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It is 47 bosses because:

I didn't include jessie & james since the requirement is pikachu(but you could just swap with empoleon)

I didn't include the bosses like prehax(2team), nikola, suspicious bot(3team)


I do this guide for those who are irritated to go pokemon center like me just to change the team. And I look through the guides there is no one that is literally 6 team vs all the bosses they just go back in the pokemon center just to swap the pokemon for the requirement of the boss.


I just wanted to share my team so that when there is someone wants to do their original 6 pokes vs all boss.

This guide maybe also for upcoming mega if there will be no change in the requirements.

I also have prepared for the future 6 team vs all bosses(unfortunately except jessie&james again :( ) for the upcoming mega that uses Mega Gyarados as a sweeper since it have Mold Breaker and I'll go make a guide if it became successful. I just hope there will be no change in the requirements.


It is also time efficient as you could see in the example of a battle in "Example of a fight" section. It will only takes less than 4mins in every single boss


Team Requirements for a 6 team:

1 pokemon that knows waterfall to go to Terminator

1 pokemon that iron defense to start Steven

1 dragon type to start Lance

1 ghost type to start Morty

1 fire type to start Saphirr

2 steel types to start Steven

1 Pikachu to start Jessie&James

[spoiler=My 6 team]

[spoiler=Why these pokemon?]

[spoiler=Why these pokemon?]

I use this kind of team because:

Mismagius is a excellent lead that has high speed that can do;

memento for reducing attk and spattk,

destiny bond for the pokes that have +stat,

skill swap for those who have annoying ability like clear body

have access to taunt, so that you could use taunt+destiny bond combo

Item: Mostly Choice Scarf, sometimes Focus Sash


Dugtrio is a steel type has high speed and could lower speed of the opponent due to the ability and have access to memento

Item: Always Choice Scarf


Chandelure is a dual ghost/fire type that has memento

Item: Always Choice Scarf


Empoleon is a steel type that have stealth and knock off. Also have feather dance to -2attk the opponent

Knock off those who have choice band, choice specs, and life orb

Stealth for those who have Sash or Sturdy

Item: Focus Sash or Leftovers (I always use Sash but I never has been broken since the damage of the opponent will only deal 1/4 damage due to the memento


Mew is so bulky and can baton pass all stats

Item: Always Leftovers


Haxorus is a dragon type that have mold breaker for all pokes

Item: Your choice; Muscle Band, Life Orb, or Lum Berry


For future:


Mega Gyarados have access to Mold Breaker :)















For Jessie&James:





[spoiler=Example of a fight]

Example of a boss fight:

Still learning to edit and adjusting the screen :)


So basically what I do in these boss is get the least possible attack so that Mew could handle all attacks

The perfect example of a battle is a dual bosses like Medusa&Eldir:



[TD]For Medusa

Mismagius memento

Alolan-Dugtrio memento

Chandelure memento

Then it will have -6 attack and -6 special attack

Empoleon knock off and stealth rock

Therefor it would just tickle Mew even crits

Mew all do the baton pass +stat

Haxorus all do the sweeping[/TD]

[TD]For Eldir

Sash Mismagius Taunt and Destiny bond since 317 is speed of gyarados you could outspeed it

Alolan-Dugtrio memento

Chandelure memento

Then it will have -4 attack and -4 special attack

Empoleon feather dance knock off and stealth rock

Therefore -6attack now and it would just tickle Mew even crits

Mew all do the baton pass +stat

Haxorus all do the sweeping[/TD]




Another example is Steven:

Steven has annoying ability for some players because the 1st poke has clear body and the 2nd poke has choice scarf with swords dance

For Steven

Mismagius skillswap

Alolan-Dugtrio memento

Chandelure memento

Then it will have -4 attack and -4 special attack

Empoleon feather dance knock off and stealth rock

Therefore -6attack and it would just tickle Mew even crits

Mew all do the baton pass +stat

Haxorus all do the sweeping




[spoiler=Speed of the boss pokes]

This guide could also be if you want to make your own team so that you will know what speed to outspeed them.

The guide also have warnings of some bosses that have a lead with moves like nasty plot, swords dance, dragon dance, etc. and abilities like clear body, etc.

Also, ignore the column of THIS IS FOR MY POKES and STEALTH NEEDED. I just added it there for those bosses who need stealth rock.

If there will be update in bosses in the future, I will also update the link.

Have fun :)


Here is the link to the guide of every boss speed














Edited by Luciooo
  • 1 year later...

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