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Re: NPC Dialogue Errors


<r><QUOTE author="Kuvishuby"><s>

</s><POST content="185807"><s></s>185807<e></e></POST> In Hoenn power plant, the first NPC<br/>

<IMG src="https://i.gyazo.com/3ed966357687233e4dea295126dc01c7.png"><s></e></IMG><e>



Talking to bosses: <I><s></s>Wnat<e></e></I> instead of <I><s></s>What<e></e></I><br/>

<IMG src="https://i.gyazo.com/4007e2db44cb53c2835fa8feafad0474.png"><s></e></IMG></r>


Playing Pokémon Moon... I will come back >:)

Re: NPC Dialogue Errors


<t>Women in Vermillion house next to ocean wants Spearow.<br/>


1. Sure, ok<br/>

2. No...<br/>


On 1. It should be "Sure, OK" not "Sure, ok" but that is really a major bug but we need to learn gramatics once in a while</t>


Heyam, Im so newbie

Re: NPC Dialogue Errors


<t>Thanks, will get those fixed as soon as possible. Staff tools are not working right now, so unfortunately they will have to remain like that for a little while.</t>


Official discord chat.

Be polite and patient if you need support. While users with the symbols +, % and @ are the chat staff, they are not necessarily also game staff, but they can usually advise you. That said, forums are better for reporting issues and bugs.

Re: NPC Dialogue Errors


<r>Got some more for you :P<br/>



</s><B><s></s>Route 109<e></e></B><br/>


<I><s></s>Tuber Ricky<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"I'm bored... Let's have some battle!"<e>


Should be: <br/>



</s>"I'm bored... Let's have <U><s></s>a<e></e></U> battle!"<e>


<B><s></s>Route 119B<e></e></B><br/>


<I><s></s>Brent<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"There's nothing quite like the feeling of throwing a pokeball and capturing new species."<e>


Forgot to capitalize "Pokeball".<br/>



</s>"There's nothing quite like the feeling of throwing a <U><s></s>P<e></e></U>okeball and capturing new species."<e>



<B><s></s>Route 119A<e></e></B><br/>


<I><s></s>Kent<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"Back to the bug hunting."<e>


Not sure if 'bug' refers to the typing or not, if not, ignore this one.<br/>



</s>"Back to the <U><s></s>B<e></e></U>ug hunting."<e>


<I><s></s>Donald<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"I've got all I need: plenty of antidote, a few Pecha Berries and a bag full of Net Balls."<e>


I think he refers to the item "Antidote".<br/>



</s>"I've got all I need: plenty of <U><s></s>A<e></e></U>ntidote<U><s></s>s<e></e></U>, a few Pecha Berries and a bag full of Net Balls."<e>



<B><s></s>Weather Institute 1F<e></e></B><br/>


<I><s></s>Kent<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"E: Then I'll call this as a technical issue."<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"E: Then I'll call this a technical issue."<e>


<I><s></s>Second Aqua Grunt after defeating her/him<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"Seems it's too windy in here afterall."<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"Seems it's too windy in here <U><s></s>after all<e></e></U>."<e>


<I><s></s>Second Magma Grunt after defeating her/him<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"You don't know how things work, so I won't talk to you"<e>


Forgot the punctuation.<br/>



</s>"You don't know how things work, so I won't talk to you<U><s></s>.<e></e></U>"<e>



<B><s></s>Weather Institute 2F<e></e></B><br/>


<I><s></s>Magma Grunt in the upper left corner after being defeated<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"Guess i'll just hear..."<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"Guess i'll just listen..."<e>



<B><s></s>Fortree City<e></e></B><br/>


<I><s></s>Old man on the platform next to the Pokemart<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"This city was build on top of an old florest, so the breeze here is always fresh!"<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"This city was build on top of an old <U><s></s>forest<e></e></U>, so the breeze here is always fresh!"<e>


<I><s></s>Young kid on the platform in the bottom right corner<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"but our Gym Leader uses Flying-Type Pokemon!"<e>


I don't think you need to capitalize "type".<br/>



</s>"but our Gym Leader uses Flying-type Pokemon!"<e>


<I><s></s>Aline<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"Good thing you have this device with you, you may find more Kecleons arround blocking your path.."<e>


The plural of a Pokemon's name is its name and also another mistake in "around".<br/>



</s>"Good thing you have this device with you, you may find more <U><s></s>Kecleon around<e></e></U> blocking your path.."<e>



