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serene grace and tri attack.

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Hello, I have tri attack on chansey with serene grace. Instead of 40 percent status  effect, after numerous encounters, it is closer to 1/5 than 2/5 (which should be about half the time). Someone told me I am unlucky but I just want to confirm if it is coded or not. 

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Hello @Farmvilleguy.


First off, I’d like to thank you for taking time to make this report.

Secondly, I’d like to inform you that it has been forwarded to our Testers so they can see if there is a problem or not. Once there is a clear answer, I will update you.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Apologies for the delay.


We have confirmed there is an issue with Serene Grace. It has already been reported to the Developers in hopes of a fix. However, there are other, higher-priority, issues so there may not be a fast fix.

Once again, thank you for reporting this.


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  • 3 years later...

Just for info, has this been solved? Years ago i had the same problem with Blissey using Thunder, Ice beam and Flamethrower and status probability was not affected by Serene Grace. I want to know so if now it have been reworked i can use the poke properly

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8 hours ago, Barze97 said:

Just for info, has this been solved? Years ago i had the same problem with Blissey using Thunder, Ice beam and Flamethrower and status probability was not affected by Serene Grace. I want to know so if now it have been reworked i can use the poke properly

It should be fixed as you can check on the Update logs:https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/3146-update-logs/?do=findComment&comment=1192785

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