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my iron barbs ferroseed ivolved into anticipation ferrothorn


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Hello @rajkkapadia.


Unfortunately, this is how it is meant to be.

Ferroseed does not have a hidden ability, while Ferrothorn does. This means that when you catch Ferroseed, it has a 5% chance of having hidden ability. But, since it does not have a hidden ability, it displays its only ability: Iron Barbs. Iron barbs then turns into Anticipation because Ferroseed had the hidden ability from the start. Resulting in a Ferrothorn with Anticipation.


A similar example can be seen with Pupitar. When caught, its only ability is Shed Skin. But at the same time, it has a 5% chance of having the hidden ability, despite not showing it. So when you evolve it to Tyranitar, it will have Unnerve instead of Sand Stream.


Hopefully this was clear enough. If it was not and you would like further clarification, please let me know.


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Yes that’s not true since larvitar has sand viel right? Only pupitar evolved from sand viel larvitar can get unnerve right? And for ferroseed I thought since it has none ability, only none ability ferroseed can evolve into ferro with anticipation?

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