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Fail IV Contest!

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There's more to PRO than farming for epics. It's important to have fun with your friends including when you're out of luck. Instead of showing off your best finds, we want you to show off the worst and laugh it off with the community. For this contest, you will submit a Pokemon with each IV being less than 10. The one with the lowest total IVs will be selected as the winner.


How to Participate?

Add a screenshot of your biggest fail in this thread as well as the server you're on. It must be caught after the contest has started, and only Pokemon that are tier 6 or rarer will qualify. This does not require you to go out of your way to hunt specifically for a low IV Pokemon. All you need to do is take a screenshot of a fail you happen to come across while you're already farming for PVP worthy or shiny/event Pokemon. Make sure there is an actual ID in your screenshot. IDs with "0' are not accepted. You only need to wait a few minutes or relog for an ID to show. Submissions on the Silver server need an ID 28657209 after and Gold after 22204940



First place

Shiny Trubbish, Gulpin, or Stunky (your choice), 1 Coin Capsule, and 100 PVE coins

Second place

Shiny Trubbish, Gulpin, or Stunky (depends on what the first place winner) and 1 Coin Capsule

Third place

Shiny Trubbish, Gulpin, or Stunky (depends on what 1st and 2nd place winners choose) and 1 Coin Capsule



Q: When does the event start and end?

A: The event will start on November 11th at 15:30 GMT and ends on December 11th at 15:30 GMT.


Q: Where do I submit my entry?

A: Right here in this thread!


Q: Does the Pokemon need to have my OT?

A: Yes, the Pokemon must be caught by you.


Q: How do I know what rarity tier my fail is?

A: You can use the Reborn bot on Discord to learn what tier it is. Use the command ^s <pokemon>. This will show where it spawns as well as how rare it is.


Q: What if this Pokemon has spawns with rarities less than 6?

A: Any Pokemon that have tier 5 or less spawns will not be eligible--even if they have spawns with rarer tiers too.


Q: If i've already submitted a Pokemon but find a bigger fail, can I submit it?

A: Yes, you can. We want to see the absolute biggest fails! Please replace your current submission with the new one if this happens.


Q: Do we need to keep the Pokemon after we submit the screenshot?

A: No, you can release it. We only need the screenshot to show that it was caught. Please make sure your screenshot includes the ID number. ID:0 does not qualify.


Q: How do I take and post a screenshot?

A: You can use a program such as ShareX or Lightshot to take screenshots on your desktop. The latter is compatible with Mac OS as well as Windows. For Android, it depends on your device. You can find out by searching "how to take a screenshot on [device]" online, replacing "device" with what phone you have. Please crop your screenshots so only the Pokemon profile is submitted. You can use this guide to learn how to upload images to a thread.


Q: I caught a shiny fail IVs one, and it's rarer; why is there no shiny/variant reward pool?

A: The purpose of this contest is to turn what is usually negative into something fun. Shinies are usually rewarding to find. Therefore, shiny/event submissions are not eligible.


Q: How will I know if I won?

A: We will make an announcement on Discord about the winners. You can join the server here. Winners will also be contacted on the forums


Q: What are the stats on the shiny rewards?

A: These will be randomly generated when winners are chosen


Please direct message me for any other questions you may have.

Art by DemonicSugarcube on Deviantart

Edited by Menrva
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does it has to be fresh caught ? or is ok if i caught it before as long its my ot ?


Hi there!


Submissions on the Silver server need an ID 28657209 after and Gold after 22204940. These IDs were collected shortly before the event was announced so submissions will need to be recent catches.

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Need ot poke ?


As stated in the Q&A, you need to be the OT.


Q: Does the Pokemon need to have my OT?

A: Yes, the Pokemon must be caught by you.

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