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+350 hours for mew ?!


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146205 Exactly, Mew or some others legend will never worth for pvp, so please keep it PG. And these legend only for your collection and trophies, nothing more. So why it will be the problem for not get it? Because you cannot trade it also. And I don't think people only spend 1 hours per days in game. Bear in mind that PRO is MMO, spending time is requirement for that. Not like handheld, you can rush it and then done!


i'd have to disagree, mew is actually quite a useful pokemon for pvp. It doesnt need epic ivs either, just a decent nature that doesnt cripple its defenses. The same can be said of celebi, both can run good baton pass or support sets.



Dont comment, update & complete ur tierlist explanations, now. Kappa jk


i has exams x_x afterwards i'll first fix all the million typos.... then slowly update :s

mLcUOgl - Imgur.png

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Well at least be gratefull you can catch Mew... On most Pokemons mmos(i think there is just another that is worth trying) you cannot even catch legendaries so it could be worst than it is ^^ I finished both kanto/jhoto, straight after got myself a decent team for pvp(took me some time) and i am just now trying to get all the pokemons in kanto with only Lapras left to be able to catch Mew and i am already on 370 hours... So thats more than the required hours, just find yourself something to do on the game because there is plenty to do already.

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I somewhat agree that the time neededis a little harsh. I feel like I have been playing for ever and only just hit the 120hour mark.

They should make the quest harder and drop the hours needed imo. You will still be working for it but won't have to put in 350 hours of your life to catch Mew.



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if you think 350 hours is a lot, wait until you try to get one of the legendary dogs, they require 1000 hours+


We put this restriction in so only the most dedicated of players would be rewarded with the best pokemon. If any player could just come in, play for a week and can get a 600 BST pokemon, then what would be the point? I have seen other pokemon games do exactly this and they turned to shit, and i have also seen pokemon games that refuse to release legendaries altogether, and they turned to shit too. At least this way players have something to strive for.


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Any player can just come in play for a day and get a 600 BST pokemon... Dragonite, Tyranitar, Salamence. We aren't asking for these legendaries to be handed out on a silver platter we offer alternatives such as more difficult quests. "Only the best pokemon" Mew, Celebi, Dogs? Best really? Maybe if we were talking about 670+ BST pokes.

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146099 I know it's for one of the best pokemon but wow 350h .. I have around 250 pokemon (95% captured by myself), all kanto pokemon and the quest completed but I have "only" 150h, it's like the boss when they requires +200h I don't understand this system... Yeah I m frustrated :(

in my opinion you should be happy that you even can catch Mew, it's legendary pokemon and I think that it should be treated like the other legendary pokemons "uncatchable". even in anime have you ever seen someone caught one?


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147244 Any player can just come in play for a day and get a 600 BST pokemon... Dragonite, Tyranitar, Salamence. We aren't asking for these legendaries to be handed out on a silver platter we offer alternatives such as more difficult quests. "Only the best pokemon" Mew, Celebi, Dogs? Best really? Maybe if we were talking about 670+ BST pokes.

I like the current way to get legendary pokemon, 'cause are pokemon "not for everyone". I like this way and I hope it does not change.

From 2015: I'm still here

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If 350H is too frustrating for you, then i suggest NEVER READ the guide how to capture Celebi :), anyway Mew is only good as HM Slave :) Its not unfair since every trainer get it with same condition, Just enjoy building you're best team, defeat all the boss and you will not notice you're already have playtime 350h+

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I do not understand why people refer to the Pokemon anime when it has been shown that there are multiple legendaries of the same species (see baby Lugia) and they can also be caught by trainers (Tobias with Latios and Darkrai, Nurse Joy with Latias, frontier brains with Regis and Articuno), so that thought about them being unique and/or uncatchable is not true.


Anyway, I'm happy PRO gives us a chance on getting legendaries, thanks for that, but I think we could have a better requirement than this "X number of hours played.".

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