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[ALL REGION] Guide to " Hunt Pokes in 1 area with 2 spawns " Pokes for PvP & Hunting ditto

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Welcome to my guide


This Guide will help you out to find Best place to hunt Pokemon.

Also if you are free , then which poke you should hunt?


Good Luck for Hunting ;;


As this guide may contain minor mistakes , feel free to contact me if you found any. You can contact in forum DMs or in discord ( Superb#3564).



1. - Red named poke means it require MS.

2. M/D/N means Morning/Day/Night it's mentioned for all pokes. If not mentioned it means All day.

3.T means tier of the poke.



Route - 13


1. Chansey ( T8)- All day + Ditto(T6)


Recommended Sync - Bold



Route 28

Heracross ( T9) + Sneasel ( T7)(N)


Sync - Jolly


Route 33


Shinx (T9)+ Heracross(T9) + Aipom(T6)


Sync - Ada / Jolly


Route 34


Pineco (T8)(N) + Togepi ( T8)


Sync - Bold


Route 39


Shinx ( T9) + Tauras ( T6)


Sync - Ada / jolly


Route 42


Aipom(T6) + Heracross ( T9) (M/D)


Sync-Ada / jolly


Route 45


Skarmory ( T9) + Gligar (T6)


Sync - Impish , Careful



Caves , Tunnel and Mt. Silver


Cerulean cave


1. 1F

Wobbuffet + Yamask (T8 both)


Sync - Bold , Calm , Sassy , Relaxed


2. 2F

Marowak + Skorupi (T8 both)


Sync - Ada


Victory Road




Drilbur + Marowak ( T8 both)


Sync - Ada



Rock Tunnel


1. Rock tunnel 1F

Kangaskhan(T8) + Cubone(T6)


Sync - Ada



Mt. Silver


1. Mt. Silver lower mountainside

Larvitar (M)(T8) + Aipom(T6)


Sync - Ada / Jolly


2.Mt. Silver expert belt


Larvitar + Pupitar ( T8 both)


Sync - jolly / ada / Impish / Sassy / Relaxed / Careful


3.Mt. Silver 3F

Absol (T9) + Larvitar (T8)(D)


Sync - Ada/jolly


4.Mt. Silver exterior


Zangoose (T7) + Sneasel (T6)


Sync - Jolly


5. Donphan(T5) + Skarmory (M/D)(T9)


Sync - Impish/Careful


Trainers Valley


1. Unknown Place


Zangoose ( T9) + Sneasel ( N)(T7)


Sync - Jolly



Sinnoh Region



Route 207

Gligar(T8)(N) + Phanphy(T6)


Recommended Nature - Impish / Careful


Route - 209

Gastly(T1) + Ralts(T9)


Recommended Nature - Timid


Route 211

Swablu(T9)(D) + Meditate(T8)


Recommended Nature - Ada / Jolly


Route 213

Shellos(T7) + Pelliper(T3)


Recommended Nature - Bold / Calm


Route 214

Gliagar(T7) + Hippopotas(T8)


Recommended Nature - Impish / Careful


Route - 215


Helioptile(T9) + Houndour(T6)+Kadabra(T8)+Abra(T5)


Recommended Nature - Timid/Modest


Route 216

Cubchoo + Sneasel (T8 both)


Recommended Nature - Jolly


Route 223

Mantyke (T6) + Wingull(T2)


Recommended Nature - Bold/Calm


Route 224

Buizel(T6) + Hawluchaa (T8)


Recommended Nature - Ada / Jolly


Route 227

Skarmory(T9) + Gligar (T8)


Recommended Nature - Impish/Careful


Route - 228

Beldum(T9) + Rhydon(T6)


Recommended Nature - Ada





Scyther(T8) + Pinsir(T8)


Recommended Nature - Ada/Jolly


Route - 230


Togepi(D)(T9) + Shellos(M/N)(T9)


Recommended Nature - Bold/Calm


Route 210 North

Bagon(T8) + Scyther(T8)+Swablu(D)(T9) + Meditate(T8)


Recommended Nature - Ada/Jolly


Acuity lakefront

Meditate(T8) + Sneasel(T6)(D)


Recommended nature - Jolly


Amity square

Buneary(T6) + Shroomish(T7)


Recommended Nature - Ada/jolly


Cave of justice

Absol (T8) + Growlithe(T4)


Recommended Nature - Ada/Jolly


Etherna forest

Buneary(M/D)(T7) + Whirlipede(T8)


Recommended Nature - Ada/Jolly


Fuego ironworks

Luxio(T8) + Shinx(T7)


