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Approved Streamers Megathread


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Username: Ayvazar

Server: Gold

Your streamlink:

What type of content do you stream: pvp in PRO for now, (the language is Turkish for my guild, but can switch to english if viewers want its np)

Approved - Shinohara
Edited by Shinohara

[JUSTIFY]Check out my Youtube Channel, I post non-meta(mostly) PVP videos and some tutorials in Pokemon Revolution Online. Most of my PVP videos also include Turkish commentary.

Some of my tutorial videos and playlists are in the links below:


2 Ways of Fast Levelling: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oSsXxuVefZw

Bosses with Baton Pass: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzCIjvqnnfk

Boss Locations for Each Regionhttps://youtu.be/smaPyWsp_fA?list=PLkRxSYTe-u5A1XcAzilVFwbejSpd99BMg

Monotype PVP Battleshttps://youtu.be/ARyMvz9QMYI?list=PLkRxSYTe-u5ChEHtOqGpLWlbqqPRBLBsX


If you need me, you can reach me on Discord: Maynaq#0866 or IGN: Ayvazar & Ayvasar[/JUSTIFY]

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Username: J123b

Server: Gold

Your streamlink: as of right now, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZnSgcMeojM&

Your channel link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6LlVqS3DXzwQN-DbwWG9mQ (i intend to change to a more convenient link once i fulful googles requirement for it)

What type of content do you stream: I intend to use this channel only for PRO

Approved - Senrosia
Edited by Senrosia
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Username: Bhimoso

Server: Gold

Your stream link:

What type of content do you stream? Pokemon games mainly, variety, but a lot of PRO and Pokemon games mainly. I almost never stream any other game xD

Approved - Senrosia
Edited by Senrosia

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxydK7CUEwL47Ym7hIkMbSA <- Youtube channel with guides!

https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/forum/13-game-guide/ <- Check my game guides (and other's guides) here!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Username: Anna156

Server:gold and siver

Your streamlink :https://www.twitch.tv/yoshino_takatsuki

What type of content do you stream: basic game play

Approved - Senrosia (Waiting for your streams :3)
Edited by Senrosia
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Username: Deadlytv

Server: Silver Server

Your streamlink:

What type of content do you stream: Variety broadcaster new to the game looking to gain knowledge of the Pokémon world.

Approved - Senrosia
Edited by Senrosia



Twitch Affiliate | Deadly Enthusiast who likes to play games with tons of people and a bit of action in the mix (╭ರ_•́)⊃━☆

Social Media

Twitch Channel : WS8rZpT.png

Twitter Channel: eS7O7yH.png

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