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Trade rule question


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If i sell a poke and couple people  want to buy .               But the first guy who i agree to sell to after i tell location says he need finish boss first , but he take long and i dont want wait , and i sell to other cause he faster , is against rules? I dont want wait till he finish boss.


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Ignore what Corbinblack said above, there seems to have been an agreement here in the example given:


If you:


-Agree to a price and location with the first seller/purchaser, you must proceed with the trade even if there is a second person that also wants to buy or sell the item/pokemon.


You already agreed to a price and location so you will have to complete the trade. If there is any issue with the seller/purchaser (the dude disconnects and is unreachable, ignores you and so on) report them in forums in the report center with proper screenshots.


You have to wait until they finish the boss, if you see they're taking alarmingly long to complete a trade (like 30+ minutes) and are unresponsive, report them.


In any case I would wait for a Trade Moderator to solve the doubt for you.

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxydK7CUEwL47Ym7hIkMbSA <- Youtube channel with guides!

https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/forum/13-game-guide/ <- Check my game guides (and other's guides) here!

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Hello @Sanjitheprince,

First of all, thank you for raising this question. It is important to ask something that we are not clear about, before proceeding to take the actual action.

I will start first by quoting our in-game Trade Rules:



3. Once a deal is agreed upon, you cannot back out of it. A deal is done in one of these two scenarios:

In-game: Both parties have agreed to a price and location.

Thus, the keyword here is agreeing to both a price and location, signifying a deal has been established.

In general, we expect both parties to conduct the trade within a reasonable period of time in-game. They are, generally, expected to move to the agreed location as soon as the deal is established, unless there is an explicit agreement between both parties that the trade will be conducted at a later time. All proofs of the conversation should be saved by both parties to be presented to the Trade Moderator, if conflict arises.

To move on with your specific scenario:

6 hours ago, Sanjitheprince said:

But the first guy who i agree to sell to after i tell location says he need finish boss first , but he take long and i dont want wait , and i sell to other cause he faster , is against rules? I dont want wait till he finish boss.

You are obligated to sell to the first buyer that reaches a price and location agreement with you, not someone who arrives faster. Keep in mind that many players do not have access to subway/teleport transportation or even bicycle. It might take them several minutes to arrive to the agreed location, even without being occupied doing something at the time. There is nothing wrong with that.

In the same way, you are expected to fulfill the deal to the best of your abilities. If you ever decide to back out of an agreed deal because you deem the waiting time is excessive and beyond your ability to wait, you can only do so at your own risks. Unfortunately, we will not be able to tell you an exact number on how long is too long for you to be able to back out of an agreed deal without punishment involved. Due to the erratic nature of in-game trades, we are looking at such reports on a case-by-case basis, and there are many factors and nuances we will need to consider before reaching the final verdict.

As always, save all conversations you have with the other party, for them to be provided to a Trade Moderator once asked, because once a report is made, the details included will help us arrive to the final, fairest judgement for both parties involved.

I hope my answer has been able to help you understand what you should and should not do here. If you have any further question, feel free to let me know.

Kind regards,


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