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Just tested this while waiting for the login queue:

Leveling a Mightyena from level 18 to 19 is 1,021 exp with it's current exp at 5,838.

Leveling a Poochyena from 18 to 19 takes 1,007 exp with it's current exp being at 5,852.


Note the difference in the two battles I just tested was 14 experience lower on the evolved form from the unevolved form.


So the exp needed to reach 18 to 19 on either evolved or unevolved Poochyena from 18 to 19 means it has to have a total exp of 6,859, and I'm the OT of the Poocheyna, so it doesn't get any bonus exp.


This means on the handhelds, evolved and unevolved Pokémon have no different in leveling required.



So, given that this is the case if the admin or someone that speaks for him could answer: Did you choose to make it take more experience to level up an evolved Pokémon? If so, may we know why? I'm asking, because I'm a new player, and I was totally unaware of this when I evolved my starter, and I'm disappointed now that I will have to grind out a lot more battles to level my Pokémon than if I hadn't evolved it...

  Algalon said:
  Quakkz said:
  Algalon said:

Really? So if my bulbasaur is lvl 98, since bulbasaur's max speed stat with a neutral nature is 189, and Venusaur's max speed with a neutral nature is 259, in those two levels with maxed EVs I will get +70 speed all at once?


That's insane, have you tested this yourself?


whats insane about that? the stats just adjust according to the base stats of the pokemon. And i have multiple competitive level 100 pokemon that i evolved at lvl 98/99, and they have the same stats as calculated by any stat calculator in the internet. There is no difference depending on when you evolved a pokemon. Stats are based on a formula that you can find on any pokemon wiki, that has nothing to do with the level it has been evolved.

  Slyvarant said:
117030 Just tested this while waiting for the login queue:

Leveling a Mightyena from level 18 to 19 is 1,021 exp with it's current exp at 5,838.

Leveling a Poochyena from 18 to 19 takes 1,007 exp with it's current exp being at 5,852.


Note the difference in the two battles I just tested was 14 experience lower on the evolved form from the unevolved form.


So the exp needed to reach 18 to 19 on either evolved or unevolved Poochyena from 18 to 19 means it has to have a total exp of 6,859, and I'm the OT of the Poocheyna, so it doesn't get any bonus exp.


This means on the handhelds, evolved and unevolved Pokémon have no different in leveling required.



So, given that this is the case if the admin or someone that speaks for him could answer: Did you choose to make it take more experience to level up an evolved Pokémon? If so, may we know why? I'm asking, because I'm a new player, and I was totally unaware of this when I evolved my starter, and I'm disappointed now that I will have to grind out a lot more battles to level my Pokémon than if I hadn't evolved it...


may i ask with which pokemon game you tested this?

Well the original pokemon game actually has its own unique game mechanics. These include experience calculation points, items that can be use for boosting exp, and stat total.


Now what i know is, evolution has its own main purpose; to make a pokemon stronger. In every pokemon game, doesn't matter if you hold back evolution, the exp needed to reach level 100 will never change. The only benefits for holding back evolution is to learn certain moves faster, and yep, that's all. Even if you hold back evolution of a poke and evolve it at level 98 or 99, the poke ( which has evolved) will not have stats as much as if you evolve it at its original level that it should have evolved. So in the original pokemon game, you will find it very hard to level up pokemon until level 100. To make it easier, pokemon game has provided some items (e.g. lucky egg, 1.5x exp after trading).


PRO changes exp calculation mechanics totally that when a pokemon evolves, the more experience points will be needed than the unevolve one, and the pokemon will get the same amount of total stats when you evolve it at level 99 or evolve it when it should have evolved at a certain level. Also, PRO makes the IVs visible that lots of people will try to find a pokemon with good iv.


Actually, I'm Totally Okay With That. I know im playing in a MMO game, which is totally different from the original pokemon game, but what i think is that the original game mechanics shouldn't be changed, and i will be really happy to level up my pokemon , evolve it like the way i did on other pokemon game.


