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Things i don't like in PRO



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Lol all your question make I know you are new in PRO? And all information can look in here as it already answer your question:





One point - it MMO type, not single game! MMO TYPE NOT SINGLE GAME

and it under development so that why still missing some feature and will add in the future. And don't argue about legend, it is special and unique. Although you can catch almost legend below stat 600.


I only want to said, your all point is about single game, it is not right in PRO.... And about pokecoins, really you just not have enough exp in PRO. I as myself buy almost thing in Coins shop by money in game. And never use exp boost, but if you play enough long, you will know me as longtime players in Red server. Thus, your point not right too...

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217517 As everyone above said the game IS missing features i really want to see back here. Eggs. Items. Exploring Features. Hms et cetera.


I think this has been the mainpart of your post...

But i dont like the other projects anymore thats because i'm really looking forward to support this Beta of Pokemon PRO mmo


As u already said, its a beta. So the game is evolving and keeps evolving, many new parts gonna get added so u might have enough quests at some point, where u are satisfied about. Special events? Like for halloween, where the long time player has smth else to do. Sure why not, letz see whats coming.

Lately a lot stuff after hoenn was added, steel valley with little story + own questline, loveisland remake, daily babydaycare stuff incl earning permit etc.

And im sure other stuff is gonna following...

Scripters and mappers need to have time for it or they dont, cause as u said, they dont earn money with it so expect not as much as they would do it 24/7.



Eggs? Breeding destroys MMOs, enough threads about it i wont discuss it here again.

We got babydaycare, if u want baby pokes, love island, daycare or naero-boss.

And if u wanna walk around with an egg in your team just stick a post-it on the top left corner of your screen and draw it. xd


Legendaries? Well u get 3, it seems its not enough for u or maybe othres. I have no problem with it to be implemented, if its somehow impossible to take them with u in pvp. But i dont care having them or not if i cant use them for pvp anyway. Sure, nice to catch, might add a whole questline to explore, but no idea how hard it is to code stuff like that. Its not priority in my eyes.


Items? I couldnt agree more, esp pvp Items. Must have and i hope thats on top of prio list, somewhere near the boxes. xd But give them time, more items are getting implemented with next updates for sure.


Hms? Well i dont know which u want, we even got recently the hm dive with hoeen which was prob hard to do. HM fly u dont need cause subway and server-bandwith etc etc. Give them time, hms which are really needed, we have or still come. Like waterfall for sure.


Exploring features? I cant have enough of that tbh but i understand that it takes a lot of work to do new questlines and if u dont earn money with it and hire ppl just for it its gonna take some time. But im happy with every new feature/island we get. :Heart:


Its good u are worried about the game, but u have to give it a bit time to evolve. It seems u want this and this and this as fast as possible. :Angel:

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was pro actually easier to level than the handheld pokemon games? the leveling currently seems slow.


things i dislike are low spawn rates of certain pokemons like budew for example requires alot of time to find yet so it's really difficult to find a good nature / iv budew

i wanted a decent grass pokemon for johto but i ended up getting unmotivated and quit after a few days. im sick of caterpie and weedle..


bgms get really repetitive and is overused, the handheld pokemon versions had more variety of music used for dungeons / other towns

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219859 was pro actually easier to level than the handheld pokemon games? the leveling currently seems slow.


Leveling in PRO is actually harder, due to the system using base exp yield as the main part of the equation for exp required to level up.


Basically, there are two kinds of exp.

a. amount of Exp gained from defeating a Pokemon, also known as base exp yield (for example, defeating a lv1 Bulbasaur in official games will always give your Pokemon 64 exp, because Bulbasaur's base exp yield is 64)

b. amount of Exp required to level up


in PRO, "a" is used to calculate "b", unlike in official games where the two are completely separate things.




At the same time, this also means it is easier to level up unevolved Pokemon in PRO, while in the official games it doesn't matter as all stages have the same exp required to level up.


This is because base exp yield is smaller for unevolved Pokemon, as a result, Pokemon in PRO takes less exp to level up when they are unevolved.




bgms get really repetitive and is overused, the handheld pokemon versions had more variety of music used for dungeons / other towns


Yeah, this is also one thing I don't really like. I usually play without sound now. Especially since sometimes, the BGM doesn't match the area at all.

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It;s an MMo like we all know but looking at my friendlist aswell my irl friends that we started together playing this game is getting bored way to fast.My friendlist is offline in the past 3 days from the irl people and other friend i made within the game.


One of the biggest issue is that is no End-Content.


Once you end up Hoenn League..you will end up hunting some nice nature/iv's pokemon . The rare ones that we know. In order to have an decent team. Well for the majority is near impossible and is becoming unplayable after some time. (Taking example of me i have near 100+ hour farming dratini. I have 6 on the box +1 that i sold=7 dratini in 100 hours. )

Farming and getting pokemon is what the game is about. But having rare with 0.1% chance spawn it make the game feeling like have no purpose. The chance of getting a decent good pokemon nature iv is close to 1%>>>>ad the chance spawn and you will find yourself getting bored to the death due farming/effort/reward= zero/0.


Like i writte the end content is an boring one simply because is simply an non enjoyable time sink that make people quiting .


Other thing is the bosses.. The reward you get from bosses with the rng is ...Ok....wait another 2 weeks to see if you have the 1% luck of just getting something that because of how rng work not the best.. 2x time killing the bosses and from the 100% Eevee i got only 1 Fonguss...the other items was rare candies.. Charcoal/mystic water... and nothing else.

Again end content is ...BAD..the purpose of bosses is that they are Hard and should have a good reward since you can do them once per 2 weeks..At the end the reward is bad ones and trying to roll an 100 is near impossible...



So ending . The game is still in beta but in the way that is going is simply ~~~make new account start the game reach end game...getting bored quit. It;s not funn/enjoyable (playing a game for weeks ) and not having the slight of improve the party team . In my gametime with this game near 400 hours in total i found 1x decent pokemon the others are not OK. Mmorpg are time/effort/reward = when the recipe is bad the game itself becomes bad.(I dont think that is an great game by having just people make new account and end up quiting after 10 hours =aswell i dont want to make the game easy mode with everyone running as top ..) Should be a ballance.


As for me now im loggin just to do the excavation dig for 30/40 minutes every day. Nothing else to do.. i Farmed...hours to hours..well it's impossible. So right i have the choice either to loggin and farm countless hours and hoping to get something with 0.01%..or trying to enjoy within something else.(Enjoy=game is the purpose otherwise bad )

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so , what you're saying basically is : Make this game another grindfest like the other games are. (PS: Oh and btw those games are bad)

In other words, if you dont like the other games, and they are all grind based, and you like this game which isn't. Why do you want this game to look more like the others that you didn't like?

I fail to see your point, but thanks for sharing.

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