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Hello, I would like to make the transfer from the Gold server to the Silver server, but at the moment I enter the dashboard in the part of the transfer, it appears that I have a Pokémon on loan,

of which I have no idea, and therefore i cannot make the transfer . Is there any way to know what pokemons I have on loan, or else, some way that the pokes I have on loan come back to me, so that I can make the transfer

Nickname in game: Hikou

Edited by Hauzt
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Hello, I would like to make the transfer from the Gold server to the Silver server, but at the moment I enter the dashboard in the part of the transfer, it appears that I have a Pokémon on loan,

of which I have no idea, and therefore i cannot make the transfer . Is there any way to know what pokemons I have on loan, or else, some way that the pokes I have on loan come back to me, so that I can make the transfer



Which of your accounts are you talking about? Because this one has 0 hours and no process on both servers.

Looking forward to hear from you.


Kind regards, Contrary

General Support | PRO Official Discord | Bug Resolution Center

Please do not contact staff members for private support. Share your questions on the forums, as they can be of use to others.



Which of your accounts are you talking about? Because this one has 0 hours and no process on both servers.

Looking forward to hear from you.


Kind regards, Contrary

Im registered with my main account Hikou, the account with the problem, but i dont how to change the name on the forums

@Straubs Can you help me with this :x ?


Hello @Hauzt.


I am sorry for the delay in responses, but we are currently waiting for a response from higher management, as this issue seems to stem outside of our reach.


As such, please be patient, and someone will get to you once there is more information regarding this issue. I hope you understand.


I hope you have a nice day,





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Do not contact Staff members for private support. Use the appropriate forums as it may be helpful to others.

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Solved, ty to everyone who helps me :RowletHeart:


Hello again @Hauzt!


I am glad that the situation was resolved. As such, I will be closing this thread.


Please do not hesitate to post any concerns, issues, or questions you may have in the proper Sub Forums. I hope you have a nice day!





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Do not contact Staff members for private support. Use the appropriate forums as it may be helpful to others.

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