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Region Locked Pokemon Megathread


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Wanted to trade to myself, I knew it was region locked but didn't realise I wouldn't be able to put it back into my party. In hindsight that was a dumb thought. The other username is Zeppott. Silver server


Edited by Seppott
Did not have proof that i was my account
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Server: GOLD

From me (user: OyPe) to user Crushpix

Description: Traded haunter for evo trade. It is from johto, but the receiver hasnt finished kanto yet. I didnt know about region lock before. learned it hard way.

Pokemon id: [58455609]

Pictures of agreement and so forth:







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I traded with Aliabbas786 for him to help ev and lvl my Clefairy but after the trade we relized it was region locked im derpingslime if this could be fixed that would be so amazing






Hello. It is done. Take care!


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Hello, I made a trade with another player to evolve my Clamperl and his Onyx, but when I gave him the Clamperl it went straight to his pc box and he can't withdraw it from his pc because he hasn't reached Hoenn yet (he is in Kanto). How can I get the Clamperl back? Please help


Server: Silver


My Username: Rrydlt

Other player's username: Wtaequanw





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I would like to see what can be done, a friend went to help me evolve a poke but his account is not in my poke region and he is locked in his box would I have the poke back I have the print of the conversation on whats app and poke id72534817 
we are having a conversation on discord the only print i have is the poke blocked in his box

player who sent poke akinator10 being the original trainer and the player who receives and the ferrujo server silver




It is done. Please check your PC for your Machoke. Take care!



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I used a friends account to trade a Gurdurr to have him evolved. Didn't know region lock would prevent it from trading back. There is no chat available as I used the login credentials my friend gave me. See screenshots.


Server: Gold

My account: Thegate

Traded with: Vynielia





It is done. Check your PC under Thegate for your Gurdurr. Take care!


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On 8/20/2022 at 3:15 PM, Akinator10 said:

Gostaria de ver o que pode ser feito, um amigo foi me ajudar a evoluir um poke mas a conta dele não está na minha região do poke e ele está trancado na caixa dele se eu tivesse o poke de volta tenho o print da conversa no whats app e poke id72534817 
estamos conversando no discord o unico print que tenho é o poke bloqueado na caixa dele

jogador que mandou poke akinator10 sendo o treinador original e o jogador que recebe e o servidor ferrujo prata



I would like to return my friend Akinator10's pokemon that is stuck in my pokemon box... poke id 72534817




It is done. Have them check their PC for their Machoke. Take care!


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Support requests aren't responded to in this thread, but if they are, I wouldn't mind this guy back. 

Traded to Silentstorm1477 on the silver server, currently stuck in his PC. Not expecting to get it back before he finishes the region though.




It is done. Please check your PC for your Scyther. Take care!


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I tried to evolve an Electabuzz that I got from my friend Talavera, who was the OT. I asked my other guildmate B0nn1e to help me. However it is now region locked and I’d like to get it back please and thank you very much. If it helps it has an Electricizer on it and is Timid. Below is a screenshot of our conversation to help prove what I say is true ♥️ If it’s not too much trouble I’d like it back please and thank you very much!!



It is done. Please check your PC for your Electabuzz. Take care!


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Hello ♥

This took place on Silver server. My fiance, OT Strae, was wanting some assistance with filling some more Pokedex entries. He traded me his Johto Kadabra in hopes it would evolve through the trade and it's now region locked in my PC. I want to get that back to him and attached shows our trades in the chat and his region locked Kadabra in my PC. If we could get it back to him while I'm in Kanto, it'd be amazing. Thank you!



Server: Silver


My account: Lyoness

His account: Strae

Pokemon region locked: Kadabra (Poke ID: 73923435)

Proclient Screenshot 2022.09.02 -

Proclient Screenshot 2022.09.02 -




It is done. Please check your PC for your Kadabra. Take care!


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