story quest) Celadon rocket hideout (story quest) How to get HM01 cut & HM03 Surf (story quests) How to get Ash's hat (need Pikachu starter) Doctor pokemon quest Free Arcanine mount quest Thief quest Officer Jemy bounty quest Celadon daily quest Viridian maze map Pokemon tower maze Eevee-lutions quest BILL'S BOOK - IMPORTANT, PLEASE READ!! Subway quest Johto guides Complete Johto walkthrough How to beat E4 Johto Goldenrod city walkthrough (story quest) Free teddiursa hat Bug catching contest Hoenn guides Complete Hoenn walkthrough Hoenn gym and E4 guide Valley of steel Excavation sites Teleport quest Farming tiny mushrooms Abandoned ship quest Shoal cave Rachel's friends quest (item trading) Trainer school master quiz How to access sootopolis Free Cubchoo hat (NO LONGER AVAILABLE) Petalburg maze Sinnoh guides Getting to Sinnoh quest Complete Sinnoh walkthrough Solaceon daily quest (news reporter) Jubilife trainer school - missing students quest (story quest) Sinnoh region hidden items & pokemon Additional area guides Pinken island guide Mt. Silver guide Sevii island guide Sevii islands video guide Lost cave guide Nap island video guide Catching, training & trading pokemon Tips for hunters How to false swipe ghost pokemon EV training hotspots How to level pokemon fast Trading tips & tricks Legendaries and bosses Legendary pokemon megatread Boss guide Latias and Latios locations How to get Mew How to get one of the lake guardians How to get Heatran Non-content guides PRO discord guide How to record your screen and upload a video Red server trade & price check discord server PRO social media Youtube Instagram Twitter Special thanks to Shaui for helping with this list by providing a bunch of links that I didn't originally have.
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ✦ Finding the keys ✦ Scanner & The Storage Unit ✦ Heading to Slateport Museum ✦ Hidden Items ✦ Contributions _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ To start the quest, you need to head to Route 108 and enter the Abandoned Ship. Upon entering, you'll notice that you're in the Abandoned Ship Exterior. There's nothing too special about this place except that there is an Aqua Tail Move Tutor. However, you notice the room on the top floor is locked and needs six keys in order to be unlocked. Start exploring the ship, battling trainers, and familiarizing yourself with the various rooms to look for the captain office keys. The specific locations for each key is shown below, with their map name included to help you find them: [spoiler=Locations of All Keys][spoiler=Abandoned Ship 1F Room 1] [spoiler=Abandoned Ship 1F Room 2] [spoiler=Abandoned Ship B1F]You need to interact with the stray Wingull in order to pick up this key. [spoiler=Abandoned Ship B1F Room 4] [spoiler=Abandoned Ship B1F Room 3] [spoiler=Abandoned Ship B1F Room 1] After finding all the keys, head up to the Captain's Office. Be ready to battle Captain Bickerstaff! His team is full of Lv40 Pokemon. Upon defeating Captain Bickerstaff, he'll reward you some money, give you the storage unit key and leave you with his Clamperl. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Before you started this quest, you may or may not have talked to Captain Stern in Slateport Museum 1F. Talking to him wasn't necessary to invoke the quest, but Captain Stern mentions that he needs a Scanner, hinting that Wendy has it. So, after completing 'Finding The Keys', we can now head to the Storage Unit in Abandoned Ship B1F. However, it's important to pick up the scanner from Sailor Wendy beforehand, as you cannot pick up the mossy blob otherwise. Yes, this is the Wendy that Captain Stern was talking about. Previously, the door was locked, but since Captain Bickerstaff gave us the key, we can enter it now. Upon entering, you notice a mossy blob on the floor. Weirdly enough, it reacts to the scanner! _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Afterward, head back to Slateport Museum and talk to Captain Stern. He'll notice that you have the scanner and will ask for it in return of giving you whatever was in the mossy blob. For all players, it could either be a Deep Sea Tooth or a Deep Sea Scale. Personally, I got a Deep Sea Scale. These are evolutionary items done to evolve Clamperl into either a Huntail or Gorebyss. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Various items are scattered across the ship for the player to loot. After all, what's the point of exploring an abandoned ship without anything to grab? TM 13 - Ice Beam TM 68 - Rain Dance Revives Water Stone Great Ball Escape Rope _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I'd like to thank NisseP for his original guide and locations of the keys. I'd also like to thank the Community Coordinators for reviewing this guide. If there's something I'm missing in the guide, such as an item location, feel free to let me know and I'll add it! I couldn't find the artist who drew the beautiful image I used in this guide, but I'd like to credit them as well. Let me know if you can find the artist.
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Hello there! Many of you may not know about a trick for catching certain pokemon, both in the actual Pokemon games and in PRO. This method is known as the Repel Trick. It is is an efficient way to find rare Pokemon and works with any repel.
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