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Hey guys! I'm Marin and I started playing yesterday. I'm currently in Kanto and I play on the Blue server. My favourite pokemons are Pachirisu and Beautifly. Add me as a friend. My username is Shammallas. I don't have any friends right now and It's pretty boring playing alone. P.S The game is super super cool haha. :Heart:

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182933 Hey guys! I'm Marin and I started playing yesterday. I'm currently in Kanto and I play on the Blue server. My favourite pokemons are Pachirisu and Beautifly. Add me as a friend. My username is Shammallas. I don't have any friends right now and It's pretty boring playing alone. P.S The game is super super cool haha.

Hello Shammallas ! Welcome to PRO. I hope you enjoy your stay ! :Smile:










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