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Old PWO Vet

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Hello! Old PWO veteran, looking to see if anyone else plays this now! I used to play about 6-8 years ago. My username isn't the same, but if you are one of the old vets, let me know and I'll message you.


Also, bonus points if you can tell me if Nikola is the same Nikola that was GM on PWO.



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There used to nikola around 2009 I guess, which is not the same person. I rejoined later in 2010 and took time away due to real life issues. I later claimed said username before I was given GM rank. I was constantly active ever since 2011, had no day away both as a player and staff later on. Eventually the team and the community became a shambles and therefore, the community had a major split. Together with Shane and few other members we moved on and started doing PRO. On a side note, welcome and have fun.

As long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be.

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