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Make PvE bosses worthwhile grinding again


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There have been some discussions lately regarding the PvE bosses on PRO. Mostly in terms of the way they operate and what makes them "worthwhile" in terms of the rewards they yield. While this topic is still hot, I'd want to front my own suggestion towards this, especially after the difficulity was raised up with the recent bans to a few major metas that made the boss "farmers" halt and potentially lose interest. This suggestion is solely focused on getting their drive and passion back and give them the ultimate reason to continue grinding bosses day after day, week after week, on several accounts or just their one main and feel that their grind was worthwhile the time they spent doing so.


Make PvE bosses worthwhile grinding again

What makes something fun? What makes people come back to the game?

What drives each and every one of us back to PRO on a daily or weekly basis?

While this is all different for each and every one of us, there are some who grinds bosses for fun or for the rewards, time and time again. But with the meta changed, with bosses finally getting its own A.I that can switch, it makes setup a pain, meaning any good guide in the past can easily be K.O'd by a single switch-in. This has already lowered many boss "farmers" wishes to continue to grind on a weekly basis, maybe even halted their entire grinding process or in worst case stopped doing bosses in overall. Many may have already overcome this challenge and are back where they once was grinding. However, is that good enough? Is the rewards the bosses yield good enough? Do you not wish there were something unique, something shiny at the end of the tunnel waiting for you to grab it? That is where this suggestion comes in, the rewarding part of grinding.


What this suggestion entails in short:

Each boss is given something extraordinary as a low-tier obtainable one-time reward.

The chance for obtaining them after a successful boss win on Medium or Hard difficulity can be between 0,1% to 0,5% or adjusted accordingly with the reward it yields. Doing it on easy will not grant a chance at obtaining this, to make it fair to those that take bosses seriously and are dedicated enough to fight them on the difficulity they deserve to be fought at.


What can a unique reward be?

Let's say you fought Sage boss located on Bellsprout Tower, hes entire team is the Eeveelution family.

A fitting reward would either be a special boss-form Eevee mount or a synchable special boss sprite Eevee that have a unique boss sprite for each of the evolutions it can evolve into. That is but one out of many different combinations that can work in creating a unique reward for each boss.


Is this suggestion possible?

I know from past suggestions and others suggestions that it will require a lot of attention from various different groups of staff on PRO, meaning it will halt the projects that is currently ongoing (i.e Astrella region). But, this is something that can be implemented in the distant future, it doesn't have to be right now. Furthermore, only the idea of it being implemented in the future would be enough to sway a few people back to the game.


Final note:

I know that many who have played/is playing World of Warcraft can relate to coming back to the game for farming the low obtainability dungeon-only mounts that had like 0,1% or in some rare cases even lower obtainability rate, or at least that is what kept me coming back for more. And I feel that something similiar can be utilized on PRO because of the ongoing stagnation that PvE bosses face right now. The rewards are the same and there is no "ultimate" reward from doing them, meaning that it will never have the same thrill as when you finally manage to get that super unique reward from a boss that you've grinded for weeks, months or even years.


Because some pesky people hate that I don't include a TL;DR, here is one.


Bosses should each get their "ultimate reward" that have the lowest obtainability rate seen so far on PRO. It'll be unique for each boss and can only be obtained once per account. The low obtainability chance makes the bosses worthwhile farming, meaning it'll keep the boss farmers happy and while at it giving them a common goal for farming them. Furthermore, it'll sort of work like the "end-game" items for PvE bosses, much like the prestige mounts/cosmetics from PvP but in a PvE-related way and style. This doesn't have to be implemented right here and now, but can serve as a beacon of hope for boss farmers for them to return in the future and once again farm bosses.

Edited by Electrocute4u
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+1 I like the idea to obtain something exclusiv from boss with a low % of obtainability it would make a sence to do it and not only for money 

but there is already to much boss in the game, maybe we have to keep few of them (20) with a new cd (7days)  or reset one day specially in the week

and rework these 20 bosses with "ultimate" exclusive reward with low % (it could be event poke exclusif of this boss or cosmetic or mount  or exclusive item)

Edited by Pinklax
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  • 3 weeks later...

I thought about this suggestion this morning while passing in front of the boss jessy and james.






 To follow this suggestion the boss could have a low % to drop the team rocket cosmetic (white version) and why not their hair style (dont forget the medals of meowth) we already have the black version in the shop so the white version would be a good idea for this boss.


The white version



The black version (wich we already have in game)


Edited by Pinklax
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