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Potential New Player, Played a bit the game and I now have some questions

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So I'm a bit of a refugee from another Pokemon MMO. I won't name it. And I won't go into specific details.

What I wanna know is about the staff and the devs and how responsive/friendly they are. I already feel burned by the last game seeming to be a shell of what it once was: a zombie corpse kept aloft by its own laurels and horde of players who will pump cash into the game and never complain. I don't wanna invest any time or money into a dead or dying game. I wanna feel like there's always something cool coming down the pike, because that's part of the draw of MMOs. The other game had loads of content already, but...it's hard to shake that feeling when a game feels abandoned. Even though it was still getting minor updates for this or that, the whole thing felt stagnant. I would still be playing if that were the only problem, but...

I hope this game feels alive and loved by its developers, and that the community feels cared for and listened to. That's really all I want.

And I can overlook the static pokemon sprites and lack of client customization that might could fix that on the user's end. (Little bit sad about that, but I'll get over it 🙂 )

Also what happens when you go to a new region? Do you reset or is everything levelled to accommodate four regions?

And as far as membership goes, is there a comprehensive list of Pokemon that are available ONLY to members? I've found lists that show me spawns that only appear for members, but it seems they'd rather I cross-reference wiki entries to find out if one is truly exclusive to members or not. That being said, my income is actually pretty good and will probably do a membership at some point. I'm just feeling it out until I feel that I'm willing to invest that time and money again.

It does look like a good game, and that the devs put a massive amount of their own hard work into it. I'm honestly impressed (even though I did encounter a bug right at the beginning of the game where Oak gave me an error message when I tried to talk to him--the game went fine after I chose my starter, though).

Anyway, assuming I stick around (and it looks to be a high possibility): Hi! My name is Anne. I love dark and creepy crawly pokemon. Bugs, ghosts, bats, rats, lizards, snakes,  poisonous critters, creepy psychics and all manner of deep sea monstrosities, cryptids, and anything that would suit a swamp witch/hag/goblin such as myself. Naturally, I chose Bulbasaur for my first pokemon. Although I do also hold a place in my heart for some majestic fire Pokemon. It was hard not to just pick Charmander again, seeing as it was my first Pokemon way back when Red and Blue were new--yes, I 'm that old. But I suppose I can always catch one.

I hope to be best witchy trainer I can be. *cackles*

I'd love to hear people's positive experiences about the game and the community. I hope it works out. 🙂

Edited by AnneAthema
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Hey, welcome to the game first of all.


11 hours ago, AnneAthema said:

What I wanna know is about the staff and the devs and how responsive/friendly they are.

Obviously I can only talk about my own personal experience regarding this but I never had problems with the staff team. Obey the rules and be friendly and they will be friendly and cooperative to you as well. If you wanted to know something else feel free to let me know.


11 hours ago, AnneAthema said:

I hope this game feels alive and loved by its developers, and that the community feels cared for and listened to. That's really all I want.

Once again my personal opinion here. There are seasonal events like Easter, Valentines, Summer, Halloween, Christmas etc. which are always fun. In between we sometimes get smaller events like outbreaks of rare pokemon or a Safari-Event with rare spawns for example. So there is almost always something going on. If the devs wouldnt love the game, they wouldnt do stuff for it in the first place, thats my take on that at least. Not sure why some people would think they dont like their own game...

We also have the Suggestions Subforum where we can suggest various stuff for the game and while we may rarely receive an answer the staff team still looks through all of them. Some get discussed within the staff team and find there way into the game. That can take a lot of time obviously since the manpower is limited and there is a lot of stuff they want to introduce and they have to work on. There are also Q&A-streams on twich every couple months where people can ask questions and the devs/staff-members try to answer them. (Not stuff like 'when next region' etc. obviously since ETAs for that stuff are just non-existend.)


11 hours ago, AnneAthema said:

And I can overlook the static pokemon sprites and lack of client customization that might could fix that on the user's end. (Little bit sad about that, but I'll get over it 🙂 )

Never missed something like that, I guess it is just a matter of habit. I am sure you will get used to it quickly.


11 hours ago, AnneAthema said:

Also what happens when you go to a new region? Do you reset or is everything levelled to accommodate four regions?

Your pokemon from the previous region get locked in your PC and you start from scratch with a new starter. You keep your money, items. etc. though. Once you get 8 badges in a region you can use your pokemon from previous region to fight the elite 4.


11 hours ago, AnneAthema said:

And as far as membership goes, is there a comprehensive list of Pokemon that are available ONLY to members? I've found lists that show me spawns that only appear for members, but it seems they'd rather I cross-reference wiki entries to find out if one is truly exclusive to members or not. That being said, my income is actually pretty good and will probably do a membership at some point. I'm just feeling it out until I feel that I'm willing to invest that time and money again.

Most pokemon are obtainable without MS as well since they have multiple spawns. There are only a couple which have only an MS-exclusive spawn. I dont have a list of these unfortunately though. Keep in mind you can also trade these from other players without having an active MS and you can purchase MS from other players via trading as well.


11 hours ago, AnneAthema said:

It does look like a good game, and that the devs put a massive amount of their own hard work into it. I'm honestly impressed (even though I did encounter a bug right at the beginning of the game where Oak gave me an error message when I tried to talk to him--the game went fine after I chose my starter, though).

Well, yea about that bug. It only came up recently with some update and the devs are already aware and try to fix it. It currently happens to some NPCs and other interactions. However its actually just a text error you may ignore since it has no negative impact. As long as you meet the requirements for the wished interaction you can still do it. For your example: You were simply able to pick your starter to go on.


I hope I could give you some insights and answer your questions to your liking. If you have further questions feel free to share them.

Enjoy your journey through the stories first and welcome once again.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/2/2021 at 9:07 PM, Hanie said:

Hi ^^ I'm Hanie... I've been playing just some days and I'm in a point that I need a bike. How would I get one? I've some Pokémons and pokedollars ^^ thx

There is a quest for the bike in  vermi , you will need to catch a ditto and pay 40k poke dollars for the bike.


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discord : diyaso#3745   
ingame : diyoso7




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The small and tight-knit community of PRO is the thing that always keeps me coming back. Over time everyone starts to get to know eachother bit by bit. In addition, the staff can take some time to respond to things, but they have always listened to what I have had to say whenever I've made suggestions.


Many of my suggestions have been implemented and I commend pro staff for always listening to player concerns and giving well thought out responses with good reasoning as to why or why not they will make a change.


Thanks PRO staff for always being awesome!


And thanks for always reading my rage-filled walls of text of that I will occasionally spew out. I'm never complaining into the void. My concerns are heard! ❤️

Edited by sk8trgod618
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Hi Anne, hope you are and will keep enjoying PRO. ~

From personal experience with the content-side of the staff, they are very invested and motivated in creating new cool content for the game, I'm personally looking forward to some more of the projects that are currently in the works, like the new Region. The devs are very dedicated to the work they do as well. So in that regard I can say the Staff is very much invested in keeping the game as enjoyable as possible for everyone.

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Some staffs are friendly, some arent. People here complain a lot (while pumping cash into the game).

They say they read all suggestions and think about it, but also they answer rarely (even tho it got better) and cant say what they really want when a suggestions doesnt convince them.
In this regards all Pokemon mmo's are the same.


At the end the good will stays. The story is for sure play worthy and you will see if you like the game.


I just saw the post is 1 month old. A update would be nice.



Edited by Bash

Of course I'm talking to myself, sometimes I have to talk with an intelligent person.





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