Recommended Nature - Ada / Jolly


Victory Road - Sinnoh

1. 1F

Medichamp(T8) + gabite (T9)


Recommended Nature - jolly / ada


2. B1F

Medichamp(T8) + Mienfoo(T8)


Recommended Nature - Ada/Jolly


Pal park


Riolu(T8)(M) + Croagunk(T8


Recommended Nature - Ada/Jolly


@ Hoenn Region @



Route - 105


Wailmer ( T6 ) + Pelliper (T6)


Recommended Sync - Calm/Bold/Modest


Route 106


Clauncher ( T8 ) + Wailmer (T6)


Recommended Sync - Modest


For Clauncher Timid also works.


Route 109



Clauncher (T8) + Wailmer(T6)


Recommended Sync - Modest



Magikarp/Gyaradose(T5) + Shellder(T6)


Recommended Sync - Ada/Jolly


Route 110


Plusle(T8) + Minun(T8) + Electrike(T6)


Recommended Sync - Timid/Modest


Route 114


Skorupi (T8) + Swablu(T9) + Zangoose (T9)


Recommended Sync - Ada / Jolly


Route 116


Abra(T6) + Joltik(T9)


Recommended Sync - Timid/Modest


Route 117


Tympole (T8) + Togepi(T8)


Recommended sync - Modest/Bold


Route 118


Absol (T9) + Aipom(T6)


Recommended sync - Ada/Jolly


Manetric(T8) + Electrike(T6)


Recommended Sync - Timid


Route 119 ( A )


Carvanha(T5) + Sharpedo(T8)


Recommended Sync - Ada( Jolly for boss)


Route 119 ( B )


Feebas(T7) + Pelliper(T5)


Recommended Sync - Calm / Bold/Modest


Route - 126


Shellder(T5) + Magikarp(T2) + Clamperl(T6)


Recommended Sync - Ada/Jolly


Route - 134


Alomomola (T6) + Wailmer (T6)


Recommended Sync - Bold / Calm


Victory Road ( Hoenn )

1) 1F


Aron(T8) + Lairon(T9)


Recommended Sync - Ada , Brave , Impish , careful , relaxed , sassy


2. B1F


Aron (N)(T9) + Mauwile (T8)


Recommended Sync - Ada


Granite cave


1. B1F


Aron(D) + Axew (M/N)

(T8 Both)


Recommended Sync - Ada






Clefairy(T3) + Clefable(T8) + Togepi(T9)


Recommended Sync - Calm/Bold


Thanks for visiting


Special THANKS of this <span style=❤️"> guide to


Edited by supertrainers
  • Like 5

Hi Trainers! Just read through this quick so I can point out some stuff. I really like the idea of establishing different areas where you can hunt for multiple boss pokemon and pvp pokemon at the same time (example: Route 1 Sentret + Pidgey Impish and Careful for Baton Pass and Debuffing in bosses).


There's an extra [ /SPOILER] at the end in Mt Silver. It might be breaking the order of your spoilers. You can remove it.


Donphan + Skarmory should be Impish sync (in Mt Silver as you specify)

You can also add Ada, Sassy, Relaxed, Careful, Impish, Jolly to Larvitar and Pupitar sync in Expert Belt if you want.

IMO, Cubone and Kangaskhan's sync don't work together with Jolly. It does with Adamant, however. Jolly is okay for Kangaskhan.

Same as in Victory Road. Marowak doesn't go well with Jolly. You can keep the Adamant sync. Jolly is okay for Drilbur.

Same with Marowak + Skorupi. you can keep the Adamant sync. Jolly's good for Skorupi.

The Ditto in Route 13 is a nice recommendation for begginers.

Murkrow with Bold is weird. I kinda understand Slugma, but Magcargo is such a bad pokemon that it'd be only usable with Quiet, Brave, or cheese tanky sets. I'd add Jolly/Naive Murkrow sync instead, but you won't be able to sync Slugma properly then.

Wobbufet + Yamask can also be Calm if you want :). Also, Relaxed/Sassy works for both, since they'll always attack last anyway, and Yamask benefits from low speed in Trick Room.

You can also add Careful into Skarmory + Gligar.


I really love the idea about the guide and the shared spawns. It's an interesting one I had never thought about. Keep up the good work! :)

  • Like 1

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxydK7CUEwL47Ym7hIkMbSA <- Youtube channel with guides!

https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/forum/13-game-guide/ <- Check my game guides (and other's guides) here!

  • 8 months later...

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