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Howdy All!

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Just thought I'd drop on in the forums and say hi and introduce myself. :Grin:


I just got started about a week ago, a friend introduced me to the game. I'm really enjoying it a lot and have already bought membership, it's just been that entertaining. :Cool:


I'm about done with the Kanto region and am looking forward to see how the rest of world looks.


And just as a plug, I stream on twitch as synorushima , and have just started streaming PRO.

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214902 Just thought I'd drop on in the forums and say hi and introduce myself.


I just got started about a week ago, a friend introduced me to the game. I'm really enjoying it a lot and have already bought membership, it's just been that entertaining.


I'm about done with the Kanto region and am looking forward to see how the rest of world looks.


And just as a plug, I stream on twitch as synorushima , and have just started streaming PRO.

Hey SynOrushima, welcome to PRO ! Enjoy your stay here ! :Crazy:










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Welcome to PRO. I hope you enjoy your stay and experience :Grin:

[CENTER][I]"Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is Alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange."[/I][/CENTER]
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