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Ridiculously long queues on Red server.


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208365 A easier solution is open a 3rd server to get the newer players to play on a newly created server.


I have been wanting to play so bad but I just can never get in when I finish work. It would make more sense to create another server with the amount of player base.

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208365 A easier solution is open a 3rd server to get the newer players to play on a newly created server.


I have been wanting to play so bad but I just can never get in when I finish work. It would make more sense to create another server with the amount of player base.


Read this thread on the subject of more servers.


Yes, there has been a surge in new players recently thanks to all the streamers/Youtubers covering the game, but this has happened in the past too. Queue times get long for a few weeks after someone popular streams PRO, then they slowly taper back down after all the newbies who have flocked to the game end up quitting. Opening a third server would be premature when the game population is constantly fluctuating - what happens to the new server when all the new players are gone? It's inefficient and a bad use of money, even assuming the developers can actually afford to purchase/maintain a third server.


My advice to you is to stick it out. Queue was minimal just one or two weeks ago; wait a few weeks for the game population to stabilize again. We just need to be patient.

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208365 A easier solution is open a 3rd server to get the newer players to play on a newly created server.


I have been wanting to play so bad but I just can never get in when I finish work. It would make more sense to create another server with the amount of player base.


Read this thread on the subject of more servers.


Yes, there has been a surge in new players recently thanks to all the streamers/Youtubers covering the game, but this has happened in the past too. Queue times get long for a few weeks after someone popular streams PRO, then they slowly taper back down after all the newbies who have flocked to the game end up quitting. Opening a third server would be premature when the game population is constantly fluctuating - what happens to the new server when all the new players are gone? It's inefficient and a bad use of money, even assuming the developers can actually afford to purchase/maintain a third server.


My advice to you is to stick it out. Queue was minimal just one or two weeks ago; wait a few weeks for the game population to stabilize again. We just need to be patient.

You dont seem to understand this also effects newbies who can potentially stay which is a high possibly with the hype of pokemon go aswell. New players might see long login queue's and not even play ( I personally wouldn't) waiting 30+ mins to login (sometimes) becuase sometimes you dont even login after waiting don't ask me why (it isn't my internet).

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I have been wanting to play so bad but I just can never get in when I finish work. It would make more sense to create another server with the amount of player base.


Read this thread on the subject of more servers.


Yes, there has been a surge in new players recently thanks to all the streamers/Youtubers covering the game, but this has happened in the past too. Queue times get long for a few weeks after someone popular streams PRO, then they slowly taper back down after all the newbies who have flocked to the game end up quitting. Opening a third server would be premature when the game population is constantly fluctuating - what happens to the new server when all the new players are gone? It's inefficient and a bad use of money, even assuming the developers can actually afford to purchase/maintain a third server.


My advice to you is to stick it out. Queue was minimal just one or two weeks ago; wait a few weeks for the game population to stabilize again. We just need to be patient.

You dont seem to understand this also effects newbies who can potentially stay which is a high possibly with the hype of pokemon go aswell. New players might see long login queue's and not even play ( I personally wouldn't) waiting 30+ mins to login (sometimes) becuase sometimes you dont even login after waiting don't ask me why (it isn't my internet).

The point is that it is inefficient to ask for a new server because we don't know how many of those newbies will actually become active players to the game's playerbase. It's not as cut-and-dry as "there are a lot of newbies who want to play PRO and have to queue up, so let's give them a new server!" Like I said, what happens to the new server when all the new players are gone? Servers are not cheap, and Blue Server was already facing a shrinking player base before the recent hype came about. This has happened to PRO before too, where there used to be 1-2k+ queues after a popular Youtuber made a video about PRO back in March. Basically: Back then queue was even worse than it is now. It took a few weeks for the game population to stabilize and queue to die back down again, but it did, to the point where both game servers were empty at several points throughout the day. Hype gives the game a boost of popularity for a little while, but mere hype will never make newbies active, regular, longtime players.


So if staff can even afford to open up a third server - and that's an if, because opening a third server takes a lot of money/resources - you need to consider how the playerbase will interact with this new server, because it is silly to open up a new server whose community will just end up being a ghost town after the new player hype has died down. If you're asking for a new server without thinking carefully about the long-term repercussions this could have on the game, that is selfish. Again, I strongly suggest reading this thread on the subject of new servers, because what you're describing is not a new trend in PRO history and this is far from the first time new servers have been proposed.

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So the case here seems to be just Red server overpopulating. Let me make a suggestion. What about switching the default server to Blue instead at the main login screen? Won't this balance the population between the two servers?


I mean, if it's not to work, and people keep coming over the course of the next month i mean sure maybe the admins can consider buying a new server or increase the ammount of people that can enter at once in those two existing ones (giving more gravity to Red server).

Check my Mall!
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*cough* The Blue queue can be almost as bad as the Red queue from what I've seen. It doesn't reach the 1-1.1k mark, but 700-800 is still quite a lot all things considered. The only reason I eventually chose Red over Blue, despite the longer queue, was because Blue was so laggy (bad server hardware?) for me most of the time. As a new player I would happily take the hit to my progress if a Green/Yellow server were brought up.

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I see...i'm not aware of Blue's queue as i've never tried to play there (i actually started there but i moved bcz my friends were on Red, i've no progress whatsoever).


I guess we will have to wait. If more people keep coming and coming maybe it's a good plan to introduce another server for both new and players and people who just wanna play without long queues.

Check my Mall!
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It's all well and good saying we need a third server, but the team have already stated that the cost to run the current ones is pretty high. They can't guarantee all of these people lead here through various means are going to stick around and buy coins to help fund the running cost or if they will get bored quickly and leave. Also, the new players may not want to change server due progress already made on the current ones.


Edit: I should have read further, literally everything I just said has already been posted in this thread :Nervous:

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