<B><s></s>Fortree Gym<e></e></B><br/>


<I><s></s>Helper<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"Take care, only Flying type Pokemons are used in this Gym."<e>


Pokémon has no plural, also in other dialogues you use "-" in between "Flying" and "type" so i'm not sure whether to use one here as well or not so i'll leave this up to you.<br/>



</s>"Take care, only Flying type <U><s></s>Pokemon<e></e></U> are used in this Gym."<e>


<I><s></s>Bird Keeper Will<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"My bird Pokemons are special and well trained."<e>


Pokémon has no plural.<br/>



</s>"My bird <U><s></s>Pokemon<e></e></U> are special and well trained."<e>


<I><s></s>Youngster Jerry<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"My Tropius is in the top percentage of Tropiuses."<e>


Pokémon names don't have a plural form.<br/>



</s>"My Tropius is in the top percentage of <U><s></s>Tropius<e></e></U>."<e>



<B><s></s>Route 120<e></e></B><br/>


<I><s></s>Steven<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"[name], are your Pokemons ready to battle?"<e>


Pokémon has no plural.<br/>



</s>"[name], are your <U><s></s>Pokemon<e></e></U> ready to battle?"<e>


<I><s></s>Jennifer after being defeated.z<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"Hmm... you sure are strong."<e>


Forgot to capitalize "you".<br/>



</s>"Hmm...<U><s></s>You<e></e></U> sure are strong."<e>



<B><s></s>Route 121<e></e></B><br/>


<I><s></s>Magma Grunt<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"Hey, heard there's a new meeting at the Summit of Mount Pyre?"<e>


I don't think you need to capitalize "summit" here.<br/>



</s>"Hey, heard there's a new meeting at the <U><s></s>summit<e></e></U> of Mount Pyre?"<e>


<I><s></s>Kate<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"Me and my brother here came to visit Safari..."<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"<U><s></s>My brother here and me<e></e></U> came to visit <U><s></s>the<e></e></U> Safari..."<e>


<I><s></s>Joy<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"Me and my sister here came to visit Safari..."<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"<U><s></s>My sister here and me<e></e></U> came to visit <U><s></s>the<e></e></U> Safari..."<e>



Re: NPC Dialogue Errors


<r>Some more:<br/>



</s>In every battlescreen you say "A Wild [name] Attacks.","The Opposing Trainer is changing Pokemon.","[name Pokemon] Attacks [Other Pokemon] with [move]." and "It's Super Effective.".<br/>

I don't see a reason to capitalize "opposing trainer","attacks","wild" and "super effective" here.<br/>

If you can change all the battlescreens at once I'd change them. If not then I'd just leave it like this.<br/>

But then again, this is just my opinion.<br/>


<B><s></s>Mt. Pyre 2F<e></e></B><br/>


<I><s></s>Mark:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>



Skipped the dialogue too fast so I didn't get the full sentence but I believe you forgot to capitalize "Pokemon".<br/>





<I><s></s>Pokeball on the ground:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"a Ultraball"<e>


Skipped the dialogue too fast so I didn't get the full sentence but I believe you wrote "a" instead of "an".<br/>



</s>"<U><s></s>an<e></e></U> Ultraball"<e>



<B><s></s>Mt. Pyre Exterior<e></e></B><br/>


<I><s></s>Last Grunt:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"You have no idea what's at the top of this Summit."<e>


There's no reason to capitalize "summit".<br/>



</s>"You have no idea what's at the top of this <U><s></s>summit<e></e></U>."<e>



<B><s></s>Mt. Pyre Summit<e></e></B><br/>


<I><s></s>One of the last Grunts after being defeated:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"I shall hide in my shellter from now on, ugly things will happen."<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"I shall hide in my <U><s></s>shelter<e></e></U> from now on, ugly things will happen."<e>


<I><s></s>Archie:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"I will go to the underwater cavern where Kyorgre retreated to last time."<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"I will go to the underwater cavern where <U><s></s>Kyogre<e></e></U> retreated to last time."<e>


<I><s></s>Maxie:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"we could only presume that amplifying the power of the Orbs."<e>


I don't see a reason to capitalize "orbs".<br/>



</s>"we could only presume that amplifying the power of the <U><s></s>orbs<e></e></U>."<e>


