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Open!! VDAY, Hoopa, Quest, Dungeon, Legendary, Mega, ZCrystal Service - VESPER SHOP!

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Adding chess quest with ralts!







Another Vday quest done! Last part James Reroll quest. Thnx Much, Glhf!






On 1/16/2022 at 12:02 PM, Lyn1311 said:

Welcome, Vesper Shop Back Again!




Hi, welcome to my shop!, iam selling some quest service like Megas, Subway, and Legendaries


VDAY is Here!

~ Main quest 300k (Reward - Vday Clefable)

~ Salamence Mega quest 400k (Reward - Salamencite)

~ Heart Scale Mail 400k  (Reward - Cupid Bow)

~ James Reroll Quest 600k (Reward - Nature/Lock Reroll)

~ Chess quest 500k for 10 win (No ralts)

~ Chess quest 1.5m 10 win (With Ralts)



  Reveal hidden contents

1. Main quest > Salamencite quest > James Reroll quest. Heart Scale Mail is side quest. 

2. We only get 1 reroll from james quest, either lock reroll or nature reroll. we can only claim lock reroll if we clear main quest and salamencite quest

3. ETA; Main quest 1-2hr; Salamence quest, if start at night 1-2hr; Heart Scale Mail 3-4 Hr; James Reroll quest 1-2hr

4. As usual, I WONT TAKE ANY REWARD from quest. But if i ecounter WILD poke or form or epic or godly, it belong to me and ill take it.


5. 'Chess quest no ralts' means if ralts spawn while iam doing chess quest ill take it for myself

6. 'Chess quest with ralts' means if ralts spawn while iam doing chess quest i wont take it and ill pm you to catch it

7. Ralts spawn is RNG, it could spawn 2-4 time at 10 win (i saw someone got 2 ralts with 4 win). BUT it could be no spawn at all, so if you buy service 'with ralts' then it doesnt spawn you still have to pay 1.5m not 500k. BTW there are many people which ddnt get any ralts even after 20 win (i got ralts at 49 win)

8.What we get from 10 win chess? Last year we get 1 rr, love balls and red card. No guarantee same for this year



Lavender Dungeon!

Glitter Farm! 

~ 1 Run/ 70k/ 35 Glitter

~ 3 Run/ 200k/ 105 Glitter


Solo Straight Run!

~ 3 run 400k/ 30+ Glitter/ Bonus Pve coins + Low chance Shard drop + nuggets or pearl or shrooms


Achievement Room!

~ 1 Room/ 200k/ 28 Glitter/ 1 Shard (1time only)

~ 4 Room/ 700k/ 117 Glitter/ 4 Shard (1time only)


Solo All Room + Dungeon

~ 1run 1m/ 42 Glitter/3 Shard (1 time only) + High chance Shard Drop



  Reveal hidden contents

1. What is Glitter? Its for buying Dungeon buff (can be checked at right side dungeon entrance). 

2. Why would we need farm glitter? Buff help use to clear dungeon easier, with full buff player can farm shard alone with ease

3. I do all the run solo

4. What is shard? we can change 4 shard to 1 bound reroll ticket (work same like normal ticket but not tradeable)

5. Shard only can be obtained if we finish dungeon, Glitter Farm! and Achievement Room! service wont give drop any shard since

i wont clear dungeon. The point for that service is farming glitter for buffs, and clear achievement.

6. Where to change shard to reroll? southwest house at lavender town

7. Does shard from lavender same like the one from crater? Yes

8. What Heroic mode means? iam not sure iam still try to figure it out and will open service for heroic ones later




~ Mega Bracelet - 300k

~ Mega Abomasnow ;100k


~ Mega Easy - 200k ; Banettite, Audinite, Tyranitarite

~ Mega Hard - 300k ; Pidgeotite, Alakazite, Slowbronite, Scizorite, Medichamite, Manectite, Loppunite

~ Mega Annoying - 400k ; Charizardite X, Charizardite Y, Blastoisinite, Gyaradosite, Sceptillite, Swampertite, Gardevoirite, Sharpedonite+Cameruptite, Altarianite, Latiasite+latiosite, Absolite, Glalitite, Metagrossite, Garchompite, Galladite,

~ Mega - 400k  ; Mawilite, Sablenite


  Reveal hidden contents

1. Some price is negotiable. Example is Mega Blaziken, its belong to 'Mega Annoying" 400k per quest.

But if you have good torchic that usable for mega quest (adamant/ Lonely/ Naughty, 25+ Atk, 14+ Speed), then price can be negotiated

2. For other megas price, i have list fixed price, you can contact me for detail

3. ETA : >1day Easy, >2day hard, >3 day Annoying.

4. Please note, just because i mention time needed is 3 day, doesnt always mean it need 3 day to be completed, if there's nothing happen such

world quest, maintenance, connection problem, etc it can be completed much faster.

5. Every pokemon that i catch during service will be mine, including epic/godly/shiny.

6. I dont take quest reward




Price depend on difficulties 

Hard - 300k each; Heatran, Kyurem, Creselia, Manaphy

Annoying - 400k each; Keldeo, Diancie,Volcanion, 1st Legendary Titan, 1st Legendary Bird), all 3 Force of Nature, Lake Guardians

Full Quest Zekrom 500k

Victiny Dungeon 1.5m (Crater 200k)

Baby Lugia/Time Flute 1m

Victiny + Baby Lugia items 2m


  Reveal hidden contents

1. Requirement such time, caught dex, evo dex etc must be completed. Requirement for pokemon like lv 60 gyarados to catch heatran will provided by me.

2. *Optional! I can clear the quest but leave the catching part or ill catch it right away (ofc ill bring sync)

3. For Force of Nature, 300k for all 3, landorus, tornadus and thundurus

4. Max ETA is 1 day for each quest

5. In case iam catch any wild shiny/ epic/ godly while doing quest, then it will be mine 🙂

6. For dungeon service, it could take while to gather the party 



 Subway Quest!

Kanto - Johto 300k (including ditto quest, bike quest, fly quest)

Hoenn - Sinnoh 300k


Accepted payment


*CC 350k

* IV rr 650k

* Nature rr 320k

* Rare Candy 6k


My Service Shop at Gold Server : 

Service Mega and Legendary quest - Vesper Shop - Page 3 - Service Shops - Gold - Pokemon Revolution Online


For Information or else, you can contact me in this thread, forum massage, in game (ign Lyn1311), Discord (Lyn1311#6556)

Service only in silver server

For account information, only in discord, in game or forum private massage



Trusted and fast work!!!

  • Like 1



Another Vday quest done! Chess Service, Thnx Much, GLhf!







Another chess service done! Thnx Much, Glhf!







Another chess service done! 10 Win Chess Service (bonus 2 win for 3rd time buy) Thnx Much, Glhf!

Edited by Lyn1311






Another Quest Done! Mega Sableye. Thnx Much, Glhf!








Another quest done! Keldeo quest, Thnx much, Glhf!






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