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Bosses in PRO


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So with the recent changes to bosses, I'm sure I'm not the only one getting frustrated with the constant "Nerfs" of the bosses at this point and the "Methods" that were being used being patched.

I'm just curious if we can just remove bosses and implement a more structured way of earning some form of pokedollars/pve coins and cosmetics for pve, because lets be honest the 20,000 that you can get from bug catchers isn't the best money in the world and you still have to win that to even see that reward. Then you can counter argue that there are ways IE Digs (Which you nerfed already) then we can battle npcs however where is the fun supposed to be in the game to mindlessly sit there for hours and fight npcs to get 300-600 pokedollars that being if you have membership. I can't think of any other reliable methods of creating physical pokedollars in game other than the ones stated above. 


I recall a post you made on the discord in the announcements when you had forbid bosses on both gold/silver > 

So at this time when bosses could be done on both gold/silver the money coming in from bosses was 546,590,513 in 11 days. I agree with you that this is a lot of money coming into the game and nothing being used really to earn it. However that is also taken up by train tickets/moves/travel costs so there is some of that money going back out of the game regardless. This being one of the reasons I also mention to half the money earned from the bosses rather than just nerfing moves that can be used on them.


I'm aware there's a massive influx in money from bosses, however constantly making changes to them over and over after a new method is found and targeting that specific user (I don't need to say their name) is just silly. If there's a new method after the one prior gets patched then maybe think of these methods beforehand and patch them rather than waiting for a new video to be posted and then nerfing them.


Also by nerfing/changing/making changes to the bosses you're making pve coins so much harder to obtain when majority of the items in there are cosmetic and as a collector of the cosmetic items in the game that's a big driving point of me doing the bosses even moreso than the money and I feel that restricting "Cosmetic" items and making them harder and harder to obtain is just unfair. Not to mention with the switching and protect/disable methods that negates that method of doing "Sus Bot" as well to earn pve coins to get towards those items a little quicker.


At the end of the day, this content should be pve. It shouldn't be as hard as a pvp battle. Not everyone that plays this game is interested in pvp and or it being so difficult to defeat. Again where a nerf to the income of the money seems a better decision than a nerf to the overall content itself and making the difficulty rise. If this was a problem for so long why not address it much sooner rather than leaving it for so long that it comes to this state in the first place. I mean hell even ban alt accounts from being able to do bosses as well if the problem is really that bad which you can see by that data that was posted in the announcement to the discord a fair few months back that it really was bad.


tl:dr stop nerfing every new "Method" found and just address the issue at hand by either nerfing the income or removing the bosses.

Edited by Hundjager
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The main issue at hand is that there aren't many things that remove money from the economy. I'm pretty confident that most players use their money to buy CC/RR/MS/Mounts/etc from others and that just shifts the money around, fact is that after the trade, the money is still there. Think about it, when do you actually pay money to an NPC? Transit pass and move tutors, and maybe the double reroll service, are the only real money sinks in this game. Every other content that could function as one is either dated or plainly bad.


Safari? The encounter spots there are extremely bloated and hence the targets are way too rare. The only pokemon that forces you to go there is Bulba, the rest have hunting spots somewhere else. Oh yeah, there also is Pidove lol. Hoenn and Johto Safari might as well not exist, that's how bad they are. Why would you pay to go to a Safari Zone just to endure the pain of a really bad spot for a pokemon you can hunt somewhere else anyway? That's right you wouldn't. Remove all Safari Passes, make Safari more expensive to enter and make the hunting spots not completely suck. Make it like a paid Guild Island, just copy the exact Spawns from GI and move them to the Safaris. I bet people would relinquish some of their pokedollars to go there.


Excavation? Historic site was amazing because of Heracross, but it got shafted and replaced with literally Makuhita. Now the only good site left is Wondrous, no need to go anywhere else. Natural is pretty ok as well if you really do want a Roserade. I honestly wouldn't even bother to get the permit for Exca if I didn't have one already. Dated content, not sure how to fix that.


The rest of the paid areas are just quest related, so you go there once and then you're done. Why would I want to go to Eriyadu if I already have Volcanion, there is nothing there. Valley of Steel is kinda alright if you really want a Ferro, but that's kinda it.


That's the root of the problem, not that bosses are too easy or too fast to do or that Nuggets sell for a high price. No, the problem is, money is irrelevant.


Edited by Karyoplasma
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  • Developer

Hello, my goal with the boss changes is not to make it impossible to beat them or for them to generate less money. 

It's to make the battles longer and somewhat balance the time-reward ratio. Getting 30-40k for each boss plus other rewards for simply exploiting PvP strats that take 2-3 minutes to beat a boss is definitely unhealthy. If it takes 10-15 minutes it's absolutely fine for me. Getting to 15 minutes is probably unrealistic but I'd say 10 minutes for each boss is fine considering they are limited by time restrictions.


Also, the screenshot you posted was only for one server. 

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On 1/10/2022 at 3:34 AM, Karyoplasma said:

Excavation? Historic site was amazing because of Heracross, but it got shafted and replaced with literally Makuhita. Now the only good site left is Wondrous, no need to go anywhere else. Natural is pretty ok as well if you really do want a Roserade. I honestly wouldn't even bother to get the permit for Exca if I didn't have one already. Dated content, not sure how to fix that.

Yeah, excavation is in serious need of an update for a long time now. There is a price to enter excavation so the spawn and items inside should be worth it to aim, even if it's still chance-based.


Right now however, there's not much reason to do all sites unless you aim for that 10k discovery points to unlock Draconic Site. And is that site even worth it to unlock?

By the way, Norex made a great suggestion on how to fix excavation, which I personally want to see getting implemented.


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