<I><s></s>Old Man:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"Indeed, their strength will grow beyond human imagination when they will get in touch with the Orbs."<e>


I don't see a reason to capitalize "orbs". They say it a couple more times in this dialogue.<br/>



</s>"Indeed, their strength will grow beyond human imagination when they will get in touch with the <U><s></s>orbs<e></e></U>."<e>



<B><s></s>Route 123<e></e></B><br/>


<I><s></s>Ace Trainer Clyde:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"Good luck for the Hoenn league, man!"<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"Good luck for the Hoenn <U><s></s>League<e></e></U>, man!"<e>



<I><s></s>Fisherman Larry:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"It's not hobby or sport, or anything like that!"<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"It's not <U><s></s>a<e></e></U> hobby or sport, or anything like that!"<e>



<I><s></s>Fisherman Larry after being defeated:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"Every time I find a quiet strong Pokemon, ..." "I only fish Pokemon that has good stats."<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"Every time I find a <U><s></s>quite<e></e></U> strong Pokemon, ..." "I only fish Pokemon that <U><s></s>have<e></e></U> good stats."<e>



<B><s></s>Lilycove City<e></e></B><br/>


<I><s></s>May:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"Hello, [Name]" "At this point, I there's no way I can lose!"<e>


Forgot the punctuation. Also you forgot a part of your sentence.<br/>



</s>"Hello, [Name]<U><s></s>.<e></e></U>" "At this point, there's no way I can lose." <e>


<I><s></s>The sign on the left of the Pokecenter and the worldmap:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"Lilicove City"<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"<U><s></s>Lilycove<e></e></U> City" <e>



<B><s></s>Pokecenter Lilycove City<e></e></B><br/>


<I><s></s>Stark:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"Oh well.. Tony got the last Iron Man suit from the department store, that left me only with the mask."<e>


I love the little easter eggs you guys put into this game. :P Also, it should be like this:<br/>



</s>"Oh well.. Tony got the last Iron Man suit from the <U><s></s>Department Store<e></e></U>, that left me only with the mask." <e>


<I><s></s>Mirna:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"Jessica, what did you buy from the department store?"<e>


Should be like this:<br/>



</s>"Jessica, what did you buy from the <U><s></s>Department Store?<e></e></U>"<e>



<B><s></s>Lilycove City House 3<e></e></B><br/>


<I><s></s>Kent:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"He beat me in almost every games we played anyways.."<e>


Should be like this:<br/>



</s>"He beat me in almost every <U><s></s>game<e></e></U> we played anyways.."<e>



<B><s></s>Lilycove Department Store 1F<e></e></B><br/>


<I><s></s>Billy:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"Hey, sir? Do you know who my idle is? Jackson?"<e>


I think you meant "idol" instead of "idle". And probably the wrong punctuation.<br/>



</s>"Hey, sir? Do you know who my <U><s></s>idol<e></e></U> is? Jackson<U><s></s>!<e></e></U>"<e>



<B><s></s>Lilycove Department Store 2F<e></e></B><br/>


<I><s></s>Richard:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"I hate having to retread to all locational variants of Pokemarts to buy their specific assortment of items;"<e>


I think you meant "retreat" instead of "retread", not sure about this one though.<br/>



</s>"I hate having to <U><s></s>retreat<e></e></U> to all locational variants of Pokemarts to buy their specific assortment of items;"<e>



<B><s></s>Lilycove Museum 2F<e></e></B><br/>


<I><s></s>Two of the signs:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"The land titan came to, and raised the lands."<e>


Not sure about this random "to".<br/>



</s>"The land titan came and raised the lands."<e>




<B><s></s>Lilycove Motel 2F<e></e></B><br/>


<I><s></s>Old Lady Janice after clicking "No":<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"Okay... please come back if you do have one or change your mind!"<e>


Forgot to capitalize "please".<br/>



</s>"Okay... <U><s></s>Please<e></e></U> come back if you do have one or change your mind!"<e>


<I><s></s>Old Man Goeffrey:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"Nah, didn't think so, what with your Game Boy's and your Nintendo's and what-not."<e>


Not sure if his name is actually "Goeffrey" or if it was meant to be "Geoffrey" so I'll leave this up to you. Should be:<br/>



</s>"Nah, didn't think so, with your <U><s></s>Game Boys<e></e></U> and your <U><s></s>Nintendos<e></e></U> and what-not."<e>


