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Re: Akatsuki ☁ [Recruiting from Red Server]


<r><QUOTE author="DaDoom"><s>

</s><POST content="162368"><s></s>162368<e></e></POST> What is your IGN?: Dadoom<br/>

2. Why should we accept you? Well, im looking for some guild and this one seems best so i am(*)applyed so i can be in guild and have fun with all of members!<br/>

3. Do you vow to to place your loyalty upon this guild, even when things go wrong?: Yes<br/>






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Re: Akatsuki ☁ [Recruiting from Red Server]


<r><QUOTE author="LightDawnx"><s>

</s><POST content="162391"><s></s>162391<e></e></POST> 1. What is your IGN? Lightdawnx<br/>

2. Why should we accept you? <E>:kiss:</E> <E>:kiss:</E> <br/>

3. Do you vow to to place your loyalty upon this guild, even when things go wrong? Yeah <E>:Cool:</E><e>



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Re: Akatsuki ☁ [Recruiting from Red Server]


<t>1. What is your IGN?<br/>



2. Why should we accept you?<br/>

because i'm itachi cosplayer, so i think this guild would be best choice for me ^^<br/>


3. Do you vow to to place your loyalty upon this guild, even when things go wrong?<br/>

of course, touzen yo</t>


Re: Akatsuki ☁ [Recruiting from Red Server]


<t>1. What is your IGN? Nabz4eva<br/>

2. Why should we accept you? New to Revolution hoping to find a good guild where I can stay for the majority of my time in this game.<br/>

3. Do you vow to to place your loyalty upon this guild, even when things go wrong? Yes</t>

Re: Akatsuki ☁ [Recruiting from Red Server]


<t>1. What is your IGN? denizyanik<br/>

2. Why should we accept you? New to Revolution hoping to find a good guild where I can stay for the majority of my time in this game.<br/>

3. Do you vow to to place your loyalty upon this guild, even when things go wrong? Yes</t>

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