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Server crashed during Naruto Fanboy boss fight


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Server crashed around 20 mins ago. Cames made an announcement afterwards, saying that we shouldnt do bosses today. However, I was already at the end of the boss fight and now it counts as a loss and the boss went on cooldown. Is there the possibility that a staff/mod could reset the encounter? I wont be doing any bosses today anymore.

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Hello @Mauribro. Apologies for the inconvenience. 


Could you tell me an approximate time of when the proxy crash happened? Please use GMT-0, as that is the time zone used by the server.

Furthermore, can you show that the boss says it is on cooldown?


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Hello @Mauribro. Apologies for the delay.


We could not find any evidence that confirmed there was a proxy server crash at that time. So we will have to deny your request.

However, if you can provide sufficient evidence that there was a crash during the time you specified, it can be looked into again. A screenshot of other users having the same issue in the official PRO Discord server would be enough.


Game Rules  |  Resolution Center  |  PRO Wiki

Do not privately contact Staff. Instead, create a thread; it may help other players.

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