<I><s></s>Old Man Bernard:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"who are you?"<e>


Forgot to capitalize "who".<br/>



</s>"<U><s></s>Who<e></e></U> are you?"<e>



<B><s></s>Route 111 Desert<e></e></B><br/>


<I><s></s>Camper Cliff:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"Does wearing those Go-Goggles make you feel like some kind of champion for justice?"<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"Does wearing those Go-Goggles make you feel like some kind of champion <U><s></s>of<e></e></U> justice?"<e>


<I><s></s>Ruin Maniac Dusty after being defeated:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"I've been around for two years... no three!"<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"I've been around for two years... <U><s></s>No, three<e></e></U>!"<e>



<B><s></s>Magma Hideout 1F<e></e></B><br/>


<I><s></s>Second Magma Grunt after being defeated:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"You're that biregional champion who always bother with our plans, aren't you?"<e>


Not sure if you want to capitalize "champion" here or not.<br/>



</s>"You're that biregional champion who always <U><s></s>bothers<e></e></U> with our plans, aren't you?"<e>


<I><s></s>Last Magma Grunt:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"I will be the one who stop you!"<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"I will be the one who <U><s></s>stops<e></e></U> you!"<e>



<B><s></s>Magma Hideout 2F1R<e></e></B><br/>


<I><s></s>First Magma Grunt:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"I will show you how scary is this place!"<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"I will show you how scary this place is!"<e>


<I><s></s>The Electrode before and after being defeated:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"krrt" "bzz.."<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"Krrt" "Bzz..."<e>



<B><s></s>Magma Hideout 2F2R<e></e></B><br/>


<I><s></s>First Magma Grunt:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"That biregional champion who succesfully made team Rocket went away from both Kanto and Johto."<e>


Maybe capitalize "champion".<br/>



</s>"That biregional champion who succesfully made <U><s></s>Team Rocket go<e></e></U> away from both Kanto and Johto."<e>


<I><s></s>Second Magma Grunt after being defeated:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"There must be at least 1 of our member who can beat you!"<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"There must be at least <U><s></s>one<e></e></U> of our <U><s></s>members<e></e></U> who can beat you!"<e>


<I><s></s>The Electrode before and after being defeated:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"krrt" "bzz.."<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"Krrt" "Bzz..."<e>



<B><s></s>Magma Hideout 3F1R<e></e></B><br/>


<I><s></s>First Magma Grunt after being defeated:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"But I believe on the other members!"<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"But I believe <U><s></s>in<e></e></U> the other members!"<e>



<B><s></s>Magma Hideout 4F<e></e></B><br/>


<I><s></s>Magma Admin Tabitha after Groudon escaped:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"Where could have him go?" "and go straight away to the Aqua Hideout on Lilycove to call the others."<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"Where could he have gone to?" "and go straight away to the Aqua Hideout <U><s></s>in<e></e></U> Lilycove to call the others."<e>



<B><s></s>Team Aqua Hideout 1F<e></e></B><br/>


<I><s></s>First Aqua Grunt:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"I cannot believe you fainted my Pokemons."<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"I cannot believe you fainted my <U><s></s>Pokemon<e></e></U>."<e>


<I><s></s>Aqua Grunt on (X: 50 Y: 38):<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"I might be lost to you.."<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"I might <U><s></s>have<e></e></U> lost to you."<e>


<I><s></s>Aqua Researcher on (X: 52 Y: 14) before and after being defeated:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"I love researching Pokemons, that's why I'm working as a researcher for team Aqua!" "Ok... I'm done researching Poochyenas" "Gonna look for stronger Pokemons for my next research"<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"I love researching <U><s></s>Pokemon<e></e></U>, that's why I'm working as a researcher for <U><s></s>Team<e></e></U> Aqua!" "<U><s></s>OK<e></e></U>... I'm done researching <U><s></s>Poochyena<e></e></U>" "Gonna look for stronger <U><s></s>Pokemon<e></e></U> for my next research"<e>


<I><s></s>Aqua Researcher on (X: 47 Y: 10):<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"I'm doing some research with these poochyenas.." "You will regret for disturbing me!" "Thanks to you I should now restart my research from scratch..." "Well then, I will look for more healthy Poochyenas"<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"I'm doing some research with these <U><s></s>Poochyena<e></e></U>.." "You will regret disturbing me!" "Thanks to you I now need to restart my research from scratch..." "Well then, I will look for more healthy <U><s></s>Poochyena<e></e></U>"<e>




