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Hay i logged again after a long time, i have reached Sinnoh befor i stop playing. my sinnoh starter is only lvl 9 and i have 5 Johto pokemons in my team and cant remove them or change their position.


Playername is Algonaz in Silver Server

the Pokemons are

Butterfree ID:15567123

Beedrill ID: 15567124

Quagsire ID: 15567125

Dugtrio ID: 15567126

Fearow ID: 15567127


Problem Solved i Could Release them.


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Hello, have a nice day.


In today, I ve needed a trade for evolution and then, I ve asked my friend in game. He s accepted. and said ok. After that we meet in mauvile city. I showed my GURDURR . After thet we clicked the accept button. I didnt check the pokemon's region. It was from sinnoh. And also, my friend didnt check pokemon's region too. He s not seen the lock symboll and he s clicked too.

after the trade he s written me '' It s locked in my pc'' My friend playing Hoen now, and he can not send back my pokemon. he got 3 hoen baches now. I need my guldurr for boss and pvp matches.

My ıg name: peynirekmek

My friend's ıg name : breeze2861

We are playing Silver Server


my gurdurr's ot fumesec

my gurdurr's ıd :35020453



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Can you get my slurpuff from my friend? He was going to do my ev training for it but he doesnt have sinnoh unlocked lol. I talked with him on stream about it so there isnt really a screenshot. I could link the vod here if you would like? Just let me know


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hi i am in silver server ign faasnu and tried to trade evolve a feebas and an onix with kitarial but now my feebas is locked in his pc can somebody help us? i gave his pokemon back so that he can continue playing




Edited by Aoihon
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  Faasnu said:

hi i am in silver server ign faasnu and tried to trade evolve a feebas and an onix with kitarial but now my feebas is locked in his pc can somebody help us? i gave his pokemon back so that he can continue playing


I am the person in question, whose PC the Feebas is locked in. Ign Kitarial. And yes, as Faasnu says, we were trying to trade evolve my Onix and their Feebas. I’m a long way off from Hoenn, and feel bad, so if it’s possible to get their Feebas back to them, please help. We’re in the Silver server.


Edit: I just now realize I posted from the wrong account, but I can provide further screenshots as needed.


Edit: Here's the feebas locked in my pc.



Edited by ICallHacks
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I borrowed some pokemon from a user named Uchihaalpha. The pokemon are 2 Dragonites, a Blaziken, a Lucario, and a Ninetales. I progressed to the Johto Region and now they are region locked. I cannot place them in my party to give them back and I do not feel that is fair for

Uchihaalpha to have to wait till I beat this region to get his pokes back. Please help us! We are on the Gold Server. Thank you for your help and time!










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