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Simple suggestion for spawns


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We all were expecting that event, tho when we discovered the rotom spawn we all were disappointed, its barely farmable, not even a t1 with a form for at least making us getting few pve coins for compensation 😕 im one of the biggest farmers in pro im always ready to spend a whole month or 2+ on a mon, but how we are supposed to keep motivation for that here? farming already pretty boring for most

Getting 1 of the mon you hunt every 1,2,3 hours is simply taking us for fools, who's the sadist person who did that rotom spawn? making those kind fo spots when walross telling the opposite will just make people rage and eventually leave the game.




how can someone who barely play the game could know whats the best for us, keeping few mons pretty rare ok, but here we already had safari events with very good spots for rotoms, economy already much lowered about it, and now we getting one of the worst ever just because he have a form, in my opinion someone who spend the WHOLE event on one rare mon should get the form of it, here im pretty sure some will not get it no matter how hard they try, not everyone are able to farm hundreds of hours during an event.


for sure im dumb not using pro better farm and being able to show it properly, tho i hope some will follow on this post with numbers cause something need to be done

Edited by Smokincatcher
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Having a spawn editor who is active might not be the difference needed but yea I agree, some spawns are ridiculous, esp rotom. Couple ways rotom spawn could be improved is by just adding another high tier mon with similar nature as rotom. A couple low tier mons could also just be added for some pve so we get something other than something barely average every few days

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22 minutes ago, Smokincatcher said:



We all were expecting that event, tho when we discovered the rotom spawn we all were disappointed, its barely farmable, not even a t1 with a form for at least making us getting few pve coins for compensation 😕 im one of the biggest farmers in pro im always ready to spend a whole month or 2+ on a mon, but how we are supposed to keep motivation for that here? farming already pretty boring for most

Getting 1 of the mon you hunt every 1,2,3 hours is simply taking us for fools, who's the sadist person who did that rotom spawn? making those kind fo spots when walross telling the opposite will just make people rage and eventually leave the game.




how can someone who barely play the game could know whats the best for us, keeping few mons pretty rare ok, but here we already had safari events with very good spots for rotoms, economy already much lowered about it, and now we getting one of the worst ever just because he have a form, in my opinion someone who spend the WHOLE event on one rare mon should get the form of it, here im pretty sure some will not get it no matter how hard they try, not everyone are able to farm hundreds of hours during an event.


for sure im dumb not using pro better farm and being able to show it properly, tho i hope some will follow on this post with numbers cause something need to be done

Completely agree with the points smoking made.

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RNG - you are statistically expected to encounter 2-3 Rotoms per hour 

This is line with every rare spawn in the game. 

There isn't a whole lot to say about your post that I have not in length explained to you or others in the countless posts I have made about these types of subjects. 

In the old days, so speaking pre-2017 & me taking over pretty much every aspect of spawns - you were expected to encounter one rare Pokemon per hour, this has since doubled/trippled 

As for the Rotom - there is already a new spawn planned when it will release is solely up to the content team and not me. The spawns are done and already adress your above mentioned issues. All spawns were done prior to the event starting so this wasn't something reactionary. 

Anyway - nothing else to say. 

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Are you sure 100% 2-3 per hour?? everyone can do mistakes, its weird nobody seems to have those stats, more likely only 1, many times in 1 hour farming i encountered none. 


Anyway still a very bad spot, not any other event form, not even wooper or something , not any other mon we can farm timid, bold or calm, what happened to walross's words about the famous valentine spot, telling us we'll get more of this, we all still expecting the "great increase of the overall spawns in the future " instead of trash spawns making us just wanting to close the game, farming already very time consuming.... You guys hate botters why not being nice with real farmers who never even think about using a bot or macro.


Bhimoso knew what players wanted, and it wasnt too much, we still had to farm hundreds of hours to get nice snivy hp fire etc, economy doesnt justify making such bad spots to me, not saying its easy to find the best way to handle it properly, but there is other ways to stabilize economy, especially if some mons reach dozens of millions without even being shinies, then only richest people are able to afford them, and keep reselling between them, doesnt help to make a cricular economy, if you guys dont find a proper money sink, maybe its time to ask players what they think, u might find a good idea

Edited by Smokincatcher
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