<B><s></s>Team Aqua Hideout B1F<e></e></B><br/>


<I><s></s>Both the Electrode:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>



Should be:<br/>






<B><s></s>Team Aqua Hideout B2F<e></e></B><br/>


<I><s></s>Magma Admin Tabitha:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"I told him to WAIT MY ORDERS!"<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"I told him to WAIT <U><s></s>FOR<e></e></U> MY ORDERS!"<e>



I'm almost finished with Hoenn. <E>:Crazy:</E></r>


Re: NPC Dialogue Errors


<t>Thanks will get to them tomorrow. Fixed a bunch of issues today and too tired to get them done ^^;<br/>


EDIT: Fixed all of them :)</t>


Official discord chat.

Be polite and patient if you need support. While users with the symbols +, % and @ are the chat staff, they are not necessarily also game staff, but they can usually advise you. That said, forums are better for reporting issues and bugs.

Re: NPC Dialogue Errors





</s><B><s></s>Route 124<e></e></B><br/>


<I><s></s>Swimmer Roland after being defeated:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"Your Pokemon might now always be with you, you know?"<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"Your Pokemon might <U><s></s>not<e></e></U> always be with you, you know?"<e>


<I><s></s>Swimmer Grace after being defeated:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"Variation and diversity is the key!"<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"Variation and diversity <U><s></s>are<e></e></U> the key!"<e>


<I><s></s>Swimmer Rita after being defeated:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"Nooo! I Lost..."<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"Nooo! I <U><s></s>l<e></e></U>ost..."<e>



<B><s></s>Mossdeep City<e></e></B><br/>


<I><s></s>Peter:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"you surprised me, dude!"<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"<U><s></s>You<e></e></U> surprised me, dude!"<e>


<I><s></s>Indra:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"This city is a paradise of Divers!"<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"This city is a paradise <U><s></s>for divers<e></e></U>!"<e>


<I><s></s>Elder Felix:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"I'm really glad I live at this city..."<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"I'm really glad I live <U><s></s>in<e></e></U> this city..."<e>



<B><s></s>Mossdeep City: Backdoor House 1<e></e></B><br/>


<I><s></s>Old man:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"I always wanted to have a Secret Base in my ealier days..."<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"I always wanted to have a Secret Base in my <U><s></s>earlier<e></e></U> days..."<e>



<B><s></s>Mossdeep City: Backdoor House 2<e></e></B><br/>


<I><s></s>Little girl:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"I see you have picked "Mudkip at the beginning of your journey!"<e>


There's a quotation mark next to "Mudkip".<br/>



</s>"I see you have picked <U><s></s>Mudkip<e></e></U> at the beginning of your journey!"<e>



<B><s></s>Mossdeep City House<e></e></B><br/>


<I><s></s>Youngster Patrick:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"Hey, you should be Dhevin right?"<e>


Forgot a comma.<br/>



</s>"Hey, you should be Dhevin, right?"<e>



<B><s></s>Mossdeep Pokemart<e></e></B><br/>


<I><s></s>One of the guys with glasses on at the table:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"I'm trying to help my friend with the Tele=Kinetic technique."<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"I'm trying to help my friend with the <U><s></s>telekinetic<e></e></U> technique."<e>


<I><s></s>The other guy with glasses on at the table:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"I'm trying to learn the Tele-Kinetic technique."<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"I'm trying to learn the <U><s></s>telekinetic<e></e></U> technique."<e>



<B><s></s>Pokecenter Mossdeep City<e></e></B><br/>


<I><s></s>Black Belt Viki:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"My fighting type Pokemon don't have a chance against Tate nor Liza." "I'm planning to teach my Pokemon dark moves once they got better." <e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"My <U><s></s>Fighting-type<e></e></U> Pokemon don't have a chance against Tate nor Liza." "I'm planning to teach my Pokemon <U><s></s>Dark<e></e></U> moves once they got better." <e>


<I><s></s>Jim:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"His tricks and magics are just.. amazing!" <e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"His tricks and <U><s></s>magic<e></e></U> are just.. amazing!" <e>


<I><s></s>Piet:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"I didn't believe in magics, ..." <e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"I didn't believe in <U><s></s>magic<e></e></U>, ..." <e>



