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Open!! VDAY, Hoopa, Quest, Dungeon, Legendary, Mega, ZCrystal Service - VESPER SHOP!

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Another service done! keldeo quest 400k, completion time <2 hr.

Thnx Much!






20 minutes ago, Arnabh123 said:

Are u now doing service sinnoh 

no sorry, i am not selling story service until event is over.






19 minutes ago, Arnabh123 said:

How much for landrous thundrous tornadous and keldo service 

Means tell price seprately 

Price for force of nature 300k. But i only provide 1 masterball.

Price for keldeo 400k.






4 minutes ago, Arnabh123 said:

Landrous thoundrous one 

Yes, Buying force of nature service quest (300k) is catching all 3 landorus, tornadus and thundurus, but i only provide 1 masterball and you need to provide 2 masterball. Ill catch all of them including their requirement







Another service done! Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Evo dex, and Dex Completion kanto-hoenn 1.15m (got epic gift Bonus <3).

Completion time <1day. Thnx Much, Glhf!

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