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Known requirements to access the sites:


1. Obtaining "Archaeologist Permit" from Fossil Maniac Charles.



2. Paying 5k per visit to Gingery Jones.



3. Having a way to use Rock Smash (in Hoenn can be found in Mauville in one of the houses)


Known requirements to be able to obtain "Archaeologist Permit":


1. Defeating Hoenn Elite 4.

2. Collecting 6 "Rock Fragments" near the 6 excavation site (they are hidden items nearby, you don't need to enter the exc. site).

3. Paying 100k to Fossil Maniac Charles.


Fossil Maniac Charles location: Route 114




General spawns information UPDATED


Apparently there are different "Tier" of expertise in archaeology:


- Beginner from 0 to 1200 discoveries (yet to verify 100%, maybe there are more tiers inside "beginner")

- Intermediate from 1200 to 1599 discoveries

- Advanced from 1600 - 3200 discoveries

- Expert from 3200 - 5000 discoveries

- Senior from 5000 - ??? discoveries

- Master from ??? - last rank


You can verify your tier from Gingery Jones in Glacial Site.


You encounter different spawns of pokemons / items based on your level of expertise (measured in number of discoveries).

You can gain "discovery points" by smashing the rocks inside each site.


If you encounter a spawn you're not "expert" enough to get, the pokémon will flee or you won't be able to find the item.


Shiny Rocks


There is 1 shiny rock in every sites, you need the item "pickaxe" (75c in the shop) and MS to find something there.

Apparently the rare spawns here are more common, but to catch them you need a higher number of discoveries (most likely 5000+).


In every site you can find as items:

- Great Ball / Ultra ball / Repel / Fresh Water / Revival Herb / Energy root / All vitamins (calcium, hp up, ...) / Escape Rope

- After tot. discoveries: Rare Candy / Leftovers / Big Nugget / Tiny mushroom / Pearl / Big Pearl

- You can find a random amount of cash in the rocks (100-900 pokedollars)

- All Kanto / Hoenn / Kalos fossils (after 6800 discoveries + MS)


Cooldown before respawns: 22 hours


HAUNTED SITE - Location: Rusturf Tunnel

092.png Gastly (from 12:00-23:59 game time)

After 400 discoveries: 353.png Shuppet (from 0:00-11:59 game time)

After 1300 discoveries: 355.png Duskull 200.png Misdrevaus

After 2700 discoveries: 562.png Yamask 622.png Golett 337.png Lunatone

After 5000 discoveries: Move Turor: Sucker Punch for 20k

Items: Reaper Cloth, TM Shadowball


MINERAL SITE - Location: Route 115

095.png Onix

After 200 discoveries: 299.png Nosepass

After 1700 discoveries: 304.png Aron

After 3200 discoveries: 374.png Beldum

After 5000 discoveries: Move Turor: Explosion for 20k

Items: Protector


FERAL SITE - Location: Fiery Path

228.png Houndour 104.png Cubone 293.png Whismur 115.png Kangaskhan (00:00-11:59 time)

After 1200 discoveries: 714.png Noibat (11:59-23:59 time)

After 3200 discoveries: 371.png Bagon 303.png Mawile 324.png Torkoal

After 5000 discoveries:

Items: Grip Claw

Other: Boss Gingery Jones after 2400 discoveries


GLACIAL SITE - Location: Route 103

320.png Wailmer

After 400 discoveries: 363.png Spheal

After 1700 discoveries: 692.png Clauncher

After 3200 discoveries: 535.png Tympole

After 5000 discoveries: 213.png Shuckle (shiny rock)

Items: Wide Lens, TM Watergun


NATURAL SITE - Location: Route 119A

396.png Starly

After 600 discoveries: 331.png Cacnea

After 1300 discoveries: 590.png Foongus

After 2700 discoveries: 451.png Skorupi

After 3200 discoveries: 626.png Bouffalant

After ??? discoveries: 285.png Shroomish 328.png Trapinch

After 5000 discoveries: Move Turor: Super Fang for 20k

Items: Focus sash


HISTORICAL SITE - Location: Desert Route 111

After 400 discoveries: 236.png Tyrogue

After 1200 discoveries: 539.png Sawk 538.png Throh

After ??? discoveries: 338.png Solrock

After 3200 discoveries: 605.png Elgyem 532.png Timburr

After 5000 discoveries:


Other: After 7800 discoveries, reviving Kanto, Hoenn and Kalos fossils - 20k in donation for each revive.


This post is under construction, will be updated when new information are confirmed.


The cooldown of the spots is 22 hours. UPDATED

Good notice bro, now i know time them respawn, thanks for you

208581 Clauncher just fled, i have 3k points. already caught one in the past, how is that? :O time was 7:51am poke time.

Did it fled from a shiny rock? If so it's supposed to be that way :)

Nope, it was regular one. aslo an ARON just fled from me. Maybe cause my MS is ended? need an higher amount of points?




Big thanks to Auras for that sig!



208581 Clauncher just fled, i have 3k points. already caught one in the past, how is that? :O time was 7:51am poke time.

Did it fled from a shiny rock? If so it's supposed to be that way :)

Nope, it was regular one. aslo an ARON just fled from me. Maybe cause my MS is ended? need an higher amount of points?




M... could be related to the MS if you were finding those before MS expired and afterwards they flee, but seems weird tbh


Did it fled from a shiny rock? If so it's supposed to be that way :)

Nope, it was regular one. aslo an ARON just fled from me. Maybe cause my MS is ended? need an higher amount of points?




M... could be related to the MS if you were finding those before MS expired and afterwards they flee, but seems weird tbh

next time i'll be on i can take SS that i have one, but MS thing is the only different thing that changed for my char.

Big thanks to Auras for that sig!



209484 An Aron fled for me at 12-13 PM with over 2000 points! No shiny rock, as I got ms no longer.

same. I guess with MS the points listed here is true, but without MS or you cant catch or need an higher amount of points?

Big thanks to Auras for that sig!



209484 An Aron fled for me at 12-13 PM with over 2000 points! No shiny rock, as I got ms no longer.

same. I guess with MS the points listed here is true, but without MS or you cant catch or need an higher amount of points?

Oh that could be actually possible, but adding double values (MS and non-MS) for every spawn would be waaaay too hard to do :( I don't think It'll be implemented in the guide soon-ish

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