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Item maniac and high level areas in every region


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I will explain what i mean.


Item Maniac: I think a good idea may be put another brother in johto, just for have one in every region.


High level area: now, if you want to level up to 100 a Pokemon, your better (and only?) choice is Cerulean Cave. This place has wild Pokemon around level 60 and it's perfect.

My suggestion is to add a similar place also in the others region. Some ideas: a new valley placed after Lake of rage available with some requirement (like Cerulean cave), full of grass, water and flying poke, at the same level as Cerulean cave, maybe trainers and boss (your decision); a new area available from Mt. Chimney (as before, requirement), full of Fire, Electric and some Rock/Steel Pokemon, same of before.


I think it will help because when someone has to train high level pokemon, he loose interest in hoenn and specially in Johto. I know, there is Mt Silver.. but it's isolated, level round 50, and full of graveller/golbat (enough with them :Frown: ). I don't know if I'm the only one feeling this way, in that case this idea can just be ignored.


Also, this will add variability to the type of the high level pokemon. Some type are way too easy to level up (water poke), other are a lot harder/slower (ground/rock). This may help.


Thanks. :confused:

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I actually like the lake of rage idea. not bad at all. you see i've been thinking about how to use some underpopulated areas (such as slowpoke well recently), so this will be taken into consideration.


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209586 I actually like the lake of rage idea. not bad at all. you see i've been thinking about how to use some underpopulated areas (such as slowpoke well recently), so this will be taken into consideration.


Well to be honest johto seems pretty desert, speaking of players.

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