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Hello! My name is Scott and I have recently begun playing this game. I decided its finally time to introduce myself on these forums. I am currently a student at university studying computer/electrical engineering, philosophy, mathematics, and logic. I like to live life on the edge, and by on the edge I mean ridiculous amounts of coursework and working at my part time job (college is expensive, yo!). I love computers, math, and philosophy and have spent countless days studying all of them. I wonder if any of you have read any of the essential dialogues of Plato or The Republic 0_o !!! I also highly recommend Philosophical Idealism as discussed by George Berkeley. My favorite programming language is Java.


I played Pokemon when I was little, and when I found out about this place I was ecstatic. Combining Pokemon with MMO elements is absolutely brilliant. My favorite Pokemon is Alakazam, followed by Snorlax, Mewtwo, and Treecko (in order).


I hope to see you all in game :D

That which issues from heart alone will bend the hearts of others to your own.

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