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@Buddharj Sarcasm aside, I'm not sure if your request will be fulfilled. PRO state they will collect your personal data for a number of reasons, including security or law enforcement requiring it (as stated in the privacy policy)

Edited by Lacomus

Discord: lacoisi

IGN: Lacomus

On 5/13/2023 at 5:51 PM, Lacomus said:

@Buddharj Sarcasm aside, I'm not sure if your request will be fulfilled. PRO state they will collect your personal data for a number of reasons, including security or law enforcement requiring it (as stated in the privacy policy)






I invite you to read the articles between 9-10 and 23/24 (if I remember correctly) for further details. This article 17 is the main interesting one here.


Have a nice day.


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