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hey, Ive got a problem, and I think this would solve the same problem to a lot of ppl, the thing is, I dissable my chat all the time because a lot of people keeps pm me, which is annoying, specially when you're doying pvp matches, so I always keeps the chat dissable, well, thats a problem because I cant chat with my friends, so I talk on local, I recently got banned for using some kind of languague, an 18+ lenguaje, which I get it, I wont deny I did something wrong, but how am I supposed to chat with my friends and dissable the chat at the same time, it would be great to have an option to chat to someone while having the chat disabbled, for example if it is in your friends list or something like that, I would need to clean my friends list, but taht would be a way, or maybe just in general an option to talk to somebody even if your chat is dissable maybe if Im the one who starts the conversation or something like that, it would be great, because I really can't chat to my frinds and disabble the chat at the same time, and look where that brought me, now Im banned.

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i think it would be cool to have the ability to select who you can get pms from so that you dont get all the people asking to give them pokes, while still being able to talk with people

can't do anything about the ban though :/


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