<B><s></s>Mossdeep Gym<e></e></B><br/>


<I><s></s>Helper:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"Tate & Liza uses Psychic type Pokemon;"<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"Tate & Liza <U><s></s>use Psychic-type<e></e></U> Pokemon;"<e>


<I><s></s>Martha after being defeated:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"I still can't belive it..."<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"I still can't <U><s></s>believe<e></e></U> it..."<e>


<I><s></s>Kindra:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"<Kindra beckons you over.> ..."<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"<Kindra beckons you over> ..."<e>


<I><s></s>Joshua after being defeated:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"Thanks for the help"<e>


Forgot the punctuation.<br/>



</s>"Thanks for the help."<e>


<I><s></s>Liza:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"My name is Liza, I'm one of the Mossdeep Gym leader, while the other one is my twin, Tate."<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"My name is Liza, I'm one of the Mossdeep Gym <U><s></s>Leaders<e></e></U>, while the other one is my twin, Tate.<e>


<I><s></s>Tate:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"My name is Tate, I'm one of the Mossdeep Gym leader, while the other one is my twin, Liza."<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"My name is Tate, I'm one of the Mossdeep Gym <U><s></s>Leaders<e></e></U>, while the other one is my twin, Liza.<e>



<B><s></s>Route 127<e></e></B><br/>


<I><s></s>Bird Keeper Bryon:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"Bird Pokemons have excellent vision.."<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"Bird <U><s></s>Pokemon<e></e></U> have excellent vision.."<e>


<I><s></s>Triathlete Jaylon:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"If you see anyone in trouble, give me a shout, ok?"<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"If you see anyone in trouble, give me a shout, <U><s></s>OK?<e></e></U>"<e>


<I><s></s>The blue Pokeball on the ground:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"It looks like someone abandoned a pokemon here..." "I can't believe someone would abandon a Regular Old Heracross." "You got a Regular Old Heracross!"<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"It looks like someone abandoned a <U><s></s>Pokemon<e></e></U> here..." "I can't believe someone would abandon a <U><s></s>regular old<e></e></U> Heracross." "You got a <U><s></s>regular old<e></e></U> Heracross!"<e>


<I><s></s>Black Belt Koji:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"What I learned at Dewford's Pokemon gym..."<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"What I learned at Dewford's Pokemon <U><s></s>Gym<e></e></U>..."<e>



<I><s></s>Fisherman Roger:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"I guess I'm the weakest fisherman around here, I can't seem to win a even a single time."<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"I guess I'm the weakest fisherman around here, I can't seem to win even a single time."<e>



<B><s></s>Route 127 Underwater<e></e></B><br/>


<I><s></s>Diver Kailyn after being defeated:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>



Forgot to make her say the "bloop" sounds, she just says her sentence.<br/>





<I><s></s>Diver Aileen after being defeated:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"(Good Game!)"<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"(Good <U><s></s>game<e></e></U>!)"<e>



<B><s></s>Seafloor Cavern R8<e></e></B><br/>


<I><s></s>First Magma Grunt:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"I will be the one who beat you!"<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"I will be the one who <U><s></s>beats<e></e></U> you!"<e>



<B><s></s>Seafloor Cavern R9<e></e></B><br/>


<I><s></s>Aqua Admin Matt:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"Guess you want to find out what is going out here."<e>


I think it should be:<br/>



</s>"Guess you want to find out what is going <U><s></s>on<e></e></U> here."<e>


<I><s></s>Magma Admin Tabitha:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"Boss gave us a call and wanted us on Sootopolis City." "So, if you really want to see me, come in Sootopolis."<e>


I think it should be:<br/>



</s>"Boss gave us a call and wanted us <U><s></s>in<e></e></U> Sootopolis City." "So, if you really want to see me, come <U><s></s>to<e></e></U> Sootopolis." <e>



Re: NPC Dialogue Errors


<r>Even more:<br/>



</s><B><s></s>Route 128<e></e></B><br/>


<I><s></s>Triathlete Isaiah:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"Ever Grande City is still a long ways away..."<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"Ever Grande City is still a long <U><s></s>way<e></e></U> away..."<e>



<B><s></s>Route 129 Underwater<e></e></B><br/>


<I><s></s>Diver Coral:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"... but each of them are unique!"<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"... <U><s></s>B<e></e></U>ut each of them are unique!"<e>


<I><s></s>Diver Jason:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"Ok, looks like you did understand my battle ..."<e>


