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Re: Doctor Pokemon Daily Quest


<r><QUOTE author="XPattycakesX"><s>


i agree <br/>

not onyl the steps are long but also alot of items that are rare to obtain get wasted<br/>

like soothe belle...only chansey afaik has it




U get it on Golbats Mt Silver easily.</r>

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Re: Doctor Pokemon Daily Quest


<r><QUOTE author="XPattycakesX"><s>

</s><POST content="225427"><s></s>225427<e></e></POST> doctor quest needs a buff and less Super rare items <e>

maybe just remove, or make less penalizing the cancel of a quest. Giving a silk scarf or some rare item for an abra is kind of disgusting <E>:confused:</E></r>

Re: Doctor Pokemon Daily Quest


<r><QUOTE author="Lepher"><s>

</s><POST content="208262"><s></s>208262<e></e></POST> Nop... the steps are always the same (randomic) for any amount of experience you have<e>


sorry to quote something that isn't linked at all.. just want to get your attention. <br/>


I love that quest and even if there's some item which requires many time to get, i'm still doing it.<br/>

But today, trying to heal a riolu, i had 2times in a row a silk scarf to give.. <E>:Cry:</E> <br/>

I didn't really care getting two time in a row the same thing to hide (item to take on the field) but now with that 2silk scarf step i'm really tired about the random choose of steps. <br/>


Maybe four steps should requires 1 item to get on the field, one item boost (silk scarf/sludge bomb/sharp break etc..), one vitamine/healing stuff and one berry. On the one hand it would be a little bit more various and requires everything possible, and on the other hand we won't be able to have 2 times in row the same thing to seek.<br/>



Re: Doctor Pokemon Daily Quest


<r><QUOTE author="XPattycakesX"><s>


and maybe add Unova starters and tier 6-10<e>


i agree , they should be added tier 6 , maybe tier 7 for more rare pokemon, i will hunt more item to treat it!</r>

Re: Doctor Pokemon Daily Quest


<r><QUOTE author="NamelessHero27"><s>

</s>can I buy Heal Powder in goldenrod?<e>



you buy heal powder in slatport at nigth:<br/>


<IMG src="https://image.prntscr.com/image/802d78fce25b4349954761494a647412.jpg"><s></e></IMG><br/>


<IMG src="https://image.prntscr.com/image/0f25921fa90641378f67ee75e165c31c.jpg"><s></e></IMG></r>

Re: Doctor Pokemon Daily Quest


<r>i wish that they change the Doctor Quest like they did in excavation..<br/>

like i said before, i stop doing this quest even im the one who post the guide..<br/>


Getting stuff in map is fine, but the item requirements makes me stop..<br/>

maybe i suggest that "we can decline the quest (if we dont like the pokemon/hard quest) without losing exp".<br/>

also sync never works on the pokemon i like <E>:Frown:</E> maybe my luck is bad<br/>


well im still hoping for change on this quest <E>:y:</E> <br/>

good luck</r>

Re: Doctor Pokemon Daily Quest


<r>System Chances:<br/>


- No more experience loss to refuses treatment<br/>

- Cooldown changed to 6 hours for MS (12 hours if refuses a treatment)<br/>

- Improved chance to appear High Tiers (if you have experience the experience enougth)<br/>



Here how to obtain most of the items<br/>

<URL url="https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=89&t=11962"><LINK_TEXT text="https://pokemonrevolution.net/Fo ... 89&t=11962">https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=89&t=11962</LINK_TEXT></URL><br/>

Also you can trace now the Herbal Medicine for Artifact Pieces (get this items doing Hoenn Archeology Sites)</r>

Re: Doctor Pokemon Daily Quest


<r><QUOTE author="Lepher"><s>

</s><POST content="230304"><s></s>230304<e></e></POST> System Chances:<e>

thank you very much. it was really sad that most of the player left this quest since it's sometime very painfull not to decrease in tier. <E>:confused:</E>

<QUOTE author="Lepher"><s>

</s><POST content="230304"><s></s>230304<e></e></POST> No more experience loss to refuses treatment<e>

I guess this means that we have to refuse the treatement when the nurse tells us what poke we have to heal? or we don't loose experience when we give up? In the second case that would be a bit too much so i guess this is the first solution, that is a really good compromise to what was suggested.<br/>


Good job, and i mean it !<br/>



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