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even if the world mission is not completed, we will get a ticket if we make 0.5

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  I think 3500000 ivs was really to high.


  You needed 17500 ivs for 0,5%, so ( 17500 ivs / (186 / 2 = 93)) = 188 bidoofs to be potentially safe.


  Let's say you catch one bidoof each min, the result will be 3 hours and 8 min.


  Then you had to SUBMIT all of them 5 by 5, a horrific task 🙂. 188 / 5 = 37,6, so 38 min.


  It took me 4 hours to do everything mentionned above. But not everyone was hyped, nor had maybe the time to hunt a t1 for 4 hours straight ( Work, Timezone etc...)


  I understand that Walross had in mind that even if this is such a big number, a t1 is relatively easy to hunt and therefore no problems should have occured. But the difference here is 17500 ivs feel like an enormous mountain to climb on. And not everyone was enough motivated to do it.


Let's not forget that there is a certain quantity of newbies that didn't have access to Sinnoh, where bidoof spawns are.


So to avoid that end in the future, I would suggest Walross to lower needed ivs, to come back on old WQs  where you needed like 1/4 less ivs than the current ones. Those old WQs were a pleasant hunting party.


On the other hand, current WQs can be really frustrating for unlucky people if they don't finish it at time with their occupation etc...

Take as an example yesterday WQ with Archen that needed 880ish ivs, I know some people that got 2 Archen in 2 hours ! They can't allow themself to stay this amount of time for reasons listed above.


I hope Warloss will take this in consideration for next WQs.


With all of that said, I wish you a good day.


Kind Regards.







Edited by Fafouney
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