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PVP money loss


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1-3 days got prolonged to another 5-7 days hmm okay. I guess that means we should have some good news by next Tuesday August 6th right? We have no choice but to be patient for almost 2 months before we know it lol...

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Hi there !


I'm sorry for the inconvenience and the delay.

Our Developers are currently looking into the issue, as said previously, but to do that they need to check all the backups in order to verify that the loss of money really happened.

Unfortunately, this might take 5-7 days of accurate checks as we cannot refund anyone without having evidence of the loss of the money since refunding without any proof would be unfair toward the other players, specially if we are talking about millions.

Please, be patient in the while that our developers check the backups and verify the loss of the money and avoid to create spam.

We will inform you as soon as all the checks will be completed, thank you for understanding.


Have a wonderful day !

Thank you for the reply, but


You can only ask for so much patience before it just becomes the next excuse. This is not YOUR money with all due respect. Your paying members want THEIR money now to use it. These are no small amounts we are dealing with. It takes months and sometimes years to farm this from the game. With hours of effort put in. Either way you should be refunding people as you work through the claims. This has yet to happen and the allotted time has already passed us by even with the added comment yesterday. It has been 9 days which is far beyond the 1-3 and then 5-7 which has been told to us by 2 separate devs. This tells me that NO ground has been gained yet in the matter it is just being pushed to the side. Why is there so much variance in these replies? It also tells me you are not communicating with other staff to get this resolved ASAP.


Because it effects a small number of users we are the ones left to wait....


Completely unacceptable in my opinion. At this point we deserve extra compensation for the wait. I will no longer be investing money into this game at this time based on what I see.


Good day to all.

Edited by CheefSweetLeef
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