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Hi, my name is Ryan and I'm 16 years old. I've been playing this game a lot recently and figured I should introduce myself to everyone.


I played pokemon Fire Red & Ruby when I was little, and eventually Diamond & Pearl on my DS. I didn't really take the game "seriously" and when I was really little I didn't know how to read so as you can imagine I never got far. I've always loved pokemon even though I've never been that good at it. I was looking for gba emulators when I stumbled upon PRO, and I can honestly say I'm enjoying it more than the original games.


As I said before, I never have been good at pokemon and I'm still learning new things every time I hop on and play. Hell, I didn't even know what IV's and EV's did until a few days ago. You will probably see me in the chat asking lots of dumb questions, please go easy on me... (not saying people have been rude or hostile towards me, in fact everyone has been super helpful and kind to my ridiculous questions)


Anyways, I play on the Blue server primarily, feel free to say hi to me if you see me.



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Welcome to PRO, I hope you enjoy your experience! And no worries, I've played Pokemon for practically my whole life and didn't know what IVs/EVs were for most of that. :Cool: Feel free to ask questions in Help Chat while you're in game, that's what it's for!

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