Sorry if you find it a little bit offensive, im 100% happy about PRO, but for me this game will be so much better to play when the original game mechanics remain the same like it should be.



I do have an issue with the system they set in place. It penalizes pokemon with evolutions unable to fight in their first form effectively. It does not really do anything but add an artificial difficulty to the game either by being unevolved or getting a temporary boost before the unevolved form outpaces through a 20 level gap.


It feels clunky because it is clunky. I can't understand the logic where it's somehow optimal that you have to keep a Squirtle until level 99 to finally get Wartortle, unlike any other game.


Instead of, say, raising the exp required by 1.3x and then offering the bonus for keeping your pokemon completely unevolved to be 1.3x exp.


The penalty for evolving is absolutely ridiculous. It unfairly penalizes pokemon that need to evolve like Eevee and Magikarp, and makes evolving detrimental to your mid-to-late game before you reach the 100s. Evolving isn't really a choice when the penalty is more like a gun to your head that says "do it and you'll be 20 levels behind and your stats won't even keep up".


Gen VI gave you a choice, but that choice could be good or bad, not some one-sided bias towards not evolving.

  ApplePie said:
117167 Sorry if you find it a little bit offensive, im 100% happy about PRO, but for me this game will be so much better to play when the original game mechanics remain the same like it should be.




What? How is that about "should be"? Is there any rule that say that every Pokemon game has to be exactly like the official? Or even better, every Pokemon game has to be like YOU want? I like everything you said even if I don't share the same opinion but really that statement pish me a lot.

  Crimefridge said:
117212 I do have an issue with the system they set in place. It penalizes pokemon with evolutions unable to fight in their first form effectively. It does not really do anything but add an artificial difficulty to the game either by being unevolved or getting a temporary boost before the unevolved form outpaces through a 20 level gap.


It feels clunky because it is clunky. I can't understand the logic where it's somehow optimal that you have to keep a Squirtle until level 99 to finally get Wartortle, unlike any other game.


Instead of, say, raising the exp required by 1.3x and then offering the bonus for keeping your pokemon completely unevolved to be 1.3x exp.


The penalty for evolving is absolutely ridiculous. It unfairly penalizes pokemon that need to evolve like Eevee and Magikarp, and makes evolving detrimental to your mid-to-late game before you reach the 100s. Evolving isn't really a choice when the penalty is more like a gun to your head that says "do it and you'll be 20 levels behind and your stats won't even keep up".


Gen VI gave you a choice, but that choice could be good or bad, not some one-sided bias towards not evolving.



I agree with almost everything you said. There shouldn't be any boon for staying unevolved beyond learning moves quicker. The fact that evolving makes it harder to level, can very easily punish players who're ignorant of this, as I was. If I want to keep playing with my starter, I have to grind X times harder than someone who knew this of this "feature". I even had to go to a Pokémon school at one point. There's ample time for that to be explained before you even get close to your first evolution with most Pokémon.


I can't use some of my favorite Pokémon effectively because of this. I understand that some people think this makes sense, or it's something they like, but I don't. I started a day ago and fully planned on giving the Red Server a test run, to learn the mechanics and starting on Blue as soon as it came out. On top of all of this, if I want to progress as fast as I can, I have to deal with denying evolutions constantly. From what I've been told thus far, there's no way to get an everstone early on if it is even available.

  Trynstark said:
  ApplePie said:
117167 Sorry if you find it a little bit offensive, im 100% happy about PRO, but for me this game will be so much better to play when the original game mechanics remain the same like it should be.




What? How is that about "should be"? Is there any rule that say that every Pokemon game has to be exactly like the official? Or even better, every Pokemon game has to be like YOU want? I like everything you said even if I don't share the same opinion but really that statement pish me a lot.


No, I didn't say that every pokemon game has to be 100% the same. The matter is that these new mechanics is totally different and has never applied in pokemon game.


Well im sorry if the statement made you a little bit mad , but i didn't say that every pokemon game has to be the way I want, that statement is only my opinion. I do respect new creations and interpretations in PRO.


Hope you have a good day.


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