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2 Suggestions and 1 Ask Permission


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Hello everyone, my name is Max and I'm a Brazilian player and I'm here to share 2 sugesstions and ask for one permission.


First of all, I'd like to say that I 'm a new user and I'm enjoying a lot the PRO. And I wanna ask something to the admins: I'm a developer too, much more a front-end guy with UI and UX focus and concepts; and I personally want to create a website and an app iOS and Android versions for the Auction House here. But I need your permission. I would do the app with Ionic and the website with Angular 9 and connect both with the same database which would be the firebase. I could just use Ionic to do the app and use also as website but I personally dont like PWAs. I can create as a test just to you guys sees that would be great and qualified. And I'm also thought about one idea of monetize it: to appear on the first page the user must pay an Auction House membership like 3 dollars/month or (of course I would share the money with the game staffs) just use the coins system that you already have or if you like my website and app and want to connect with your database we could do that all membership in the game would have this feature.


If you guys let me, I can do the website and 1 month working all alone and after that I can create the app too.





As a front-end developer I personally considerer very important the UI and UX. And both suggestion are about that:


1st - I think it would be much better to add a chronometer in the Safari Zone instead of just showing the green messages in the chat telling how much time we still have. And I also think it will be great to let the user know how much time he still has on the Membership, boost exp and stuffs like that. One possible way to do that its adding a line on mouse hover.

Here an example (add a line here):




2nd - I think it's very annoying and not very well stipulated the fact that the user it self needs to select the Pokemon which have the Dig ability to enter into the dig passages. The Game it self should know if one of the 6 usable pokémons have that specific ability. If you guys did that, just to make people learn what dig is, it will be easier to create a NPC dialog like : "Oh I see that your [Pokémon] has the dig. Go ahaed."


It's an action that the user do not need. It's a bad User Experience.



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I love the two suggestions below. +1. Even if I can use discord to check MS, it's a super nice shortcut.


(For the first idea, I guess you'd have to talk with a developer?)

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https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxydK7CUEwL47Ym7hIkMbSA <- Youtube channel with guides!

https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/forum/13-game-guide/ <- Check my game guides (and other's guides) here!

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I love the two suggestions below. +1. Even if I can use discord to check MS, it's a super nice shortcut.


(For the first idea, I guess you'd have to talk with a developer?)



Thank you for supporting me. About the first idea, yes, I'm still waiting some developer answer the admin then he will answer me here. I hope they give me the permission, at least to develop a demo.

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  • Developer

Hello, the icons generally need a rework, changing or adding new stuff doesn't make much sense simply cause I have to redo it anyways.

The cave skipping dig spots are really old. We already changed all scripts according to that except a few that will probably be reworked as well.


About the auction house, we are really thankful that you want to help but we want to add it to the Dashboard and in-game. Using someone elses work to do that would be as much or even more work than doing it ourself. The main problem we have with the auction house is the planing, not the actual implementation.


We are happy to hear from you if you have other ways to support the game. We'll surely support you if we can.

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Hello, the icons generally need a rework, changing or adding new stuff doesn't make much sense simply cause I have to redo it anyways.

The cave skipping dig spots are really old. We already changed all scripts according to that except a few that will probably be reworked as well.


About the auction house, we are really thankful that you want to help but we want to add it to the Dashboard and in-game. Using someone elses work to do that would be as much or even more work than doing it ourself. The main problem we have with the auction house is the planing, not the actual implementation.


We are happy to hear from you if you have other ways to support the game. We'll surely support you if we can.



@Eaty , thank you for answer me. In my opinion, for the website I agree with you that it would be better if it was on the dashboard. But I also think an App would be aewsome, so I'm still available to build one using Ionic Framework. Imagine this scenario: someone it's playing PRO on PC, and don't want to change the tabs to website, it's easier to check your mobile phone to see if there is notification of some bid at his auctionHouse; As I said before, I'm a front-end UI UX developer, so I don't want you to think I'm just mocking you, because I'm not, I really want to contribute with my knowlodge in this area. And if planning it's a problem, I'm sure I can help with that, even because I had already thought of everything for my website/app. I would be happy to share with you everything. Can you add me on discord? It's Pinkbean#9747 or I can give you my personal e-mail address.



And I also have another suggestion of improvement as well:


- The filter on PC - Pokémon Storage it's really bad. In my opinion it should order the hole pages instead of only the actual opened section (page), and even that it's working bad, its only filtering each collum not all collums. I think it's a bad UX. And you guys could also let the user decides if he wants to filter the hole page or by collums.




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