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Super Repels are stopppng early some times.


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I've just begun an arduous hunt for a shiny bunnelby, thatsa bit besides the point but ive knotiiced while watchiing my super repel coutner sometimes its dropping at 20-31 steps left on the repel so it have to use more repels than normal which doesnt make much sense to me their suppoesd tobe 200 steps but some times its stopping at 170~190


my sample size is like 800 repels so far used on this hunt is why im posting this. its not a small size and im going to be using more

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For me it doesn't happen, but it might be a graphical bug: What happens to me is that when I reach 0 steps left from the super repel (this may be due to lag), I suddenly am able to walk a few steps with the super repel still active. I suspect this is just graphical bugs or lag, and thus, the progression between your steps and the super repel icon does not properly apply, but it's actually working fine. (It's a guess from someone who has no idea so don't take me seriously).

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxydK7CUEwL47Ym7hIkMbSA <- Youtube channel with guides!

https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/forum/13-game-guide/ <- Check my game guides (and other's guides) here!

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I've just begun an arduous hunt for a shiny bunnelby, thatsa bit besides the point but ive knotiiced while watchiing my super repel coutner sometimes its dropping at 20-31 steps left on the repel so it have to use more repels than normal which doesnt make much sense to me their suppoesd tobe 200 steps but some times its stopping at 170~190


my sample size is like 800 repels so far used on this hunt is why im posting this. its not a small size and im going to be using more


Greetings, DRDoctor.


Sorry for the inconvenience. I tried replicating the bug you explained in your post but without any fruitful results. Sometimes, you may indeed see that your repel "steps" are reducing faster than usual due to lag from the game / server, but it will still be effective. I can guarantee you that the effect of all Repels works as intended, except of that small issue when you reach 0 steps but sometimes you still encounter Pokemon, which cannot be fixed as of now. Maybe you could check your Internet connection as well, just in case that's another reason why it doesn't work perfectly.


Let me know if you have any further questions. Once again, sorry for the inconvenience. Have a great day!

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No problem, i wasn't trying to say anything bad about the game i thought i would just inform of an issue i seen if its lag its lag it happens even at 200 down 15 up it happens i play on my gaming rig i just was informing you guys of something i was noticing when farming :L didn't know if you guys knew about it happening or if its just random user to server issues. Thank you for the fast response :)

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No problem, i wasn't trying to say anything bad about the game i thought i would just inform of an issue i seen if its lag its lag it happens even at 200 down 15 up it happens i play on my gaming rig i just was informing you guys of something i was noticing when farming :L didn't know if you guys knew about it happening or if its just random user to server issues. Thank you for the fast response :)


I understood your intentions and they were not ill at any way. Once again, thank you a lot for bringing this up, feel free to do so in future cases like this one. I wish you a great day/night!

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