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252723 Can you upload a screenshot, or list the exact map name and TM/HM number?

There is another topic with the location so i'll quote it here:

246802 HM07 Waterfall Localization is in Sootpolis - Cave of Origin B3F





Added. Thanks very much. :)



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I really can't find the Heal Bell tutor in Bell Tower. Do we have a screenshot of him or does anybody know where it is



EDIT: nvm found it, that place is a living hell



Screenshot since it seems like we don't have it and the guide jsut reports a generic "bell tower" but that thing has like 9 floors so...



The skill of a player is inversely proportional to the number of confuse ray users he runs on his team.

256399 -snip-

I've updated the post with the specific map name. Thank you!



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185010 Okay so I'll start:

Scald/Dig (Lilicove Mart, Hoenn) (There are more but these 2 are important)

Thunderbolt: Mauville gym (Hoenn)

Rock smash: Mauville city (Hoenn) (in one of the houses)

rock smash; Mauvile city (hoenn)(inside the house left side of poke mart)

just update:)

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