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List of Pokemon not to be used in ranked battle


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When i read this :


Also gothitelle and speed boost blaziken shouldn't be banned, as they're the only checks to certain teams.




I think u don't understand. If gothitelle isn't ban, u will see gothitelle in all the team, this is what u want ?


I'm fine with it :D Tbh, it better if my oppoent has Gothitelle in their team instead annoying combo like bliss + slow + skar :Crazy:




I understand why u all crying about slowbro, u are just noob. You represent perfectly the level of players on PRO.


I would like to see your team and move set haha

let me try mmh umbreon ?/confuse ray ...?

Pff you are noob and talking about what you don't know.

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198894 lol


When i read this :


Also gothitelle and speed boost blaziken shouldn't be banned, as they're the only checks to certain teams.




I'm fine with it :D Tbh, it better if my oppoent has Gothitelle in their team instead annoying combo like bliss + slow + skar :Crazy:




I understand why u all crying about slowbro, u are just noob. You represent perfectly the level of players on PRO.


I would like to see your team and move set haha

let me try mmh umbreon ?/confuse ray ...?

Pff you are noob and talking about what you don't know.

Don't call people noobs , you must respect their own point of view :Angry:


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^ agree, you already posted your opinion in a really impolite way multiple times ^^ we got your point of view, enough with the trashtalking since I don't see your name in top 25 PvP bud (even then wouldn't be justified)

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I understand why u all crying about slowbro, u are just noob. You represent perfectly the level of players on PRO.


I would like to see your team and move set haha

let me try mmh umbreon ?/confuse ray ...?

Pff you are noob and talking about what you don't know.


Imao. Just wow.

And the respect has just flown away. xd

Why u dont go play with your super good pvp-players in another game and stop dealing with us noobs here in pro?^^


I know i talk to a wall at this point, but me and several other players might prefer to get trapped by a gothita in 1 of 30 games and lose cause of this instead of playing ~1h in 80% of the games vs chansey/bro stall comps. I never said slowbro/chansey is not beatable. :)

But switcherino/pp-stalling. Eh come on.^^ #Makefuninpvpgreatagain


Shed shell is btw good item vs gothita, what about implement that and u put that on your chansey Mr "I know everything better than us noobs"?


Choice items = no ban blissey/bro

Shed Shell = no ban gothita


Or ban all <3, what about that suggestion?


198906 ^ agree, you already posted your opinion in a really impolite way multiple times ^^ we got your point of view, enough with the trashtalking since I don't see your name in top 25 PvP bud (even then wouldn't be justified)


Look at blue server. :P

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Ewww blue server :3

By the way gothitelle is called "satan itself" on showdown / smogon as "tier" xD but considering it's tier 4 extremely rare useful only with h.a. it's really hard to get and in trades there are none.

So far gothitelle has been a good counter to slowbro / blissey which is basically the 70/80% of the current PRO meta. All of this because some of keys items missing (life orb pls, choice specs and so on, even focus sashes not being consumed would shift the meta to a more offensive one). Blaziken speed boost currently without protect can be played around easily enough not to be a problem, when the tm comes will be a pain, but again h.a. tier 4.

Introducing tiers in PRO imo it's way too premature since so much more basic stuff is missing, if you want a more healthy competitive environment play showdown :) or even better, not pokemon since there's so much rng involved anyway compared to other highly competitive games x.x

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198922 Ewww blue server :3

By the way gothitelle is called "satan itself" on showdown / smogon as "tier" xD but considering it's tier 4 extremely rare useful only with h.a. it's really hard to get and in trades there are none.

So far gothitelle has been a good counter to slowbro / blissey which is basically the 70/80% of the current PRO meta. All of this because some of keys items missing (life orb pls, choice specs and so on, even focus sashes not being consumed would shift the meta to a more offensive one). Blaziken speed boost currently without protect can be played around easily enough not to be a problem, when the tm comes will be a pain, but again h.a. tier 4.

Introducing tiers in PRO imo it's way too premature since so much more basic stuff is missing, if you want a more healthy competitive environment play showdown :) or even better, not pokemon since there's so much rng involved anyway compared to other highly competitive games x.x


I couldnt sum it up better, my friend. :y:

Tbh i hope they just put the pvp-items in before we get more moves/abilities/tms/tutors implemented, which would result into more OP-stuff.;)


Edit: Sry i forgot: Blue>Red xd

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198922 Ewww blue server :3

By the way gothitelle is called "satan itself" on showdown / smogon as "tier" xD but considering it's tier 4 extremely rare useful only with h.a. it's really hard to get and in trades there are none.

So far gothitelle has been a good counter to slowbro / blissey which is basically the 70/80% of the current PRO meta. All of this because some of keys items missing (life orb pls, choice specs and so on, even focus sashes not being consumed would shift the meta to a more offensive one). Blaziken speed boost currently without protect can be played around easily enough not to be a problem, when the tm comes will be a pain, but again h.a. tier 4.

Introducing tiers in PRO imo it's way too premature since so much more basic stuff is missing, if you want a more healthy competitive environment play showdown :) or even better, not pokemon since there's so much rng involved anyway compared to other highly competitive games x.x


Its the same argument for gothitelle, if u don't have choice band or life orb for hit hardly on the physical u can't do anything vs gothitelle.


I will explain better what is gothitelle:

Gothitelle can come to the field and trapp your pokemon, add the fact than u can do baton bass and add +2 or +4 on the defense physical of gothitelle. After this u just have to spam calm mind and rest and its finish. U just have to destroy the opponent.


This is what u want ?

If u want this you're not better than those who play slowbro and blissey.

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Shhh don't say that you can baton pass defense on her :P ahah cmon I have to agree, gothitelle is uber for a reason, same blaziken and all the other ubers, but then again tiers in PRO would be hard to introduce and not a priority due to the lack of items :)

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198913 Anyone with some experience will agree that we must ban gothitelle. I have nothing more to say.


edit : I am a bit impulsive, but this decision seems to me so logical that it irritates me to read these reactions.

sorry to have offended

why ban her when we can one shot her use dark moves specially knock off it's the best solution . :Angel:


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