Didn't get the whole sentence:<br/>



</s>"<U><s></s>OK<e></e></U>, looks like you did understand my battle ..."<e>


<I><s></s>Diver Colten:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"Elapsed Time: 20 minutes 14 seconds..." "Now let's see how long will it takes for me to beat you!"<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"Elapsed <U><s></s>time<e></e></U>: 20 minutes 14 seconds..." "Now let's see how long it takes for me to beat you!"<e>



<B><s></s>Route 129<e></e></B><br/>


<I><s></s>Fisherman Fisk:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"Fascinating isn't it, how Pokemon ..."<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"Fascinating isn't it? How Pokemon ..."<e>



<B><s></s>Route 130<e></e></B><br/>


<I><s></s>Swimmer Rodney before and after being defeated:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"I didn't expect to see a trainer out in the sea!" "It has been a while since my last battle with a trainer like you!"<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"I didn't expect to see a <U><s></s>Trainer<e></e></U> out in the sea!" "It has been a while since my last battle with a <U><s></s>Trainer<e></e></U> like you!"<e>



<B><s></s>Route 130<e></e></B><br/>


<I><s></s>Ian:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"Then you must beat either me or my sis... or both if you wish!"<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"Then you must beat either me or my sis... <U><s></s>Or<e></e></U> both if you wish!"<e>


<I><s></s>Rell:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"Then you must beat either me or my bro... or both if you wish!"<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"Then you must beat either me or my bro... <U><s></s>Or<e></e></U> both if you wish!"<e>



<B><s></s>Pacifidlog Town<e></e></B><br/>


<I><s></s>Fisherman Jed:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"I'm trying to get the perfect WAILMER with my friend GOLDUCK here!"<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"I'm trying to get the perfect <U><s></s>Wailmer<e></e></U> with my friend <U><s></s>Golduck<e></e></U> here!"<e>



<B><s></s>Pacifidlog Town House 3<e></e></B><br/>


<I><s></s>Fisherman Trevish:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"I actually fished a lot of rare Pokemons with my Super Rod!"<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"I actually fished a lot of rare <U><s></s>Pokemon<e></e></U> with my Super Rod!"<e>



<B><s></s>Pacifidlog Town House 2<e></e></B><br/>


<I><s></s>Jane:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"If only we have enough money for another vacation..."<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"If only we <U><s></s>had<e></e></U> enough money for another vacation..."<e>



<B><s></s>Pacifidlog Town House 4<e></e></B><br/>


<I><s></s>Pokemon Collector Shawn:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"I'm currently trying to collect Wailmers and observe ..."<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"I'm currently trying to collect <U><s></s>Wailmer<e></e></U> and observe ..."<e>



<B><s></s>Route 132<e></e></B><br/>


<I><s></s>Swimmer Alsut before and after being defeated:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"Hey, wanna see how good am I in a Pokemon battle?" "Err... seems like you're better than me."<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"Hey, wanna see how good I am in a Pokemon battle?" "Err... <U><s></s>Seems<e></e></U> like you're better than me."<e>



<B><s></s>Route 133<e></e></B><br/>


<I><s></s>Swimmer Linda after being defeated:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"Uh... but I didn't expect to lose..." "Please give me some times to prepare, you can come back later."<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"Uh... <U><s></s>But<e></e></U> I didn't expect to lose..." "Please give me some <U><s></s>time<e></e></U> to prepare, you can come back later."<e>


<I><s></s>Ace Trainer Warren after being defeated:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"Of all people, I've only seen one person who raise their Pokemon properly, which is you."<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"Of all people, I've only seen one person who <U><s></s>raised<e></e></U> their Pokemon properly, which is you."<e>


<I><s></s>Swimmer River:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"But then I found out that swimming is way more fun after I got slipped into the water..."<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"But then I found out that swimming is way more fun after I slipped into the water..."<e>


<I><s></s>Swimmer Franklin after being defeated:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"Quite a lot of trainers are brought here by the currents..."<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"Quite a lot of <U><s></s>Trainers<e></e></U> are brought here by the currents..."<e>



<B><s></s>Route 134<e></e></B><br/>


<I><s></s>Black Belt Hitoshi:<e></e></I> <QUOTE><s>

</s>"I still can't accept my lost..."<e>


Should be:<br/>



</s>"I still can't accept my <U><s></s>loss<e></e></U>..."<e>



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