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Ice Type Mark Doesn't Seem In Pokemon Info


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As you see, ice type mark doesn't seem in pokemon informations. I tried to reinstalling the game but it's still same. I hereby request you to fix this problem.


Edit: My platform is Windows 7-64bit.



















Edited by AltaBorealis
To share a necessary detail
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Greetings, @AltaBorealis

My apologies for the inconvenience. This is a known bug and our developers are still trying to find a fix to the issue. Could you answer these questions?

-When did this bug appear?
-Did you do anything specific just before this bug popped up?
-In which devices does this bug happen? Android, Windows or both? Any other devices?

Looking forward to your response.

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Hello, thanks for your interest.


Sorry, I'm not sure about when this bug appeared but I guess, it's like that for significant time. I realized this after asking to all chat short time ago. My question was: "why doesn't cloyster have ice type in this game". So actually I don't know if I did anything spesific that causing this bug.


I used to play it on both Android and Windows PC before. But for months, I play this game only on Windows PC. So this bug happens on PC.

Edited by AltaBorealis
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