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Region Locked Pokemon Megathread


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Hi my in game account name is "Alanmicccee" and i play on the gold server, tried to trade evo with my friend a sinnoh poke forgetting he is region locked to johto right now. would appreciate the help in getting it back image.png.b36da27453255957ad36833f8a40cad9.png


*The pokemon has been recovered - Zoruami *

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi my poke is in my brother PC and its region locked.

It was for a trade Evolution.

Pokemon:seadra with a dragon scale/84930677

OT(me): Zouize

Trader: Pktnul



*The pokemon has been recovered - Zoruami *


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I would like to undo a trade i did with my friend. 2/3 pokemon is region locked.

We are on Gold server.
User: Ben (OT)
User: Mcflane (friend)


Please let me know if you are missing some information that is crucial.






Zoruami: You have traded the pokemon with yourself, and not your friend. Therefore, we won't recover the pokemon, you will have to do the story to get it.
ALSO, lying to get the service goes against the rules! Breaking the rules will lead to severe punishments.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hello admins, someone traded my feebas and said it is region-locked for him after trading, can i get some help on getting it back ?
my feebas caught in Sinnoh
, the person who traded mine to trade evo hasn't done SInnoh, The Server is Gold




*The pokemon has been recovered - FlareLight*


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Hello, I have a similar I traded an kadabra and a hauter for evolution with somebody who didn t have the medals, and I didn t look, totally my mistake. The server is silver.

Captură de ecran 2023-09-30 014051.png

Captură de ecran 2023-09-30 014816.png


*The pokemons have been recovered - FlareLight*

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Hi, I recently traded a halloween Haunter to another player, however the poke is now region locked in their pc. We both agreed to the trade, and they did not ask for anything in return however I offered them a larvitar they could use once they got to the sinnoh region. I hadn't realized that I caught the Halloween haunter in the sinnoh region when I traded to him, admirably my mistake. Is there any way to resolve this issue? He hasn't asked for anything in return however I have offered to give him some John Pokemon to help him. SilverScreenShot2023-10-05at8_26_29PM.png.d1ef068b86c686162199d501ab9ac0c8.pngScreenShot2023-10-05at8_26_48PM.png.061cfdb6bedf858029395e577c427e2b.pngScreenShot2023-10-05at8_26_48PM.png.061cfdb6bedf858029395e577c427e2b.pngScreenShot2023-10-05at8_27_03PM.png.a66ff16cc43cfb167ecf4bbdb4842b3a.pngScreenShot2023-10-05at8_27_03PM.png.a66ff16cc43cfb167ecf4bbdb4842b3a.png

Screen Shot 2023-10-05 at 8.31.32 PM.png

Edit: Zoruami - Check your PC last slot

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Hello, I wanted to help my friend beat a gym, but accidently sent him region locked pokemon and now he can't trade back. 

Username: Akumeh

Friend: Ryxnsdead

Server: Gold




Edit: Zoruami - Restored, check last PC slot

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He asked for help to evolve his kadabra and i agreed to help if he help me evolve my gurdurr as well. Now my gurdurr is locked in his pc, can you pleases help me get it back? 


Edit: Zoruami - Restored, Please check your PC last slot.

Edited by Zoruami
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IGN Silver: Vatevuoktliek

IGN Gold: Dakrakboy 

Discord: dakrakboy

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